Title: The origin of the high-velocity cloud complex C Author: F. Fraternali, A. Marasco, L. Armillotta, F. Marinacci
High-velocity clouds consist of cold gas that appears to be raining down from the halo to the disc of the Milky Way. Over the past fifty years, two competing scenarios have attributed their origin either to gas accretion from outside the Galaxy or to circulation of gas from the Galactic disc powered by supernova feedback (galactic fountain). Here we show that both mechanisms are simultaneously at work. We use a new galactic fountain model combined with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. We focus on the prototypical cloud complex C and show that it was produced by an explosion that occurred in the Cygnus-Outer spiral arm about 150 million years ago. The ejected material has triggered the condensation of a large portion of the circumgalactic medium and caused its subsequent accretion onto the disc. This fountain-driven cooling of the lower Galactic corona provides the low-metallicity gas required by chemical evolution models of the Milky Way's disc.
Title: An Accurate Distance to High-Velocity Cloud Complex C Authors: C. Thom, J.E.G. Peek, M.E. Putman, Carl Heiles, K.M.G. Peek, R. Wilhelm (Version v2)
We report an accurate distance of d = 10+/-2.5kpc to the high-velocity cloud Complex C. Using high signal-to-noise Keck/HIRES spectra of two horizontal-branch stars, we have detected CaII K absorption lines from the cloud. Significant non-detections toward a further 3 stars yield robust lower distance limits. The resulting HI mass of Complex C is 4.9^{+2.8}_{-2.2} x 10^6 Msun; a total mass of 8.2^{+4.6}_{-2.6} x 10^6 Msun is implied, after corrections for helium and ionisation. At 10kpc, Complex C has physical dimensions 3x15 kpc, and if it is as thick as it is wide, then the average density is log<n> ~ -2.5. We estimate the contribution of Complex C to the mass influx may be as high as ~0.14 Msun/yr.