Title: An interaction scenario of the galaxy pair NGC 3893/96 (KPG 302). A single passage? Author: R. F. Gabbasov, M. Rosado, J. Klapp
Using the data obtained previously from Fabry-Perot interferometry, we study the orbital characteristics of the interacting pair of galaxies KPG 302 with the aim to estimate a possible interaction history, the conditions necessary for the spiral arms formation and initial satellite mass. We found by performing N-body/SPH simulations of the interaction that a single passage can produce a grand design spiral pattern in less than 1 Gyr. Although we reproduce most of the features with the single passage, the required satellite to host mass ratio should be 1:5, which is not confirmed with the dynamical mass estimate made from the measured rotation curve. We conclude that a more realistic interaction scenario would require several passages in order to explain the mass ratio discrepancy.