To speed up bootup times with Windoze create a batch file to clear the temp and history folders every time you shutdown. Your PC won't waste time checking these folders the next time it boots.
1. Open Notepad and create a new file with the following entries:
RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\"UserName without quotes"\Local Settings\History" RD /S /q "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\History" RD /S /q "D:\Temp\" <--"Deletes temp folder, type in the location of your temp folder"
2. Save the new file as a '.bat' file e.g. fastboot.bat or deltemp.bat 3. Click 'Start' then 'Run' 4. Type in 'gpedit.msc' and hit 'ok' 5. Click on 'Computer Configuration' then 'Windows Settings' 6. Double-click on 'Scripts' and then on 'Shutdown' 7. Click 'Add' and find your batch file that you created and then press 'Ok'
The unofficial patch for the latest Windows Metafiles (WMF) vulnerability.
No patch from Microsoft exists at this time , the latest release date is January 10th, and the exploit is arranged in such a manner that it cannot be detected by most intrusion detection systems nor filtered by packet-inspecting firewalls.
Firefox users may want to add the Adblock extension, add filter, *.wmf, to stop some of the vulnerability.
Here is a very simple setting change that will make Icons appear quicker in Windows. Windows XP default is to automatically search for network files and printers. This causes a delay in displaying icons.
You can disable this feature by doing the following: Click Start, then Run. Type control.exe folders, then click OK Click `View tab`, then uncheck `Automatically Search For Network Folders and Printers`, then click `Apply`