A new infrared mosaic from the Spitzer Space Telescope offers a stunning view of the stellar hustle and bustle that takes place at our Milky Way galaxy's centre. The picture shows throngs of mostly old stars, on the order of hundreds of thousands, amid fantastically detailed clouds of glowing dust lit up by younger, massive stars.
Features within the new mosaic include dust clouds of a dizzying variety, such as glowing filaments, wind-blown lobes flapping outward from the plane of the galaxy, and finger-like pillars. The Spitzer image also shows newborn stars just beginning to break out of their dark and dusty cocoons and exquisitely detailed dark clouds so dense they are opaque even in infrared wavelengths. Some of these features are located near the physical centre of our galaxy, while others lie closer to Earth.
Expand (280kb, 900 x 720) This dazzling infrared image from the Spitzer Space Telescope shows hundreds of thousands of stars crowded into the swirling core of our spiral Milky Way galaxy. In visible-light pictures, this region cannot be seen at all because dust lying between Earth and the galactic centre blocks our view.
In this false-colour picture, old and cool stars are blue, while dust features lit up by blazing hot, massive stars are shown in a reddish hue. Both bright and dark filamentary clouds can be seen, many of which harbour stellar nurseries. The plane of the Milky Way's flat disk is apparent as the main, horizontal band of clouds. The brightest white spot in the middle is the very centre of the galaxy, which also marks the site of a supermassive black hole.
The region pictured here is immense, with a horizontal span of 890 light-years and a vertical span of 640 light-years. Earth is located 26,000 light-years away, out in one of the Milky Way's spiral arms. Though most of the objects seen in this image are located at the galactic centre, the features above and below the galactic plane tend to lie closer to Earth.
Scientists are intrigued by the giant lobes of dust extending away from the plane of the galaxy. They believe the lobes may have been formed by winds from massive stars. This image is a mosaic of thousands of short exposures taken by Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), showing emissions from wavelengths of 3.6 microns (blue), 4.5 microns (green), 5.8 microns (orange), and 8.0 microns (red). The entire region was imaged in less than 16 hours.
The Perseus spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy has a radius of 10.7 ± 1.0 kpc. The arm is located between the Cygnus Arm (Outer Arm) and the Orion Arm (Local Arm). It has been speculated that the Local Arm, that the sun resides in, might be a branch of Perseus. The arm is named after its proximity to the Perseus constellation.
Members of the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) team, have used the Spitzer infrared space telescope to look at the dust-drenched plane of our galaxy. When they did this, the galaxy's obscuring clouds of gas and dust became transparent, revealing approximately 100 new star clusters, each containing tens to hundreds of stars.
According to lead investigator Emily Mercer, a graduate student at Boston University, Mass., the new clusters will tell astronomers a great deal about the structure of the Milky Way and star formation within the galaxy.
"These little guys were quite hard to find. The discovery required sophisticated computer sifting of GLIMPSE data and careful inspection of the Spitzer images" - Emily Mercer.
In the past, our galaxy wasn't so quick to give up its stellar secrets. Because we sit inside its flat, spiral disk, most of the galaxy appears as a thick blurry band of light that stretches across the sky. Many of the stars in this galactic plane cannot be detected with visible-light or ultraviolet telescopes. That's because the cool clouds of dust and gas that hover around the galaxy's centre and make up galactic spiral arms block their starlight from our view. Two-thirds of the new star clusters were discovered through a computer method developed by Mercer and her advisor, Dr. Dan Clemens, also of Boston University. They used an algorithm to automatically sift through the GLIMPSE data for clusters. The rest were found using the traditional method of visually scrutinizing images for star clusters.
New star cluster in the constellation Aquila. The new cluster is seen in the centre of the red nebula, or star-forming cloud, as the grouping of small blue, yellow, and green stars. The wisps of red are organic molecules within the dust which have been illuminated by nearby star formation. Green indicates the presence of hot hydrogen gas. Blue predominantly reveals older stars. The bright white arc located to the lower left side of the central star cluster shows the area where a massive star is forming.
Expand (282kb, 786 x 786) The picture is a 4-channel false-colour composite, showing emission from wavelengths of 3.6 microns (blue), 4.5 microns (green), 5.8 microns (orange) and 8.0 microns (red).
