Discovery docks with orbiting space station NASA's space shuttle Discovery docked with the International Space Station on Sunday evening. The link up with the orbiting space station occurred about 360 kilometres above the planet at 8:54 p.m. ET, the space agency said.
Shuttle closing in on space station for linkup Discovery's supply run will leave the space station well stocked; the shuttle is hauling about 17,000 pounds of equipment and science experiments. Six mice, part of a bone loss study, will move in for a three-month stay. So will astronaut Nicole Stott, the replacement for an astronaut who has been at the orbiting complex for more than a month.
The STS 128 Space Shuttle Discovery is scheduled to dock with International Space Station at 15:03 GMT, 30th August, 2009.
Space shuttle Discovery's astronauts steered closer to the international space station for a Sunday linkup, while checking their ship for any signs of launch damage. The routine survey began early Saturday evening and lasted until the wee hours of Sunday. Read more
NASA's Shuttle Discovery Launches to Enhance Space Station Science Space shuttle Discovery, with its seven-member crew, launched at 11:59 p.m. EDT Friday from NASA's Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. The shuttle will deliver supplies, equipment and a new crew member to the International Space Station.
Shuttle Discovery Heads for Space Station With seven astronauts and a host of experiments and equipment on board, space shuttle Discovery completed a flawless ascent into orbit Friday night to begin a two-day chase of the International Space Station.
Read more ESA astronaut launched to ISS to deliver and retrieve hardware NASA's Space Shuttle Discovery was launched on Saturday 29 August for the 13-day STS-128 mission to service the International Space Station. Among her crew is ESA astronaut Christer Fuglesang from Sweden, who is performing his second spaceflight. Discovery lifted off from NASAs Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 05:59 CEST, successfully reaching low Earth orbit.
NASA managers postponed Friday's 12:22 a.m. EDT launch of space shuttle Discovery to allow engineers more time to develop plans for resolving an issue with a valve in the shuttle's main propulsion system. Launch now is targeted for no earlier than 11:59 p.m. Friday, Aug. 28, from NASA's Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.
New shuttle launch attempt set for tonight Space shuttle Discovery, which will transport Stockton astronaut Jose Hernandez to space, is set to launch no earlier than 9:22 p.m. PDT today from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.