Take a look at this Earth image on Google Maps:http://maps.google.com/?ie=UTF8&ll=41.717214,12.703671&spn=0.009834,0.019956&t=k&z=16&om=1Then take a look at this image:http://hirise-pds.lpl.arizona.edu/PDS/EXTRAS/RDR/PSP/ORB_003600_003699/PSP_003647_1745/PSP_003647_1745_RED.browse.jpgOk, now let's look at this "hole" with more detail:http://hiroc.lpl.arizona.edu/images/2007/details/cut/PSP_3647_1745_cut_b.jpgdo you see... thos little ISLANDS at the north?And, do you see how the "hole" is warmer at the end of night rather than in middle afternoon?http://www.lpi.usra.edu/meetings/lpsc2007/pdf/1371.pdfThis place is near a volcanic region, so wouldn't it be possible that some lava under some ice generated this lake?The PDF docs states this is Themis image 18315002 but I am not able to find the original image at Themis offical site. Any help?