Title: Remarkable Meteor (July 10, 1895) - Note by Professor William P. Blake Authors: William P. Blake and R. H. T.
About eight o'clock, railway time, in the evening of the 10th of July, a brilliant meteor of unusual magnitude passed over Northern Sonora, Mexico, in a general southwesterly direction from near the zenith to within about 15 of the horizon, where it suddenly disappeared. There was no accompanying sound or noise of a body rushing through the air, and after the disappearance of the meteor, presumably by explosion, an expected report or detonation was not heard until four or five minutes later, when there was a very heavy report, as if made by the explosion of a magazine or heavy ordnance, sufficient to shake the building and make the windows rattle. The interval between the sudden disappearance of the meteor and the report was so long that the time was not noted except by estimate, which placed it at five minutes. Using this as a factor in a calculation of the distance, this distance must have been sixty miles southwest of the point of observation at El Grupo, or about forty-five miles south of El Plomo, a village north and west of Altar.