A new website, Why String Theory?, aims to tell the story of the theory's past, present, and (possible) future in a way that anyone can understand. Read more
Available for the first time online, Oxfords scholarly editions provide trustworthy, annotated texts of writing worth reading. Overseen by a prestigious editorial board, Oxford Scholarly Editions Online is a collection of these highly sought after editions, making them more accessible and searchable than ever before. The launch content on the site includes hundreds of poems, plays, and prose works, written by writers active between 1485 and 1660. Read more
NASA is planning its Mars Exploration Program in order to achieve high-priority science goals and address the challenges of sending humans to Mars, all within an environment of very constrained budgets. We're inviting the Mars exploration community and all interested people, regardless of educational or professional background, to engage in a conversation about the future of Mars exploration. Here's how: ASK: Great conversations start with great questions. Throughout June, pose questions related to the planning effort. Comment on, discuss, and offer answers to questions posed by others. Vote for those you feel are most important to be addressed. Read more
Astronomy on its own is a massive area of study, covering everything from the planets through solar systems and galaxies right out to the scales of the full Universe. Taken alone however astronomy cannot provide the full picture of how our Universe fits together into the fascinating entity we see before us today, it is but one piece in the puzzle of understanding the cosmos (admittedly a rather large one!). Read more
The categorisation of physics concepts is a highly ambiguous task. Majority of physical concepts can be attributed to several different categories. In our ScienceWISE ontology each concept can belong to only one category. Its relation to all other categories can be specified via semantic relations (is a model of, is observed in, is part of, etc.) Web link
The peer review process has a long-standing tradition in improving manuscript quality, in terms of correctness, reasoning, accuracy, balance ... However, it is not infallible, mainly because a single referee can miss out on some mistakes or can introduce some of his own. On the other hand, as students and scientists we all read papers daily, evaluate and judge them alone, with colleagues, and in journal clubs. Done by many people, some of which domain experts, this process is able to improve a paper's quality beyond what a single referee could achieve. If the joint wisdom of the community could be bundled. This is what PaperRater.org is all about. Read more
VHub is an online resource for collaboration in volcanology research and risk mitigation. VHub provides easy mechanisms for sharing tools to model volcanic processes and analyse volcano data, to share resources such as teaching materials and workshops, and to communicate with other members of the volcanology community and with members of the educational and stakeholder communities. Volcanologists can use VHub to collaborate with people around the world, and can have full control over the privacy of that collaboration. VHub is provided at no cost for users. Read more