The Alvin submersible dives on the New England Seamount chain found plentiful coral colonies of whip coral, parasol coral, and beautiful spiralling Iridogorgia. These coral collections are made up of hundreds of tiny polyps, arranged in precise geometric patterns.
An Underwater camera, designed to give scientists a better understanding of marine life, will be on display at the Oceans '07 conference in Aberdeen next week. The camera, known as eHolocam, can take 3D images of living organisms and particles without disrupting their natural environment. It is hoped that the eHolocam will help marine biologists gain a better understanding of the ocean and its influence on the environment. The camera has been developed by a research team at Aberdeen University, offshore technology company CDL Ltd and Elforlight of Daventry - developers of industrial lasers. Oceans '07 takes place at the AECC from June 18 to 21 and will see 500 oceanic scientists and engineers attend from 35 countries around the world.