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Posts: 131433
Blue straggler stars

Title: A Binary Origin for Blue Stragglers in Globular Clusters
Authors: Christian Knigge (University of Southampton), Nathan Leigh (McMaster University), Alison Sills (McMaster University)

Blue stragglers in globular clusters are abnormally massive stars that should have evolved off the stellar main sequence long ago. There are two known processes that can create these objects: direct stellar collisions and binary evolution. However, the relative importance of these processes has remained unclear. In particular, the total number of blue stragglers found in a given cluster does not seem to correlate with the predicted collision rate, providing indirect support for the binary-evolution model. Yet the radial distributions of blue stragglers in many clusters are bimodal, with a dominant central peak: this has been interpreted as an indication that collisions do dominate blue straggler production, at least in the high-density cluster cores. Here we report that there is a clear, but sublinear, correlation between the number of blue stragglers found in a cluster core and the total stellar mass contained within it. From this we conclude that most blue stragglers, even those found in cluster cores, come from binary systems. The parent binaries, however, may themselves have been affected by dynamical encounters. This may be the key to reconciling all of the seemingly conflicting results found to date.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Blue stragglers

Astronomers believe they have finally cracked the age-defying youthful looks of mysterious stars known as 'blue stragglers'.
There has not previously been any reason why overweight stars exist alongside their smaller neighbours.
But new research out in the journal Nature today reveals the answer to this problem: 'stellar cannibalism'.
Research part-funded by the UK's science and technology facilities council and carried out by astronomers at Southampton University and the McMaster University in Canada reveals the answers behind a long-standing mystery in stellar evolution.

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Posts: 131433

Astronomical researchers have discovered evidence that blue stragglers in globular clusters, whose existence has long puzzled astronomers, are the result of 'stellar cannibalism' in binary stars.
Dr Christian Knigge, Reader in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Southampton, Alison Sills, associate professor in physics and astronomy at McMaster University, and Nathan Leigh, PhD student in physics and astronomy at McMaster, will publish their findings in the journal Nature on Thursday 15 January.
Globular clusters are collections of about 100,000 stars, tightly bound by gravity, giving them a spherical shape. Blue stragglers are stars within these clusters that are more massive, and appear younger, than the bulk of their counterparts. This violates standard theories of stellar evolution, in which all stars in a cluster are born at the same time. Stars as massive as blue stragglers should have died long ago according to these theories, yet virtually every observed cluster contains some of these overweight stars.

"The origin of blue stragglers has been a long-standing mystery. The only thing that was clear is that at least two stars must be involved in the creation of every single blue straggler, because isolated stars this massive simply should not exist in these clusters" - Dr Christian Knigge, who led the study.

"We've known of these stellar anomalies for 55 years now. Over time two main theories have emerged: that blue stragglers were created through collisions with other stars; or that one star in a binary system was 'reborn' by pulling matter off its companion" - Professor Alison Sills.

The researchers looked at blue stragglers in 56 globular clusters. They examined the number of stars in each cluster and how that number scales with some key parameters of the cluster.
They found the total number of blue stragglers in a given cluster did not seem to correlate with the predicted collision rate - dispelling theory number one.
They did, however, discover a connection with the mass of the cluster core, and inferred a connection to the number of binary stars in a cluster core. This connection is supported by preliminary observations of binary stars in clusters, and points to 'stellar cannibalism' as the primary mechanism for blue straggler formation.

"This is the strongest and most direct evidence to date that most blue stragglers, even those found in the cluster cores, are the offspring of binary stars transferring matter. In our future work we will want to determine whether the binary parents of blue stragglers evolve mostly in isolation, or whether dynamical encounters with other stars in the clusters are required somewhere along the line in order to explain our results" - Dr Christian Knigge.

This discovery comes as the world celebrates the International Year of Astronomy in 2009.

Source University of Southampton



Posts: 131433
RE: Blue straggler stars

Title: Where the Blue Stragglers Roam: Searching for a Link Between Formation and Environment
Authors: Nathan Leigh, Alison Sills, Christian Knigge
(Version v2)

The formation of blue stragglers is still not completely understood, particularly the relationship between formation environment and mechanism. We use a large, homogeneous sample of blue stragglers in the cores of 57 globular clusters to investigate the relationships between blue straggler populations and their environments. We use a consistent definition of "blue straggler" based on position in the colour-magnitude diagram, and normalise the population relative to the number of red giant branch stars in the core. We find that the previously determined anti-correlation between blue straggler frequency and total cluster mass is present in the purely core population. We find some weak correlations with central velocity dispersion and with half-mass relaxation time. The blue straggler frequency does not show any trend with any other cluster parameter. Even though collisions may be expected to be a dominant blue straggler formation process in globular cluster cores, we find no correlation between the frequency of blue stragglers and the collision rate in the core. We also investigated the blue straggler luminosity function shape, and found no relationship between any cluster parameter and the distribution of blue stragglers in the colour-magnitude diagram. Our results are inconsistent with some recent models of blue straggler formation that include collisional formation mechanisms, and may suggest that almost all observed blue stragglers are formed in binary systems.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Blue Straggler Stars in the Unusual Globular Cluster NGC 6388
Authors: E. Dalessandro, B. Lanzoni, F.R. Ferraro, R.T. Rood, A. Milone, G. Piotto, E. Valenti

