Title: Searching for tau neutrinos with Cherenkov telescopes Author: D. Gora, E. Bernardini, A. Kappes
Cherenkov telescopes have the capability of detecting high energy tau neutrinos in the energy range of 1--1000 PeV by searching for very inclined showers. If a tau lepton, produced by a tau neutrino, escapes from the Earth or a mountain, it will decay and initiate a shower in the air which can be detected by an air shower fluorescence or Cherenkov telescope. In this paper, we present detailed Monte Carlo simulations of corresponding event rates for the VERITAS and two proposed Cherenkov Telescope Array sites: Meteor Crater and Yavapai Ranch, which use representative AGN neutrino flux models and take into account topographic conditions of the detector sites. The calculated neutrino sensitivities depend on the observation time and the shape of the energy spectrum, but in some cases are comparable or even better than corresponding neutrino sensitivities of the IceCube detector. For VERITAS and the considered Cherenkov Telescope Array sites the expected neutrino sensitivities are up to factor 3 higher than for the MAGIC site because of the presence of surrounding mountains.
Title: On the Use of Cherenkov Telescopes for Outer Solar System Body Occultations Author: Brian C. Lacki
Imaging Atmosphere Cherenkov Telescopes (IACT) are arrays of very large optical telescopes that are well-suited for rapid photometry of bright sources. I investigate their potential in observing stellar occultations by small objects in the outer Solar System, Transjovian Objects (TJOs). These occultations cast diffraction patterns on the Earth. Current IACT arrays are capable of detecting objects smaller than 100 meters in radius in the Kuiper Belt and 1 km radius out to 5000 AU. The future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will have even greater capabilities. Because the arrays include several telescopes, they can potentially measure the speeds of TJOs without degeneracies, and the sizes of the TJOs and background stars. I estimate the achievable precision using a Fisher matrix analysis. With CTA, the precisions of these parameter estimations will be as good as a few percent. I consider how often IACTs can observe occultations by members of different TJO populations, including Centaurs, Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), Oort cloud objects, and satellites and Trojans of Uranus and Neptune. The great sensitivity of IACT arrays means that they likely detect KBO occultations once every O(10) hours when looking near the ecliptic. IACTs can also set useful limits on many other TJO populations.
Title: Cherenkov Flashes and Fluorescence Flares on Telescopes: New lights on UHECR Spectroscopy while unveiling Neutrinos Astronomy Authors: D. Fargion, P.Oliva, F. Massa, G. Moreno
Cherenkov Telescopes (as Magic, Hess and Veritas), while pointing horizontally should reveal also the fluorescence flare tails of nearby down-going air-showers. Such air-showers, born at higher (tens km) altitudes, are growing and extending up to lowest atmospheres (EeVs) or up to higher (few km) quotas (PeVs). Viceversa, as it has been foreseen and only recently observed, the opposite takes place. Fluorescence Telescopes made for UHECR detection may be blazed by inclined Cherenkov lights. The geomagnetic splitting may tag the energy as well as the inclined shower footprint as seen in a recent peculiar event in AUGER. Additional stereoscopic detection may define the event origination distance and its consequent primary composition, extending our understanding on UHECR composition, while unveiling a novel tau Neutrino Astronomy.