Mercer also found that there are nearly twice as many star clusters in the southern galactic plane, the portion of the galactic plane visible from the Earth's Southern Hemisphere, as in the northern galactic plane. She suspects that this observation may help astronomers map the location of the Milky Way's spiral arms.
"Emily has done a great job. Her computer method for finding clusters has proved to be the most successful automated effort to date" - Dr. Dan Clemens.
Both Clemens and Mercer are members of the multi-institutional GLIMPSE team, which is led by Dr. Edward Churchwell of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. The group was selected to survey the galactic plane with Spitzer's infrared array camera in November 2000 as part of Spitzer's Legacy program. So far, more than 30 million stars in the inner Milky Way have already been catalogued by GLIMPSE, and the team expects to identify more than 50 million stars by the end of the project.
"By making the galactic plane transparent, Spitzer opens a new door for astronomers to study the Milky Way. Some of the most interesting science likely to come out of this project will be serendipitous discoveries, which will open up entirely new avenues of inquiry" - Edward Churchwell.
Title: The Distance to the Perseus Spiral Arm in the Milky Way Authors: Y. Xu (NJU, Cfa, Shao), M. J. Reid (CfA), X. W. Zheng (NJU), K. M. Menten (MPIfR)
Researchers have measured the distance to the massive star-forming region W3OH in the Perseus spiral arm of the Milky Way to be 1.953 ±0.04 kilo-parsecs (5.86 x 10^16 km). This distance was determined by triangulation, with the Earth's orbit as one segment of a triangle, using the Very Long Baseline Array. This resolves a long-standing problem of a factor of two discrepancy between different techniques to determine distances. The reason for the discrepancy is that this portion of the Perseus arm has anomalous motions. The orientation of the anomalous motion agrees with spiral density-wave theory, but the magnitude is somewhat larger than most models predict.
New research has produced the most accurate distance measurement ever made of the Milky Way's Perseus spiral arm. The Perseus spiral arm has been found to be twice as close to Earth as some previous estimates had suggested. The Milky Way is made up of four main arms .
"However, our view from the interior makes it difficult to determine its spiral structure" - Ye Xu, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in China.
Measuring the distance to the spiral arms can be particularly tricky. This is because astronomers can only measure the speed of an astronomical object in terms of how fast it is moving towards or away from the Earth. Comparing this speed to theoretical models, which assume the objects travel on circular paths around the centre of the galaxy, allows astronomers to deduce the object's distance from Earth. Using this technique astronomers had previously estimated the distance to Perseus at more than 13,000 light years. But other researchers using a method that compares the apparent brightness of massive, young stars with estimates of their intrinsic brightness, arrived at half that distance.
The new technique - 100 times more accurate than the other two - has shown that the Perseus arm is just 6400 light years from Earth.
Ye Xu used the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA), a system of 10 radio dishes - each spanning 25 metres - that are scattered from Hawaii to the Caribbean Sea.
They focused on a star-forming region called W3OH inside the Perseus arm. Bright, young stars in the region heat methanol vapour in gas clouds around them, which in turn emits radio waves in what are called "masers". Over the course of a year the team tracked the masers at five intervals , and determined their distance by "triangulating" their observed positions from different points along Earth's orbit, with an accuracy of 10 micro-arcseconds.
Position(2000): RA = 02 27 03.8192 Dec = 61 52 25.230.
"We used our changing vantage point to form one leg of a triangle. Then, measuring the change in angle of the source as the Earth orbits the Sun, we can calculate the source's distance by simple trigonometry." - Mark Reid, astronomer at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Massachusetts, US.
W3OH is at a distance of 1.953 ±0.04 kpc. This resolves a long-standing difference between kinematic distances (about 4 kpc) and O-star luminosity distances (about 2.2 kpc) to this region of the Perseus arm. The O-star luminosity distances are correct and this region is strongly kinematically anomalous. They found that W3OH is not moving in a perfectly circular orbit but instead follows an elliptical path, as if drawn along the Perseus spiral arm.
