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TOPIC: Mars Exploration Rover Spirit


Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Exploration Rover Spirit

SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit Continues Winter Studies of Soil, Sky and Terrain - sol 842-846, May 19, 2006:

Spirit is healthy and making progress on a winter science campaign of experiments in Gusev Crater on Mars. Spirit has completed the first phase of a layer-by-layer soil study by collecting a mosaic of images with the microscopic imager and analysing composition of undisturbed soil with the Mössbauer and alpha particle X-ray spectrometers. Spirit used the rock abrasion tool to brush away the topsoil layer on Martian day, or sol, 830 (May 4, 2006). After that, the rover studied the brushed spot with the microscopic imager and Mössbauer and alpha particle X-ray spectrometers.

Before telling the rover to brush away a second layer, rover planners performed a test on sol 842 (May 16, 2006) to better characterise the position of the rock abrasion tool above the soil. The robotic arm performed as expected during the test. Removal of the second layer was planned for sol 845 (May 20, 2006).

Spirit also collected two additional columns of a 360-degree view called the "McMurdo panorama" and completed four targeted studies with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol-by-sol summaries:

Sol 842 (May 16, 2006): Spirit conducted a positioning test of the rover's robotic arm, including touching the Mössbauer spectrometer to the soil, collecting a two-by-two mosaic of images with the microscopic imager, and suspending the rock abrasion tool just above the soil surface. The test was successful. Spirit also conducted remote analysis of two targets, known as "Allan Hills" and "Dome Fuji," with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 843: Spirit acquired column 12 of the "McMurdo panorama" and conducted atmosphere studies with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 844: Spirit acquired column 13 of the "McMurdo panorama" and conducted remote sensing analysis of targets called "VonNeumayer" and "d'Urville" with the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 845: Plans called for Spirit to begin brushing away a second, 1-millimetre layer of soil from the target labelled "Progress" using the rock abrasion tool.

Sol 846 (May 21, 2006): Plans called for Spirit to recharge its batteries and transmit communications during an overnight pass of NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter.

As of sol 836 (May 11, 2006), Spirit's total odometry remained at 6,876.18 metres.



Posts: 131433

Sol 846


Left Panoramic Camera Non-linearised Sub-frame EDR acquired on Sol 846 of Spirit's mission to Gusev Crater at approximately 11:46:58 Mars local solar time, camera commanded to use Filter 7 (432 nm).
Credit NASA/JPL/Cornell



Posts: 131433

The grinding teeth have worn away on the rock abrasion tool of NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit (after exposing interiors of five time more rock targets than its design goal of three rocks) but the tool still has useful wire bristles for brushing targets. In this image, a figure-eight-like imprint in the Martian soil marks the spot where Spirit has begun examining subsurface deposits layer by layer. The circular indentations resulted from brushing by the rock abrasion tool, one of several instruments on the rover's robotic arm. As an effective brushing tool it is now fulfilling a soil profiling experiment on a target called "Progress."

Expand (1.9mb, 1847 x 1892)
Image credit: NASA/JPL/Cornell/USGS
This view is a mosaic of exposures taken by Spirit's microscopic imager during the rover's 830th Martian day (May 4, 2006). The total area shown is about 6 centimetres square.

The experiment is a multi-step process of carefully brushing away fine layers of soil and then using the Mössbauer and alpha particle X-ray spectrometers, microscopic imager, and panoramic camera to examine the exposed surfaces during the long Martian winter.



Posts: 131433

SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit Continues Studying Soil and Collecting Images - sol 835-841, May 11, 2006:

Spirit continued to make progress on collecting panoramic images of Martian terrain and conducting detailed studies of soil targets using the Mössbauer spectrometer. The rover acquired another column of the "McMurdo panorama" and continued to relay new data to Earth via the UHF antenna on NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter.

Sol-by-sol summary:

Sol 835 (May 9, 2006): Spirit conducted scientific analysis of the soil target "Halley" using the Mössbauer spectrometer. Spirit also acquired panel 11 of the planned 27-panel, 360-degree, full-colour view of the rover's surroundings known as the McMurdo panorama.

Sol 836: Spirit conducted remote sensing observations.

Sol 837: Spirit continued acquisition of scientific data from Halley using the Mössbauer spectrometer.

Sol 838: Spirit continued acquisition of scientific data from Halley using the Mössbauer spectrometer.

Sol 839 to 841 (May 13 to 15, 2006): Plans called for Spirit to move the rover's robotic arm back to the soil target nicknamed "Progress," where the rover previously brushed away a fine layer of soil. The next phase of the rover's detailed winter soil analysis experiment will be to conduct a three-day study of the brushed surface using the Mössbauer spectrometer. Plans for remote sensing were kept very light in order to devote resources to transmitting data acquired in recent weeks.

