A strange rock discovered in Sibley County two years ago was recently confirmed a meteorite - and thats sparked a renewed interest in a rare rock found more than a 100 years ago near Henderson.
Rock found by Minnesota farmer is confirmed meteorite
A Sibley County farmer has confirmed that a rock he found two years ago is a rare meteorite. Bruce and Nelva Lillenthal recently took the 33 pound object to the curator of meteorites at the University of Minnesota in St. Paul. Read more
On April 9, 1894, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon a peculiar rumbling sound startled the people of Fisher in Polk County, in the Red River Valley, northwestern Minnesota. In July of the same year while making hay on a meadow in Sec. 23, R. 49, T. 150, a stone was found which had embedded itself in the sod a few inches from the force of its fall, the impact of the mass having also turned back the turf in all directions around it. There being no drift bowlders [sic] in the region on the surface, this was at once connected with the rumbling noise. On examination it proved to be a chondritic meteoric stone. Its weight was about 9.5 pounds and it was entirely covered with the usual black crust. Read more