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TOPIC: Weird story for today


Posts: 131433
Unicorn hoax

Amateur video depicting what could be one of the most elusive legendary creatures, the unicorn, has been captured on film by a Toronto resident, reports the Ontario Science Centre.
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Posts: 131433
RE: Weird story for today

Not that weird

Our society is obsessed with the supernatural. Each week, we read about visits from outer space or some type of strange circles in somebody's wheat field.
This fascination with the unknown must be a recent phenomenon. Nobody worried about that kind of stuff when I was a kid. We had bigger things to worry about.
If someone told my father there was a hole in his bean field or a goat on the hen house, he didn't think about extra-terrestrials or get excited and call the police.

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Posts: 131433

See Horse-boy here



Posts: 131433

A man wearing a horse's head has been captured on Google Earth's Street View of the Hardgate area of Aberdeen.

Image from 14 Hardgate, Aberdeen.

-- Edited by Blobrana on Thursday 24th of June 2010 01:18:21 PM



Posts: 131433

Dancing mania (or choreomania) was a social phenomenon that occurred primarily in mainland Europe between the 14th and 18th centuries; it involved groups of people, sometimes thousands at a time, who danced uncontrollably and bizarrely. Men, women, and children would dance through the streets of towns or cities, sometimes foaming at the mouth until they collapsed from fatigue.
One of the first major outbreaks was in Aachen, Germany, on June 24, 1374; the populace danced wildly through the streets, screaming of visions and hallucinations, and even continued to writhe and twist after they were too exhausted to stand.

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Posts: 131433

Russia has never been immune to spies and informers, but the latest claim must have struck President Medvedev as a little bizarre: he has been urged to investigate whether a regional politician passed official secrets to a group of aliens.
The request came after Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the millionaire President of Kalmykia, claimed on state television that he had been visited by aliens at his Moscow apartment several years ago and had spent hours in discussions with them on board their spaceship.

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Posts: 131433

Cologne - Pillow Fight Day 2010



Posts: 131433

El-Husseini says this dynamic--along with dehydration of ecosystems resulting from chemtrails--accounts for the increased occurrences of forest fires, as seen in northern Australia in 2008, and California and Greece last year. It also explains local farmers being struck by lightning while out in open fields in the last two years. Regarding the latter, el-Husseini has collected front-page newspaper clippings of these freak occurrences. Among other reports, Al Ahram's educational supplement reported on the death of three farmers in Beheira on 14 April, 2007, a seasonally unlikely time for lightning, and on 18 May, 2009 Al-Masry Al-Youm reported on the death of a farmer in Sohag by a "fire from the sky," explained by one meteorologist in the article as a "meteorite."
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Posts: 131433

Police in the US state of New Jersey have ordered a family to cover up their snow sculpture of the famous nude Venus de Milo after a neighbour complained.
Eliza Gonzalez sculpted the snow-woman with her son and daughter on her front lawn in Rahway following a snowstorm.

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Posts: 131433

Mastermind's lowest-ever score

A Mastermind contestant has set a record low score after getting only five points in last Friday's show - the worst result in the 37-year run of the BBC Two quiz show.
Kajen Thuraaisingham failed to impress when answering questions on his specialist subject - the life of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, the founder of modern Turkey.

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