Grad student finds new asteroid crater in southern Alberta
Alberta grad student Wei Xie was not the first person to notice the strange terrain west of Bow City, Alta., but she is one of those credited with discovering a "relatively new" asteroid crater there, one that is nearly eight kilometres wide and 4800 kilometres deep. Read more
A Possible Buried Impact Structure Near Bow City, Alberta
In recent years, improved exploration techniques have resulted in the serendipitous discoveries of increasing numbers of extraterrestrial impact structures in sedimentary basins around the world. Following in this tradition, a new potential impact structure centred near 50.4 °N, 112.35 °N in SE Alberta has been identified. The first indications of this structure appeared in careful systematic mapping of Cretaceous age sediments using public domain well log information that showed overturned and missing components in what regionally is a simple layered stratigraphy. This motivated the examination of legacy 2D seismic profiles over the area that confirmed the stratigraphic anomalies and provided new details that further supported interpretation of a potential impact structure. Further, the existence of unexpected faults through the Cretaceous Bearpaw formation had been noted as early as the 1940's in the limited outcrop available in coulees, and these as well as other complex fault structures along the Bow River outcrops were confirmed in recent field visits to the site. The 2D seismic data displays a number of listric and rose-petal faulting consistent with late stage collapse of the impact crater. Further, a seismically transparent central uplift peak is visible. Based on the results, the structure is recognised as a complex crater with a diameter of approximately 8 kilometres and, today, bottoming at a depth of 900 meters from the current surface. Currently, the age of the feature is grossly estimated to be less than 70 my on the basis of underlying undisturbed seismic reflectors. Source
New Buried Asteroid Impact Crater Discovered in Canada
An extraterrestrial impact crater is hiding near a Canadian ghost town. Nearly 5 miles across and 3,000 feet deep, the stealth crater has lurked just west of Bow City, Alberta, for millions of years. Since the 1930s, some had suspected a bit of odd-looking, fragmented terrain in the area sat atop something bizarre. Turns out, there's a crater underneath. Read more