Title: The Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna Ultra-high Energy Neutrino Detector Design, Performance, and Sensitivity for 2006-2007 Balloon Flight Authors: ANITA collaboration: P. Gorham (1), P. Allison (1), S. Barwick (2), J. Beatty (3), D. Besson (4), W. Binns (5), C. Chen (6), P. Chen (6,13), J. Clem (7), A. Connolly (8), P. Dowkontt (5), M. DuVernois (10), R. Field (6), D. Goldstein (2), A. Goodhue (9), C. Hast (6), C. Hebert (1), S. Hoover (9), M. Israel (5), J. Kowalski (1), J. Learned (1), K. Liewer (11), J. Link (1,13), E. Lusczek (10), S. Matsuno (1), B. Mercurio (3), C. Miki (1), P. Miocinovic (1), J. Nam (2,12), C. Naudet (11), R. Nichol (8), K. Palladino (3), K. Reil (6), A. Romero-Wolf (1), M. Rosen (1), L. Ruckman (1), D. Saltzberg (9), D. Seckel (7), G. Varner (1), D. Walz (6), Y. Wang (12), F. Wu (2) ((1) Univ. Hawaii,(2) UC Irvine, (3) Ohio State Univ., (4) Univ. of Kansas, (5) Wash. Univ. St. Louis, (6) SLAC, (7) Univ. of Delaware, (8) Univ. College London, UK, (9) UCLA, (10) Univ. of Minnesota, (11) NASA/JPL, (12) National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, (13) NASA/Goddard.)
We present a detailed report on the experimental details of the Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna (ANITA) long duration balloon payload, including the design philosophy and realisation, physics simulations, performance of the instrument during its first Antarctic flight completed in January of 2007, and expectations for the limiting neutrino detection sensitivity. Neutrino physics results will be reported separately.