Title: Preliminary Note on the Chico, New Mexico, Aerolite (CN=1042,365) Authors: Lapaz, L.
The meteorite, which weighs 231 pounds, is a chondrite notable for the extraordinary size of some of the chondri that it contains. The largest of these bodies so far found is in shape approximately an ellipsoid of three unequal axes of dimensions 57 x 44 x 26 mm. Since the density of this metal-rich chondrus is certainly in excess of the average density, 3.5, determined for the whole meteorite, its weight exceeds 20gm., ie one-fourth of a pound. As a result of numerous field surveys conducted by the Institute of Meteoritics in the Chico Hills region of northeastern New Mexico in an attempt to recover fragments of the great detonating fireball of 1951 March 6, 2:30 P.M., a considerable number of specimens belonging to meteorite falls of much earlier date have been found in this general area in the last three years.