Title: Star formation driven galactic winds in UGC 10043 Author: C. López-Cobá, S. F. Sánchez, A. V. Moiseev, D. V. Oparin, T. Bitsakis, I. Cruz-González, C. Morisset, L. Galbany, J. Bland-Hawthorn, M. M. Roth, R.-J. Dettmar, D. J. Bomans, R. M. González Delgado, M. Cano-Díaz, R. A. Marino, C. Kehrig, A. Monreal Ibero, V. Abril-Melgarejo
We study the galactic wind in the edge-on spiral galaxy UGC 10043 with the combination of the CALIFA integral field spectroscopy data, scanning Fabry-Perot interferometry (FPI), and multiband photometry. We detect ionized gas in the extraplanar regions reaching a relatively high distance, up to ~ 4 kpc above the galactic disk. The ionized gas line ratios ([N ii]/Ha, [S ii]/Ha and [O i]/Ha) present an enhancement along the semi minor axis, in contrast with the values found at the disk, where they are compatible with ionization due to H ii-regions. These differences, together with the biconic symmetry of the extra-planar ionized structure, makes UGC 10043 a clear candidate for a galaxy with gas outflows ioniSated by shocks. From the comparison of shock models with the observed line ratios, and the kinematics observed from the FPI data, we constrain the physical properties of the observed outflow. The data are compatible with a velocity increase of the gas along the extraplanar distances up to < 400 km/s and the preshock density decreasing in the same direction. We also observe a discrepancy in the SFR estimated based on Ha (0.36 Msun/yr ) and the estimated with the CIGALE code, being the latter 5 times larger. Nevertheless, this SFR is still not enough to drive the observed galactic wind if we do not take into account the filling factor. We stress that the combination of the three techniques of observation with models is a powerful tool to explore galactic winds in the Local Universe.