"It seems to be indicating that the spiral arms may have a higher density than previously guessed. We hope to use such data to better understand how spiral arms form" - Mark Reid.
The proper motion of W3OH, relative to extragalactic sources, is a peculiar motion of 22~km/s directed inward and counter to Galactic rotation. This is in qualitative agreement with spiral density wave theory.
The team will now use the VLBA to measure the distances to a dozen star-forming regions spread across several of the Milky Way's spiral arms.
How many stars are currently forming in our Milky Way galaxy? How many of them are high-mass stars? These are questions a team of international astronomers will attempt to answer in a 417-hour galactic survey called MIPSGAL. Data from the project's first 200 hours of observations were just recently released to the astronomical community.
In all, the project will use Spitzer to map approximately 220 degrees of the sky (equivalent to 440 full moons lined up side-by-side). It requires the largest single use of Spitzer's Multiband Imaging Photometer (MIPS) ever.
Expand (54kb, 900 x 264) The area to be surveyed by MIPSGAL as seen in 1996 by the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX). Credit: NASA/IPAC/MSX
Because the project demands such large consecutive amounts of time, its allotment was broken into two separate observations. The first 200 hours began on September 27, 2005 and took fourteen solid days to complete. During this time, the team surveyed the part of the galactic plane, commonly known as the Milky Way, that is visible from Earth's northern hemisphere at night. Spitzer will observe the galactic plane as seen from the southern hemisphere in April 2006.
The MIPS instrument is vital to astronomers studying star formation because it represents Spitzer's far-infrared eye. Because dust heats up and shines in the far-infrared as material condenses to form a star, MIPS allows astronomers to detect embryonic stars before they can otherwise be seen.
The survey data will provide a snapshot of the youngest and largest stars forming in the Milky Way. High-mass stars are ten or more times larger than our own sun and their presence "drives the evolution of the Galaxy," says Dr. Sean Carey, MIPSGAL's principal investigator.
The project is named MIPSGAL because it uses MIPS to scan the Galactic plane. It was inspired by data collected in MIPS' first year of observation and the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) Legacy project, which surveys roughly the same area of the Milky Way's disk with Spitzer's Infrared Array Camera (IRAC), using shorter infrared wavelengths.
In reviewing MIPS and GLIMPSE data, Carey says MIPSGAL became "an obvious project to do."
"Writing this proposal was like writing a good book. The science potential was so compelling, it practically wrote itself. By combining this new data with the information collected by GLIMPSE, astronomers will have a more precise knowledge of star formation in our own galaxy"- Dr. Sean Carey
The first survey of the entire northern Milky Way for forty years is shedding fresh light on the life-cycle of stars in our astronomical backyard.
The survey, which publishes its initial findings today in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, uses the latest high resolution instruments to seek out stars and nebulae in the early and late phases of their evolution, stages that are rarely observed because they are so short-lived.
"These are crucial evolutionary stages in the growth and death of planetary systems, and many of the major unsolved problems in stellar evolution are to do with the fact that we have had relatively few examples to work with. The last time the northern Milky Way was searched in a concerted way was the 1960s, using much smaller telescopes and now obsolete detection methods. This new survey has the potential to greatly expand our understanding of how our own Solar System came to be and what it will become" - Professor Janet Drew, Department of Physics at Imperial College London, lead researcher.
The UK, Dutch and Spanish team is using the 2.5 metre Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) to detect stars and bodies of gas that emit strongly at the wavelength of red light called H alpha. H alpha is emitted by excited atoms of hydrogen, allowing scientists to pick out both young, potential planet-building systems and old objects that will soon become compact white dwarfs or supernova explosions. These are particularly important in understanding the evolution of galaxies, since youthful stars help to shape the growth of planetary systems while those in old age recycle energy and chemically enriched matter back into the galactic environment as they collapse.
The new survey reaches beyond the sun's orbit around the centre of the Milky Way to a radius of 30 kiloparsecs (kpc) around 90,000 light years. Currently almost nothing is known about the star populations beyond a distance of about 15 kpc.
