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Posts: 131433
Colliding Galaxies

New Tidal Debris from Colliding Galaxies
Astronomers are announcing today that they have discovered new tidal debris stripped away from colliding galaxies. The research will be being presented during a press conference at the 214th annual American Astronomical Society meeting in Pasadena, California by Drs. Jin Koda at Stony Brook University, Long Island, New York; Nick Scoville of California Institute of Technology; Yoshiaki Taniguchi of Ehime University, Ehime, Japan; and, the COSMOS survey team.
New debris images are of special interest since they show the full history of galaxy collisions and resultant starburst activities, which are important in 'growing' galaxies in the early Universe. In this study, new tidal debris were found with 8.2-meter Subaru telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, which is operated by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. The international team took extremely deep exposures of archetypal colliding galaxies, including "the Antennae" galaxies in constellation Corvus (65 million light years away from us), "Arp 220" in constellation Serpens (250 million light years) and "Markarian 231" in constellation Big Dipper (590 million light years), and 10 additional objects. Often seen in public media and textbooks, these galaxies are well-known galaxy collisions.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Galactic collisions

Astronomers have discovered galaxies in the distant universe that they claim are ancestors of spiral galaxies like Milky Way.
These ancient objects, some of the first galaxies ever to be formed, are being observed as they looked when the universe was a mere two billion years old.
Today, scientists peg the age of the universe at 13.7 billion years, so light from these galaxies travelled almost 12 billion years to reach Earth, the Science Daily reported.
The new galaxies discovered by the astronomers from Rutgers and Penn State universities are quite small-one-tenth the size and one-twentieth the mass of our Milky Way. They also have fewer stars - only one-fortieth as many as are in the Milky Way.

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Extended, chain-like
Lyman alpha emitter
Credit: NASA, ESA,
Caryl Gronwall/Penn State

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Clumpy, extended Lyman
alpha emitter
Credit: NASA, ESA,
Caryl Gronwall/Penn State

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Extended Lyman alpha
emitter which shows
evidence of merging
Credit: NASA, ESA,
Caryl Gronwall/Penn State

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Posts: 131433

Title: Multiple minor mergers: formation of elliptical galaxies and constraints for the growth of spiral disks
Authors: Frederic Bournaud (1), Chanda J. Jog (2), Francoise Combes (3) ((1)AIM, CEA-Saclay (2) IISc Bangalore (3) Observatoire de Paris LERMA)

Multiple, sequential mergers are unavoidable in the hierarchical build-up picture of galaxies, in particular for the minor mergers that are frequent and highly likely to have occurred several times for most present-day galaxies. However the effect of repeated minor mergers on galactic structure and evolution has not been studied systematically so far. In this paper, we present a numerical study of multiple, subsequent, minor galaxy mergers, with various mass ratios ranging from 4:1 to 50:1. The N-body simulations include gas dynamics and star formation. We study the morphological and kinematical properties of the remnants, and show that several so-called "minor" mergers can lead to the formation of elliptical-like galaxies, that have global morphological and kinematical properties similar to that observed in real elliptical galaxies. The properties of these systems are compared with that of elliptical galaxies produced by the standard scenario of one single major merger. We thus show that repeated minor mergers can theoretically be a process to form elliptical galaxies without major mergers, and can be more frequent than major mergers in particular at moderate redshift. This process must then have formed some elliptical galaxies seen today, and we find in particular that it could explain the high boxiness of massive ellipticals, and some fundamental relation observed in ellipticals. In addition, because repeated minor mergers, even at high mass ratios, destroy disks into spheroids, these results indicate that spiral galaxies cannot have grown only by a succession of minor mergers.

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Posts: 131433

Carnegie Mellon Leads International Team in Conducting Most Detailed Cosmological Simulation to Date
First-of-Its-Kind Model Incorporates Black Holes, Helps Predict Where To Aim Future Telescopes

By incorporating the physics of black holes into a highly sophisticated model running on a powerful supercomputing system, an international team of scientists has produced an unprecedented simulation of cosmic evolution that verifies and deepens our understanding of relationships between black holes and the galaxies in which they reside. Called BHCosmo, the simulation shows that black holes are integral to the structure of the cosmos and may help guide users of future telescopes, showing them what to look for as they aim to locate the earliest cosmic events and untangle the history of the universe.     

