The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency has confirmed that they will carry out the launch of the KIZUNA (WINDS) satellite aboard the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 14 (H-IIA F14) on February 23, 2008. The launch time has been set between 4:20 and 5:55 (JST.)
Based on the work progress of the replacement parts, JAXA have re-scheduled the earliest launch date of KIZUNA to February 23rd. JAXA will announce the exact launch date as soon as it is determined.
A Japanese H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 14 (H-IIA F14, in 2024 configuration) is to launch the Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite "KIZUNA" (WINDS) for JAXA, from the Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the Tanegashima Space Centre in Japan. The launch, originally scheduled for February 15, 2008, was postponed by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency as an incompatibility was found, with the gas jet thrusters for the second stage attitude control, during propellant loading operations carried out last night. The H-2A will launch with two large solid rocket boosters and four smaller motors. A new launch date will be announced when it is determined.
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) have announced that the launch of the H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 14 (H-IIA F14) with the super high-speed Internet satellite "KIZUNA" (Wideband InterNetworking engineering test and Demonstration Satellite, WINDS) onboard was approved by the Space Activities Commission (SAC) as follows.
Scheduled date of launch: February 15 (Friday), 2008 (Japan Standard Time, JST) Launch time: Between 4:27 and 4:39 p.m. (JST)
Launch windows: February 16 (Sat), 2008 (JST), and February 18 (Mon) through 28 (Thu), 2008 (JST) (Launch time will be set for each day.)