The Hα emitting stars survey began in 2002. It started with exploitation of the AAO/UK Schmidt Hα photographic survey of the southern Galactic plane: this was comprehensive in scope, combining complete coverage of a 20-degree wide latitude band with high sensitivity and high spatial resolution (down to about 1 arcsec). In collaboration with Australian astronomers and fellow UK astronomers the researchers have embarked on a follow-up spectroscopic survey aimed at identifying and classifying Hα emission line point sources, picked up in the imaging, across the entire southern Galactic plane down to a limiting red magnitude of about 19.5. By going 6-7 magnitudes deeper than the last generation of Hα surveys, this has the potential to increase the number of known Hα point sources (either stars or compact nebulae) in the Galaxy by a factor of 10 or more. Encouraged by early experiences in that venture, Professor Janet Drew led, IPHAS, a UK/Spain/Netherlands collaboration that has begun a CCD/photometric survey of the northern Galactic plane, using the Wide Field Camera mounted on the Isaac Newton Telescope in La Palma. First observations were made in the north between August and December 2003.
"At the moment, very little is known about the far reaches of the Milky Way's disc there's still uncertainty in its spiral arm structure, and we don't really know where the stars run out. Recent technical developments, which have boosted both the efficiency of large-scale astronomical surveys and their quality in a major way, mean we now have the opportunity to survey the galaxy we live in at hugely improved sensitivity" - Professor Janet Drew.
The team expects to complete its observations in late 2006 with a total of around 80 million objects catalogued. See More
In an article to be published in the Astrophysical Journal, Bélanger et al. present the results of a detailed analysis of approximately 1900 hours of observations of the galactic centre, obtained with Integral since the launch of the spacecraft in October 2002.
The IBIS/ISGRI imager on the Integral observatory detected for the first time a hard X-ray source, IGRJ17456–2901, located within 1 arcminute of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A* - the black hole residing at the centre of our Galaxy) over the energy range 20–100 keV.
Two years and an effective exposure of 4.7×10^6 s have allowed for obtaining more stringent positional constraints on this high-energy source and the construction of its spectrum in the energy range 20–400 keV.
This central source near Sgr A* appears not to be a point source as previously thought, but likely is a diffuse, but compact, source. The observations by Bélanger et al. also show that the source is faint, but persistent with no detected variability. Expand (2,555kb, 3142 x 2188)
The galactic centre as observed with IBIS/ISGRI onboard INTEGRAL. The image covers a region of about 2.5 ° x 1.5 °. For this image a total of 7 × 10^6 second observation time was used, giving an effective exposure time at the position of Sgr A* of 4.7 × 106 seconds. The colours represent significances ranging from 3 sigma (black) to greater than 60 sigma (white). The contours mark significance levels from 9.5 to 75 linearly. Credits: G. Bélanger (CEA Saclay) et al.
By combining the ISGRI spectrum together with the total X-ray spectrum corresponding to the same physical region around Sgr A* from XMM-Newton data, and collected during part of the gamma-ray observations, Bélanger et al. have also constructed the first accurate wide band high-energy spectrum for the central arcminutes of the Galaxy.
New observations by the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid- Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) legacy team with the Spitzer Space Telescope indicate that the bar-shaped collection of old stars at the centre of our galaxy may be longer, and at a different orientation, than previously believed.
The GLIMPSE Survey provides a comprehensive view of the stellar dust content in the inner Galaxy.
GLIMPSE is a fully sampled, confusion limited, 4-band near- to mid-infrared survey of the inner two-thirds of the Galactic disk with a spatial resolution of about 2". The Infrared Array Camera (IRAC) imaged 220 square degrees at wavelengths centred on 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 microns in the Galactic longitude range 10 deg to 65 deg on both sides of the Galactic centre and in Galactic latitude ± 1 deg.
The area covered by GLIMPSE contains most of the star formation activity in the Galaxy and about 70% of the molecular gas in the Galaxy. The inner cut-off at 10 deg permits adequate sampling of both ends of the purported 3 kpc central bar and possibly some of the nuclear bulge stellar population. The outer cut-off at 65 deg includes all of the 5 kpc molecular ring, the Sagittarius spiral arm tangent, and the Norma spiral arm tangent. The Galactic centre region is not included because of its extreme background brightness and high confusion limits.