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Title: Direct cosmological simulations of the growth of black holes and galaxies
Authors: Tiziana Di Matteo (CMU), Joerg Colberg (CMU), Volker Springel (MPA), Lars Hernquist (CfA), Debora Sijacki (MPA)

We investigate the coupled formation and evolution of galaxies and their embedded supermassive black holes using state-of-the-art hydrodynamic simulations of cosmological structure formation. For the first time, we self-consistently follow the dark matter dynamics, radiative gas cooling, star formation, as well as black hole growth and associated feedback processes, starting directly from initial conditions appropriate for the LambdaCDM cosmology. Our modelling of the black hole physics is based on an approach we have developed in simulations of isolated galaxy mergers. Here we examine: (i) the predicted global history of black hole mass assembly (ii) the evolution of the local black hole-host mass correlations and (iii) the conditions that allow rapid growth of the first quasars, and the properties of their hosts and descendants today. We find a total black hole mass density in good agreement with observational estimates. The black hole accretion rate density peaks at lower redshift and evolves more strongly at high redshift than the star formation rate density, but the ratio of black hole to stellar mass densities shows only a moderate evolution at low redshifts. We find strong correlations between black hole masses and properties of the stellar systems, agreeing well with the measured local M_BH-sigma and M_BH -M_* relationships, but also suggesting (dependent on the mass range) a weak evolution with redshift in the normalisation and the slope. Our simulations also produce massive black holes at high redshift, due to extended periods of exponential growth in regions that collapse early and exhibit strong gas inflows. These first supermassive BH systems however are not necessarily the most massive ones today, since they are often overtaken in growth by quasars that form later.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Galactic collisions

...In the category of "useful if you're an astrophysicist" comes a set of animations based on computer models of major astronomical events, such as the collisions of galaxies. The astronomer involved, John Dubinski, decided that the visuals his models were producing were so compelling, they belonged on film. So, he collaborated with a composer to score the models in action, posted a number on the web, and put those and others on a DVD.
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Posts: 131433

Title: The Chandra View of Galaxy Mergers
Authors: N. J. Brassington (1, 2), T. J. Ponman (1), A. M. Read (3) ((1) University of Birmingham, (2) Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, (3) University of Leicester)

From a Chandra survey of nine interacting galaxy systems the evolution of X-ray emission during the merger process has been investigated. It is found that the X-ray luminosity peaks ~300 Myr before nuclear coalescence, and then dips, even though we know that rapid and increasing activity is still taking place at this time. It is likely that this drop in X-ray luminosity is a consequence of outflows breaking out of the galactic discs of these systems. In this work it is also shown that, for the systems close to the point of nuclear coalescence, Lfir becomes massively enhanced compared to the X-ray luminosity of these systems. We suggest that this enhancement may indicate a 'top heavy' IMF, with an enhanced fraction of massive stars. At a time ~1 Gyr after coalescence, the merger-remnants in our sample are X-ray faint when compared to typical mature elliptical galaxies. However, we do see evidence that these systems will start to resemble typical elliptical galaxies at a greater dynamical age, given the properties of the 3 Gyr system within our sample, supporting the idea that halo regeneration will take place within low Lx merger-remnants. Also as a part of this survey, detailed Chandra observations for the double nucleus merger system Mkn 266 and the merger-remnant Arp 222 are presented for the first time.

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Posts: 131433
Galactic Mergers

A new study by a researcher at The University of Nottingham has provided the first observational evidence of how massive galaxies formed. The results of this study have major implications for many other areas of research and are being used by astronomers to explain seemingly unrelated processes such as how massive black holes and the universe's stars came to be.

The research, led by Dr. Christopher J. Conselice of the University's School of Physics and Astronomy, is published in the February 20th edition of the Astrophysical Journal.
It uses the deepest images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope to study galaxies when they were only two billion years old. His team has found that the majority of the most massive galaxies in the early universe are undergoing multiple and spectacular mergers.
These mergers lead to the creation of new stars from colliding gas clouds and likely feed and grow the masses of black holes lurking in the centre of all galaxies.
The work is helping to definitively confirm what scientists have long hoped for - massive galaxies form when smaller galaxies merge together - a major and previously unconfirmed prediction of the cosmological standard model.

"The results show us that the most massive galaxies we see in today's universe, which are passive and old, were once undergoing rapid mergers with each other, which it turns out is how they form" - Dr. Christopher J. Conselice.

While distant galaxies have been studied for over a decade, it has until now remained a mystery how they evolved into the galaxies we see today. Young galaxies have very low masses and astronomers have long been puzzled by how these systems turn into massive galaxies in the local universe.

The Conselice results demonstrate that a typical massive galaxy in today's universe has undergone four to five mergers with other galaxies to transform from these young low mass systems into the giant galaxies.

Examples of galaxies in the early universe, a few billion years after the Big Bang. These galaxies are forming through violent mergers, which are likely driving the star formation and black hole formation in these galaxies.
Credit The University of Nottingham

These mergers are very rare today, with only about one per cent of galaxies merging, whereas 10 billion years ago, nearly all massive galaxies were undergoing mergers. An analysis technique developed by Conselice over a period of more than 10 years was used on the deepest images ever taken of the universe to make these discoveries.
The results further show that massive galaxies did not form rapidly, within a few million years after the Big Bang, neither did they form gradually over an extended period of time. In a surprising finding, almost all of this merger activity occurred from the birth of the universe to about six billion years ago.

"Perhaps the most amazing thing about these results is that massive galaxy formation is largely over when the universe is half its current age. This means that all this merging activity was somehow curtailed by an unknown process" - Dr. Christopher J. Conselice.

