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Post Info TOPIC: Topol/SS-25 Test


Posts: 131433
RE: Topol/SS-25 Test

29 Oct 2010 Flight test.
Russia has successfully tested an intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM RS-12M Topol by polygon Kura in Kamchatka. The country's Defence Ministry has reported that it hit the target on the testing ground in the far eastern region of Kamchatka.
The ICBM Topol the weapon is capable of bypassing the most advanced missile defence systems.



Posts: 131433

A test launch of a Topol (SS-25 Sickle) intercontinental ballistic missile was successfully carried out at the Plesetsk test site at 7:24 GMT (11:24 MST).
That the RS-12M missile successfully hit a target in the Kura test range in Kamchatka at 7:50 GMT (11:50 MST).
The Topol single-warhead ballistic missile became operational in 1985, and is to be retired over the next decade and be replaced by the Topol-M (SS-27 Sickle B) missile.

The RT-2PM is a Russian single-warhead ICBM. It was designed to be road mobile and is mounted on a heavy truck (MAZ-7310 or MAZ-7917). Development began in 1977, flight tests of the missile were conducted between 1983 and 1987.
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Posts: 131433

An RS-12M intercontinental ballistic missile was    successfully test launched by Russia's Strategic Missile Forces at  14:43 GMT, today.

"The launch of the ICBM RS-12M Topol was successfully conducted at 5:43 p.m. Moscow time on December 8 from the Kapustin Yar testing site in the Arkhangelsk Region" - Colonel Alexander Vovk.



Posts: 131433

The Strategic Rocket Forces conducted a successful test launch of a Topol/SS-25 missile from a mobile launcher at the Plesetsk test site at 9:10 MSK (05:10 UTC) on the 18th October, 2007. The missile successfully hit the target area in Kamchatka.
According to a Strategic Rocket Forces spokesperson the launch allowed the services to extend Topol's service life to 21 year.



Posts: 131433

The Russian military successfully test-launched an intercontinental ballistic missile on Thursday as part of work to extend the weapon's service life.
The Topol RS-12 missile was fired from the Plesetsk launch pad in northwestern Russia and hit its target on the Kura testing ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Far East, about 7,000 km east of Moscow.

"The missile was test-fired to confirm stability of its flight and technical parameters in order to lengthen its service life" - Maj. Gen. Vitaly Seliverstov, of the Strategic Rocket Forces.

The Topol missiles have been deployed by the Russian military since 1985. The missile has a maximum range of 10,000 km.
Earlier, Lt Gen. Vitaly Linnik, deputy commander of the Space Troops, said the Topol missiles would be in service until 2015.

Source: Xinhua



Posts: 131433

The Russian Rocket Forces successfully test launched a Topol/SS-25 missile from the Plesetsk test site toward the Kura test range in Kamchatka, at 13:38 Moscow time (09:38 UTC), 3rd August, 2006 .
The launch was to test the currently deployed Topol missiles. According to a Rocket Forces representative, the Rocket Forces may consider extending the service life of the Topol missiles to 23 years.
A successful test launch was carried out in November 2005.

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