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Post Info TOPIC: April 2007


Posts: 131433
RE: April 2007

The sun was shining brightly and T-shirts and shorts were standard dress at Fairview Mall Saturday morning.
In the parking lot outside of Chapters, members of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada's Niagara chapter congregated with their telescopes aimed directly at the ball of fire in the blue sky. As casual observers walked up to the telescopes in amazement, the RASC members were more than happy to show them what they were looking for as they celebrated International Astronomy Day.
The astronomical society, founded in 1890, is a group of 5,000 amateur and professional astronomers who share a passion for the sky and make contributions to astronomy in many ways. The Niagara group is one of 27 chapters and has been bringing astronomy to the citizens of Niagara since 1960.

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Posts: 131433

Venus is observable at dusk tonight.

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Posts: 131433
AstroFest 2007

If its April, that must mean its time for Exploration Places Spring Spaceout, also known as AstroFest 2007! Kansas largest celebration of National Astronomy Day is on Saturday, April 21 from 10am - 2pm, and is a packed fun-filled day of activities, demonstrations, special guest lectures, and digital space theatre shows for the whole family, celebrating the amazing world of astronomy, the planets, and space exploration.

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Posts: 131433
LPL Public Evening talk

No one has seen more of Mars in exquisite detail than have members of the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE).
That team is based at the University of Arizona Lunar and Planetary Laboratory, with UA Professor Alfred S. McEwen as principal investigator. The HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken more than 1,400 huge photographic swaths of the martian landscape since it began science operations last November. That's the largest amount of data from any single Mars experiment in history.
McEwen will share highlights from the first glut of HiRISE data at an LPL Public Evening talk Tuesday, April 24. The 7:30 p.m. talk, which will be in the Kuiper Space Sciences lecture hall (Room 308), is free and open to the public.

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Posts: 131433
RE: April 2007

Venus and the Crescent Moon

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Posts: 131433
Astronomy Day

Project to be discussed during Midland presentation for "Astronomy Day"
Astronomer Gary Hill tackles one of the biggest questions in all the sciences.
Actually, the question now looms as the largest one facing science today.

"It's essentially the fundamental question of what's the universe made of. Over the past decade, the astronomy community has been trying to measure how the universe has been expanding through time. They found out about seven years ago that it's actually accelerating. You don't expect the universe to accelerate unless something's pushing out. There are stars and matter in the universe, and the gravity of those is actually going to make the universe decelerate is what you expect" - Astronomer Gary Hill , who will speak at the Marian Blakemore Planetarium during Saturday's Astronomy Day events hosted by the Planetarium and the West Texas Astronomers.

Now that astronomers know the universe is "doing the contrary and accelerating" they have named the unknown force dark energy.

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Posts: 131433
RE: April 2007

In recent days, Ive been getting quite a few e-mails and answering a number of phone inquiries as to What is that bright light that is hanging in the sunset sky?
Typical of these is the e-mail I received from Dawn Maniglia of Bronxville, NY: One of my students was out walking in Manhattan Wednesday evening of last week and is sure she saw a UFO.  I told her I would e-mail you and ask if anything unusual was going on in the sky that night.  Is there anything that could explain her 'sighting'?
The UFO in question is the planet Venus.

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Posts: 131433

Take a 2-minute guided tour on where to look in the night sky for this month's stunning views.

See JPL video



Posts: 131433
Today is Cosmonautics Day.

 Yuri Gagarin was the first human to go into space on April 12th, 1961. The US Space Shuttle first launched on April 12th, 1981. Yuri's Night is like the St Patricks Day or Cinco de Mayo for space. It is one day when all the world can come together and celebrate the power and beauty of space and what it means for each of us. Join us!

"Circling the Earth in my orbital spaceship I marvelled at the beauty of our planet. People of the world, let us safeguard and enhance this beauty not destroy it!"

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Posts: 131433
RE: April 2007

Chris Mckay from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Thursday came to Sacramento State to give a presentation about Titan, one of Saturn's moons.
Gary Shoemaker, the chair of Astronomy and Physics, said Mckay comes to Sac State on a regular basis to keep people up to date on new things he has discovered or studied in the astronomy field.

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