The research may hold clues about the formation of our own galaxy. The Milky Way contains spiral arms, which are not thought to form through the merger process. However, at the centre of our galaxy is a spherical system of stars called a bulge - a high-density region featuring many old stars and a massive black hole, which probably formed as a result of these mergers.
The research could also help astronomers to see into the Milky Way's future - it is possible that our galaxy will itself merge with Andromeda, our nearest neighbouring large galaxy in around a billion years from now. This would see the destruction of the spiral disk that surrounds the bulge and change dramatically the shape of our galaxy, as well as significantly altering the positions of stars we see in the night sky.


-- Edited by Blobrana at 12:52, 2006-02-20



Posts: 131433
Galaxy Collisions

More than half of the largest galaxies in the nearby universe have collided and merged with another galaxy in the past two billion years, according to a Yale astronomer in a study using hundreds of images from two of the deepest sky surveys ever conducted.

The idea of large galaxies being assembled primarily by mergers rather than evolving by themselves in isolation has grown to dominate cosmological thinking. However, a troubling inconsistency within this general theory has been that the most massive galaxies appear to be the oldest, leaving minimal time since the Big Bang for the mergers to have occurred.

"Our study found these common massive galaxies do form by mergers. It is just that the mergers happen quickly, and the features that reveal the mergers are very faint and therefore difficult to detect" - Pieter van Dokkum, assistant professor of astronomy at Yale University, and sole author of the paper appearing in the December 2005 issue of the Astronomical Journal.

The paper uses two recent deep surveys done with the National Science Foundation’s 4-meter telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory and Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, known as the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey and the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale/Chile. Together, these surveys covered an area of the sky 50 times larger than the size of the full Moon and more than 5,000 times larger than the famous Hubble Deep Field.

"We needed data that are very deep over a very wide area to provide statistically meaningful evidence. As happens so often in science, fresh observations helped inform new conclusions" - Pieter van Dokkum.

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The panels show several of the newly found galaxy collisions in the nearby universe, using the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS) and the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale/Chile (MUSYC). The collisions are seen in different stages of the merger process, which taken together show the sequence that occurs. In (a) and (b) (top left and top right), the galaxies are still separated, but huge tidal forces of gravity are already at work pulling stars from the galaxies into enormous broad fans that stretch hundreds of thousands of light-years in space. In (c) and (d) (bottom left and bottom right), the colliding galaxies have merged into single, larger galaxies. The violent past of these galaxies can be inferred from the tidal "debris" that still surrounds the newly formed galaxies.
Credit: P. van Dokkum/Yale University and NOAO/AURA/NSF

Van Dokkum used images from the two surveys to look for telltale tidal features around 126 nearby red galaxies, a colour selection biased to select the most massive galaxies in the local universe. These faint tidal features turn out to be quite common, with 53 percent of the galaxies showing tails, broad fans of stars trailing behind them or other obvious asymmetries.

"This implies that there is one galaxy that has endured a major collision and subsequent merger event for every single other ‘normal’ undisturbed field galaxy. Remarkably, the collisions that precede the mergers are ongoing in many cases. This allows us to study galaxies before, during, and after the collisions" - Pieter van Dokkum

Though there are not many direct, star-to-star encounters in this merger process, galaxy collisions can have profound effects on star formation rates and the shape of the resulting galaxy.
These mergers do not resemble the spectacular mergers of blue spiral galaxies that are featured in several popular Hubble Space Telescope images, but these red galaxy mergers appear to be much more common. Their ubiquity represents a direct confirmation of predictions by the most common models for the formation of large-scale structure in the Universe, with an added benefit of helping solve the apparent-age problem.

Movie: (3.1 Mb, Mpeg)
The movie shows a computer simulation of the formation of a large galaxy. Time is compressed in the simulation: the entire history of the universe (13.7 billion years) spans about 20 seconds. Computer simulations like these have predicted that all galaxies grow by collisions, and subsequent mergers, of smaller galaxies. The new observations demonstrate, for the first time, that these collisions are indeed very common in the local universe.

"In the past, people equated stellar age with the age of the galaxy. We have found that, though their stars are generally old, the galaxies that result from these mergers are relatively young" - Pieter van Dokkum.

It is not yet understood why the merging process does not lead to enhanced star formation in the colliding galaxies. It may be that massive black holes in the centres of the galaxies provide the energy to heat or expel the gas that needs to be able to cool in order to form new stars. Ongoing detailed study of the newly found mergers will provide better insight into the roles that black holes play in the formation and evolution of galaxies.

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Galactic collisions

Data from ISO, the infrared observatory of the European Space Agency (ESA), have provided the first direct evidence that shock waves generated by galaxy collisions excite the gas from which new stars will form. The result also provides important clues on how the birth of the first stars was triggered and sped-up in the early Universe.

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NGC 4038/4039 ‘Antennae’

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