Title: Earth-grazing fireball on March 29, 2006 Authors: Abe, S.; Borovicka, J.; Spurny, P.; Koten, P.; Ceplecha, Z.; Tamagawa, T.; Meteor Network Team in JAPAN
A bright fireball of -8 absolute magnitude was observed at 11:24:07(UT) on 29 March 2006 from several stations, which lasted for about 30 seconds traveling about 1000 km over Japan. The observation was carried out using an automatic meteor detection software, UFOCapture, with high sensitivity CCD camera, Wat-100N, in video-rate recording, 30 frames per second. One of the stations obtained an excellent spectrum of this fireball. Moreover, an ultra wide-field telescope for monitoring GRB optical flashes also captured high resolution images. From the initial analysis, the orbit showed a possible Earth-grazing which entered the atmosphere almost tangentially. Through the first and second Earth-grazing fireballs observed on August 10 1972(Jacchia, 1974; Ceplecha, 1979) and on October 13 1990(Borovicka and Ceplecha, 1992), respectively, a special method for computing the eccentric trajectory was developed. From this solution, we will present the results of the Earth-grazing fireball orbit and its spectrum.