As of sol 836 (May 11, 2006), Spirit's total odometry remained at 6,876.18 metres



Posts: 131433

Sol 834

Expand (277kb, 1021 x 1021)

Image from the left navigation camera acquired on Sol 834 of Spirit's mission to Gusev Crater at approximately 12:23:26 Mars local solar time.
Credit: NASA/JPL



Posts: 131433

Sol 831

(164kb, 724 x 724)



Posts: 131433

Sol 814 to 828

Expand (88kb, 1024 x 544)

Mosaic of 33 images of McMurdo pan at Low ridge Haven.



Posts: 131433

Sol 819

Expand (200kb, 1021 x 1021)



Posts: 131433

SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit Begins First Interplanetary Layer-by-Layer Soil Analysis - sol 828-834, May 05, 2006:

Spirit is healthy and continuing to make progress on the rover's winter campaign of scientific experiments. This week Spirit continued work on the full-colour, 360-degree "McMurdo panorama." The finished panorama will combine 27 columns of images. Scientists anticipate that Spirit will have finished collecting the first 10 of those columns by Martian day, or sol, 834 (May 8, 2006). Spirit also continued studies of two soil targets nicknamed "Progress" and "Halley."

A winter soil analysis experiment will involve a multi-step process of removing the Mössbauer spectrometer from the target, flipping the wrist joint at the end of the robotic arm to put it in a better position for exchanging tools, re-touching the target with the Mössbauer to confirm precise placement, and exchanging tools from the Mössbauer spectrometer to the rock abrasion tool. Using the brush at the end of the rock abrasion tool, Spirit will remove a layer of soil up to 1 millimetre thick. During brushing, the rover will take a movie of the procedure with the right lens of the hazard-avoidance camera. After the brushing, the rover will acquire a microscopic image of the freshly exposed surface as well as a colour image using all 13 filters of the panoramic camera. The rover will then start the process again and remove another layer of soil.

Spirit is also poised to begin a five-month, remote, photometric study of seasonal changes in surface properties of soil exposed in the rover's tracks.

As the newly arrived Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter continues the aerobraking phase of its mission (using friction from the Martian atmosphere to refine its orbit), high-frequency X-band communications directly between Spirit and Earth will not always be available. On sol 830 (May 4, 2006), NASA's Odyssey spacecraft began transmitting communications to Spirit at UHF frequencies.

Sol-by-sol summary:

Sol 828 (May 2, 2006): Spirit conducted remote sensing and completed acquisition of column 8 of the McMurdo panorama.

Sol 829: Spirit conducted a third day of Mössbauer spectrometry of the Progress soil target, for a total of 69 hours of analysis of the target with the instrument.

Sol 830: Spirit began progressive brushing of loose soil for the first time and collected microscopic images.

Sol 831: Spirit conducted remote sensing, acquired column 9 of the McMurdo pan, and completed an 18-hour analysis of Progress with the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer.

Sol 832: Plans called for Spirit to acquire microscopic images of Halley.

Sol 833: Plans called for Spirit to conduct remote sensing, acquire column 10 of the McMurdo pan, and complete a second 18-hour study of Progress with the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer.

Sol 834
(May 8, 2006): Plans called for Spirit to continue remote sensing studies and begin monitoring changes in surface properties of soil exposed in the rover's tracks.

As of sol 831 (May 5, 2006), Spirit's total odometry remained at 6,876.18 meters.



Posts: 131433

SPIRIT UPDATE: Spirit Continues Winter Science Studies on Mars - sol 820-827, May 01, 2006:

Spirit remains healthy and is making good progress on the rover's winter campaign of scientific experiments. This week Spirit continued collecting a full-colour, high-resolution, 360-degree panorama called the "McMurdo pan." When complete, the panorama will be a mosaic of 27 columns of images. The product could be finished in about six weeks, given power and data limitations.

Spirit also conducted scientific analysis of a soil target nicknamed "Progress" using the instruments on the rover's robotic arm.

Sol-by-sol highlights:

Sol 820 (April 24, 2006): Spirit worked on acquiring column 4 of the McMurdo pan and made ground observations using the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 821: Spirit continued work on acquiring column 4 of the McMurdo pan and making ground observations using the miniature thermal emission spectrometer.

Sol 822: Spirit began characterization of the undisturbed soil surface of Progress using the microscopic imager and the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer. The rover also began acquiring column 5 of the McMurdo pan and made observations with the miniature thermal X-ray spectrometer.

Sol 823: Spirit continued work on characterising the undisturbed soil surface of Progress using the microscopic imager and the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer. The rover also continued acquiring column 5 of the McMurdo pan and making observations with the miniature thermal X-ray spectrometer.

Sol 824: Spirit continued work on characterising the undisturbed soil surface of Progress using the microscopic imager and the alpha particle X-ray spectrometer. The rover also continued acquiring column 5 of the McMurdo pan and making observations with the miniature thermal X-ray spectrometer.

Sols 825-827 (April 29 to May 1, 2006): Plans called for analysing Progress with the Mössbauer spectrometer and acquiring columns 6 and 7 of the McMurdo pan.

As of sol 824 (April 28, 2006), Spirit's total odometry remained at 6,876.18 metres.

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