Nasa's New Horizons spacecraft has made the first visit to Pluto, speeding past at 14km per second. Earlier, the space agency released the most detailed picture yet as it hurtled towards the dwarf planet on Tuesday. The probe was set to grab more pictures and other science data on the object, as it passed 12,500km from the surface. Read more
New Horizons has been returning a steady stream of information on approach to the dwarf word in recent days, but this will be as nothing compared to the huge number of observations it plans to acquire when passing just 12,500km from the surface. This is timed to occur at 11:50 GMT (12:50 BST). Read more
Take a good look at the latest picture of Pluto because it shows the face of the dwarf planet that will not be seen during next week's historic flyby. The US space agency's New Horizons probe was less than 2.5 million km from the diminutive world on Saturday and closing in fast. Come Tuesday, it will be grabbing shots from an altitude of just 12,500km. Read more
New Horizons: Pluto's surface sharpens for Nasa probe
As New Horizons bears down on Pluto, its images just get sharper and sharper. The probe's latest picture released on Saturday has started to give scientists some real indications of the geology on the dwarf world. Read more