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Post Info TOPIC: Radivoje Lajic meteorites


Posts: 131433
RE: Radivoje Lajic meteorites

A man whose house has been hit by meteorites six times believes he is being targeted by aliens.

Mr Radivoke Lajic, who lives in the village of Gornji Lajici in northern Bosnia, near Prijedor, said that the meteorite strikes always happen when it is raining.
The first meteorite struck his house in November 2007.
Scientists at Belgrade University have confirmed that the rocks are all meteorites.

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Posts: 131433
Meteorites hit house

Meteore gli colpiscono casa e pensa a complotto alieno
La fortuna sarà pure cieca ma la sfiga ci vede e pure bene. Un bosniaco di Gornja Lamovite, cittadina nel nord del Paese, ritiene di essere vittima dei dispetti degli alieni. Negli ultimi anni, infatti, la sua casa è stata colpita e danneggiata dai meteoriti in cinque diverse occasioni.

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A Bosnian man claims his home has been hit five times by meteorites.
Radivoje Lajic claims he is being targeted by aliens and has reinforced his roof in Gornja Lamovite with a steel girder.

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Posts: 131433
Radivoje Lajic meteorites

A Bosnian man whose home has been hit an incredible five times by meteorites believes he is being targeted by aliens.
Experts at Belgrade University have confirmed that all the rocks Radivoje Lajic has handed over were meteorites.

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