Last week at the Space Weather Workshop in Boulder, Colorado, NASA released a 4D live model of the Earth's ionosphere. Without leaving home, anyone can fly through the layer of ionised gas that encircles Earth at the edge of space itself.
NASA-funded researchers released to the general public a new "4D" live model of Earth's ionosphere. Without leaving home, anyone can fly through the layer of ionised gas that encircles Earth at the edge of space itself. All that's required is a connection to the Internet. Read more
Educators soon may be able take the "learning can be fun" adage to another level using computer-simulation games with new technologies created by NASA and a yet-to-be-selected game developer. NASA Learning Technologies sponsored a workshop today to present its concept of delivering NASA content through a Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) educational game to interested development partners. Designed to enhance learning in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), such an online educational game would draw players into a synthetic environment that can serve as a powerful "hands-on" tool for teaching a range of complex subjects.
NASA wants to do more than just seek new worlds, it wants to create one. The day after Valentines Day, the space agency hopes to receive a pile of five-page proposals detailing how it should go about creating a synthetic online world and a multiplayer game within it. The goal is to lure more youngsters into science, technology, engineering and math professions that NASA needs to achieve its lofty plan to return to the Moon and to build a spacecraft to carry humans to Mars.
The US space agency is exploring the possibility of developing a massively multiplayer online (MMO) game. The virtual world would be aimed at students and would "simulate real Nasa engineering and science missions". The agency has published a "request for information" (RFI) from organisations interested in developing the platform. Nasa believe the game would help find the next generation of scientists and engineers needed to fulfil its "vision for space exploration".
When Stanford computer scientist Vladlen Koltun decided to build a better virtual world, he began with 3-D treesmillions of them. Now he wants to give them away. Trees, like almost all objects in virtual worlds, whether in video games or Internet social communities like World of Warcraft or Second Life, are enormously difficult and expensive to build.
"There is a very, very tiny community of people around the world who are skilled at creating three-dimensional objects. And they are the ones who do it all. Which is one of the reasons why you don't see three-dimensional content on the web; because nobody can create it" - Vladlen Koltun.