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TOPIC: Titan


Posts: 131433
T21 Flyby

The T21 950km flyby Mission document now available:
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Posts: 131433
Organic haze on Titan

Title: Organic haze on Titan and the early Earth
Authors: Melissa G. Trainer, Alexander A. Pavlov, H. Langley DeWitt, Jose L. Jimenez, Christopher P. McKay, Owen B. Toon, and Margaret A. Tolbert.

Recent exploration by the Cassini/Huygens mission has stimulated a great deal of interest in Saturn's moon, Titan. One of Titan's most captivating features is the thick organic haze layer surrounding the moon, believed to be formed from photochemistry high in the CH4/N2 atmosphere. It has been suggested that a similar haze layer may have formed on the early Earth. Here we report laboratory experiments that demonstrate the properties of haze likely to form through photochemistry on Titan and early Earth. We have used a deuterium lamp to initiate particle production in these simulated atmospheres from UV photolysis. Using a unique analysis technique, the aerosol mass spectrometer, we have studied the chemical composition, size, and shape of the particles produced as a function of initial trace gas composition. Our results show that the aerosols produced in the laboratory can serve as analogs for the observed haze in Titan's atmosphere. Experiments performed under possible conditions for early Earth suggest a significant optical depth of haze may have dominated the early Earth's atmosphere. Aerosol size measurements are presented, and implications for the haze layer properties are discussed. We estimate that aerosol production on the early Earth may have been on the order of 10^14 g·year^–1 and thus could have served as a primary source of organic material to the surface.




Posts: 131433
RE: Titan

This image of Titan was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on October 25, 2006, when it was approximately 14,913 kilometres away.

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Credit NASA

The image was taken using the CB3 and CL2 filters.



Posts: 131433

This image of Titan was taken by the Cassini spaceprobe on October 23, 2006, when it was approximately 948,337 kilometers away.

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Credit NASA

The image was taken using the P60 and BL2 filters.



Posts: 131433

Titan 20 flyby (1.06mb, PDF)



Posts: 131433
Flooded rivers seen on Titan

Flooded rivers and more lakes have been spied on Saturn's moon Titan in new images by the Cassini spacecraft. The features are all likely filled with liquid methane or ethane, providing insight into a methane cycle analogous to the hydrological cycle on Earth.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Titan Lakes

In this image taken by the Cassini radar system, a previously unseen style of lakes is revealed. The lakes here assume complex shapes and are among the darkest seen so far on Titan.

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Credit NASA

The lake at the left is reminiscent both in form and scale of the flooded drainage system, Lake Powell in Utah and Arizona. However, the Titan lake has been filled with liquid methane and ethane rather than water. In the lake at right, older terrain may have been deeply cut by river valleys before it was flooded by the embaying lake.
This radar image was acquired Oct. 9, 2006, and is centred near 80 degrees north latitude, 357 degrees west longitude. It measures about 310 kilometres by 100 kilometres. Smallest details in this image are about 500 metres across.



Posts: 131433
RE: Titan

This image of Titan was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on October 10, 2006, when it was approximately 602,695 kilometres away.

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Credit NASA

The image was taken using the IRP0 and CB3 filters.



Posts: 131433
RE: Titan Dunes

When the Cassini-Huygens probe landed on the surface of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, last year, it found no evidence of the ethane ocean long thought to cover the satellite’s surface.

Instead, scientists observed dune structures that could be dust-like combinations of ethane and smog particles, according to a new study in the current issue of Nature.
Titan’s dense atmosphere is composed mostly of nitrogen with a small amount of methane. This methane is broken up by the Sun’s ultraviolet light to produce a dense orange-brown smog that hides the satellite’s surface.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Titan

This image of Titan was taken by the Cassini spacecraft on October 10, 2006, when it was approximately 160,182 kilometres away.

Expand (19kb, 560 x 560)
Credit NASA

The image was taken using the CL1 and CB3 filters.

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