We have used multi-band high resolution HST WFPC2 and ACS observations combined with wide field ground-based observations to study the blue straggler star (BSS) population in the galactic globular cluster NGC 6388. As in several other clusters we have studied, the BSS distribution is found to be bimodal: highly peaked in the cluster centre, rapidly decreasing at intermediate radii, and rising again at larger radii. In other clusters the sparsely populated intermediate-radius region (or "zone of avoidance") corresponds well to that part of the cluster where dynamical friction would have caused the more massive BSS or their binary progenitors to settle to the cluster centre. Instead, in NGC 6388, BSS still populate a region that should have been cleaned out by dynamical friction effects, thus suggesting that dynamical friction is somehow less efficient than expected. As by-product of these observations, the peculiar morphology of the horizontal branch (HB) is also confirmed. In particular, within the (very extended) blue portion of the HB we are able to clearly characterize three sub-populations: ordinary blue HB stars, extreme HB stars, and blue hook stars. Each of these populations has a radial distribution which is indistinguishable from normal cluster stars.

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Posts: 131433

Title: The blue plume population in dwarf spheroidal galaxies: young stellar population or genuine blue stragglers?
Authors: Y. Momany, E. V. Held, I. Saviane, S. Zaggia, L. Rizzi, M. Gullieuszik

In the context of dwarf spheroidal galaxies it is hard to firmly disentangle a genuine Blue Stragglers (BSS) population from a normal young main (MS) sequence. This difficulty is persistent. For a sample of 9 non-star forming Local Group dwarf galaxies we compute the "BSS frequency" and compare it with that found in the Milky Way globular/open clusters and halo. The comparison shows that the BSS-frequency in dwarf galaxies, at any given Mv, is always higher than that in globular clusters of similar luminosities. Moreover, the estimated BSS-frequency for the lowest luminosity dwarf galaxies is in excellent agreement with that observed in the Milky Way halo and open clusters. We conclude that the low density, almost collision-less environment, of our dwarf galaxy sample point to their very low dynamical evolution and consequent negligible production of collisional BSS.

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Posts: 131433

Title: When Stars Collide
Authors: E. Glebbeek O. R. Pols

When two stars collide and merge they form a new star that can stand out against the background population in a starcluster as a blue straggler. In so called collision runaways many stars can merge and may form a very massive star that eventually forms an intermediate mass blackhole. We have performed detailed evolution calculations of merger remnants from collisions between main sequence stars, both for lower mass stars and higher mass stars. These stars can be significantly brighter than ordinary stars of the same mass due to their increased helium abundance. Simplified treatments ignoring this effect give incorrect predictions for the collision product lifetime and evolution in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Building Blue Stragglers with Stellar Collisions
Authors: E. Glebbeek, O. R. Pols

The evolution of stellar collision products in cluster simulations has usually been modelled using simplified prescriptions. Such prescriptions either replace the collision product with an (evolved) main sequence star, or assume that the collision product was completely mixed during the collision.
It is known from hydrodynamical simulations of stellar collisions that collision products are not completely mixed, however. We have calculated the evolution of stellar collision products and find that they are brighter than normal main sequence stars of the same mass, but not as blue as models that assume that the collision product was fully mixed during the collision.

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Posts: 131433

Title: Blue straggler stars in dwarf spheroidal galaxies
Authors: M. Mapelli (1), E. Ripamonti (2), E. Tolstoy (2), S. Sigurdsson (3), M. J. Irwin (4), G. Battaglia (2) ((1) University of Zürich, (2) Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, (3) Pennsylvania State University, (4) Royal Greenwich Observatory)

Blue straggler star (BSS) candidates have been observed in all old dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), however whether or not they are authentic BSSs or young stars has been a point of debate. To both address this issue and obtain a better understanding of the formation of BSSs in different environments we have analysed a sample of BSS candidates in two nearby Galactic dSphs, Draco and Ursa Minor. We have determined their radial and luminosity distributions from wide field multi-colour imaging data extending beyond the tidal radii of both galaxies.
BSS candidates are uniformly distributed through the host galaxy, whereas a young population is expected to show a more clumpy distribution. Furthermore, the observed radial distribution of BSSs, normalised to both red giant branch (RGB) and horizontal branch (HB) stars, is almost flat, with a slight decrease towards the centre. Such a distribution is at odds with the predictions for a young stellar population, which should be more concentrated. Instead, it is consistent with model predictions for BSS formation by mass transfer in binaries (MT-BSSs). Such results, although not decisive, suggest that these candidates are indeed BSSs and that MT-BSSs form in the same way in Draco and Ursa Minor as in globular clusters. This favours the conclusion that Draco and Ursa Minor are truly "fossil" galaxies, where star formation ceased completely more than 8 billion years ago.

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