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Post Info TOPIC: LHa115-N19


Posts: 131433
RE: LHa115-N19

The area, known as LHa115-N19 or N19 for short, in the Small Magellanic Cloud is filled with ionised hydrogen gas and it is where many massive stars are expelling dust and gas through stellar winds. When the X-ray are combined with the other wavelengths, researchers find evidence for the formation of a so-called superbubble.

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-- Edited by Blobrana at 16:35, 2008-01-12



Posts: 131433

Credit: NASA/CXC/UIUC/R.Williams et al.; Optical: NOAO/CTIO/MCELS coll.; Radio: ATCA/UIUC/R.Williams et al.
JPEG (343.8 kb) Tiff (7.8 MB) PS (2.8 MB)

At a distance of only 200,000 light years, the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) is one of the Milky Way's closest galactic neighbors. With its millions of stars, the SMC offers astronomers a chance to study phenomena across the stellar life cycle. In various regions of the SMC, massive stars and supernovas are creating expanding envelopes of dust and gas. Evidence for these structures is found in optical (red) and radio (green) data in this composite image.

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Position (J2000):      RA 00h 47m 17.00s | Dec -73º 08' 22.00"



Posts: 131433

A superbubble in space, caught in the act of forming, can help scientists better understand the life and death of massive stars, say researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Found within the Small Magellanic Cloud – a galactic neighbour of the Milky Way – the large region of ionised hydrogen gas is designated "LHa115-N19".

"(It) contains a number of massive stars and overlapping supernova remnants. We can tell there has been a fair amount of stellar activity going on" - Rosa Williams, an astronomer at the University of Illinois.

From birth to death, massive stars have a tremendous impact on their surroundings. While alive, these stars generate stellar winds that push away nearby gas and dust, forming low-density cavities inside expanding bubbles. When the stars die, shock waves from their death throes can enlarge those bubbles into huge supernova remnants.

"In N19, we have not one star, but a number of massive stars blowing bubbles and we have several supernova remnants. Some of these cavities may overlap with one another. Eventually, these bubbles could merge into one enormous cavity, called a superbubble" - Rosa Williams.

To identify the locations of massive stars, stellar-wind bubbles and supernova remnants in N19, Williams and colleagues combined optical images, X-ray data and spectroscopic measurements.

"We caught this particular region of N19 at a neat moment in time. The stars are just dispersed enough that their stellar winds and supernova blasts are working together, but have not yet carved out a full cavity. We are witnessing the birth of a superbubble" - Rosa Williams.

The behaviour of matter and energy within a superbubble has implications for the formation of planetary systems, said Williams, who will present her team's findings at the American Astronomical Society meeting in Seattle, on Tuesday (Jan. 9).
During its life and death, a massive star forges the heavy elements that enrich the interstellar medium and form planets.

"Our own solar system may have formed within the confines of a superbubble. Some people live pretty independently in isolated country houses, while others live in large cities that require a centralized structure. In N19, we are looking at a possible bridge between an individual star living its life and dying its death, and a community of stars, where living and dying affects other stars and planets, and creates a structure around them" - Williams, who uses an analogy with people to help explain her interest in superbubbles.

Source University of Illinois

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