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Post Info TOPIC: Sealand


Posts: 131433
Paddy Roy Bates (1921 - 2012)

In 1967, Roy Bates made himself prince of Sealand, an old British fort on a platform off the coast of England. Prince Roy ruled Sealand for four decades. Roy Bates died this week at 91.
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Posts: 131433
RE: Sealand

The latest update is that we’ve broken the $20.000 barrier! It’s amazing! Also, we’re hereby officially telling you all that we have to go for plan B - buying our own island and trying to claim it as our own nation. The Sealand goverment has not been answering e-mails lately and we take that as a sign of not being willing to discuss our venture.

We have a couple of islands we have our eyes set on. We will come back in a few days with which one we’re deciding on buying - and the price for it.

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Posts: 131433

Earlier this month, the people who run PirateBay.org announced plans to purchase the man-made island called Sealand. Michael Bates, Prince and heir to Sealand, said in a CBC interview that he has no intention of selling his micronation to any cause that violates international treaties. Oddly enough, Sealand was once home to nation founder Paddy Roy Bates’ pirate radio broadcasting operation.

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Posts: 131433

For sale: the world’s smallest country, complete with its own passports, currency, stamps and national football team. Uninterrupted sea views and complete privacy assured. Oh, and more wind than you will ever want. Offers in the region of eight-digit sums considered.
After 40 years, the owners of the Principality of Sealand have put it on the market. They hope that investors will be lured by the island’s setting and its status as a tax haven.

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The Principality of Sealand is a micronation that claims as its territory Roughs Tower as well as territorial waters in a twelve nautical mile radius. Roughs Tower is a former Maunsell Sea Fort located in the North Sea 10 km off the coast of Essex, UK.
HM Fort Roughs was constructed by the UK during World War II in 1942.
It is comprised of a floating pontoon base with a superstructure of two hollow towers joined by a deck . The location chosen was in international waters, outside the then three-mile territorial water claim of the UK.

Expand (33kb, 802 x 566)
Latitude: 51.90790N, Longitude: 1.45230E

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