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Post Info TOPIC: Taurus Molecular Cloud


Posts: 131433
Taurus Molecular Cloud

APEX Turns its Eye to Dark Clouds in Taurus


A new image from the APEX (Atacama Pathfinder Experiment) telescope in Chile shows a sinuous filament of cosmic dust more than ten light-years long. In it, newborn stars are hidden, and dense clouds of gas are on the verge of collapsing to form yet more stars. It is one of the regions of star formation closest to us. The cosmic dust grains are so cold that observations at wavelengths of around one millimetre, such as these made with the LABOCA camera on APEX, are needed to detect their faint glow.
The Taurus Molecular Cloud, in the constellation of Taurus (The Bull), lies about 450 light-years from Earth. This image shows two parts of a long, filamentary structure in this cloud, which are known as Barnard 211 and Barnard 213. Their names come from Edward Emerson Barnard's photographic atlas of the "dark markings of the sky", compiled in the early 20th century. In visible light, these regions appear as dark lanes, lacking in stars. Barnard correctly argued that this appearance was due to "obscuring matter in space".

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Posts: 131433

Title: SCUBA and Spitzer observations of the Taurus molecular cloud - pulling the bull's tail
Authors: D. Nutter, J. M. Kirk, D. Stamatellos, D. Ward-Thompson

We present continuum data from the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), and the Mid-Infrared Photometer for Spitzer (MIPS) on the Spitzer Space Telescope, at submillimetre and infrared wavelengths respectively. We study the Taurus molecular cloud 1 (TMC1), and in particular the region of the Taurus Molecular Ring (TMR). In the continuum data we see no real evidence for a ring, but rather we see one side of it only, appearing as a filament. We name the filament `the bull's tail'. The filament is seen in emission at 850, 450 and 160um, and in absorption at 70um. We compare the data with archive data from the Infra-Red Astronomical Satellite (IRAS) at 12, 25, 60, 100um, in which the filament is also seen in absorption. We find that the emission from the filament consists of two components: a narrow, cold (~8K), central core; and a broader, slightly warmer (~12K), shoulder of emission. We use a radiative transfer code to model the filament's appearance, either in emission or absorption, simultaneously at each of the different wavelengths. Our best fit model uses a Plummer-like density profile and a homogeneous interstellar dust grain population. Unlike previous work on a similar, but different filament in Taurus, we require no grain coagulation to explain our data.

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Posts: 131433

In a special feature published this week, Astronomy & Astrophysics presents the first round of results from a large project conducted with XMM-Newton, the XMM-Newton extended survey of the Taurus molecular cloud (XEST). Starting in 2003, this program has been conducted by an international team of nearly 30 astronomers led by Manuel Güdel (Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland).
The large molecular gas cloud in the constellation of Taurus is the nearest star formation region and a star formation test environment for expert theorists and observers alike. The XMM-Newton project has provided by far the most sensitive and comprehensive X-ray survey of this region, for the first time systematically detecting almost all young stars embedded in the cloud as X-ray sources, including many objects with the lowest mass, the so-called brown dwarfs, and stars still in the process of growing, the so-called protostars. These X-rays are thought to be emitted by very hot gas held together by magnetic fields just above the surface of the star, much like the case of the solar corona although with much more intense X-rays.

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Picture of the Taurus region showing the areas observed with XMM-Newton (large circles). The inset shows one of the X-ray images.
Credit: Image courtesy of Journal Astronomy & Astrophysics

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Posts: 131433

XMM-Newton has surveyed nearly two hundred stars under formation to reveal, contrary to expectations, how streams of matter fall onto the young stars magnetic atmospheres and radiate X-rays.
 The results defy astronomers expectations, as the streams of falling matter interact with the hot corona, cooling it, while the ejected streams of gas heat up in shocks as they are ejected from the star.
The new XMM-Newton results paint a dramatic picture of the role magnetic fields play in star formation.

Star formation is a battle between gravity and everything else - Manuel Guedel, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland, who leads a large project addressing magnetic activity in young stars within the constellation of Taurus.

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