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Post Info TOPIC: GOES-13


Posts: 131433

Live web cast from the Kennedy Space centre starts on Monday August 15th at 13:00 GMT.
The Launch Window is between 22:32 – 23:06 GMT

-- Edited by Blobrana at 16:26, 2005-08-15



Posts: 131433

Press statement: GOES-N Prelaunch Press Conferance

The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N (GOES-N) to be launched into orbit for NASA aboard a Boeing Delta IV rocket will be the focus of a prelaunch press conference to be held on Saturday, August 13. The event will start at 17:00 GMT (1 p.m. EDT) at the NASA Kennedy Space Centre Press Site.

GOES-N, currently scheduled for launch on Sunday, Aug. 14, is the first of three new geostationary weather and environmental satellites built for NASA by Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. GOES-N will feature a highly stable pointing platform, which will improve the performance of its Imager and Sounder that are important instruments for creating daily weather-prediction models and for hurricane forecasting.
Data from GOES-N will be valuable for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Ocean Service, which provides oceanographic circulation models and forecasts for U.S. coastal communities.

GOES-N will also provide expanded capability for the space and solar environment-monitoring instruments. Forecasts and warnings for solar disturbances will be enhanced. This will protect investments of billions of dollars by the government and private sector for assets on the ground and in space.
As with all of NOAA's geostationary and polar-orbiting weather satellites, GOES-N will also be able to relay distress signals detected from emergency locator beacons on the ground and at sea.

NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Maryland is responsible for designing and developing the spacecraft and its instruments for NOAA.

Nasa TV (realplayer) Webcast starts at 18:00 GMT

-- Edited by Blobrana at 00:01, 2005-08-13



Posts: 131433

Updated Delta 4 GOES N Launch window: 2230-2304 GMT August 13th 2005.



Posts: 131433

The launch of the GOES-N weather satellite has been delayed by another day due to continued pre-flight engineering reviews.
Lift-off is now expected no sooner than Saturday evening, 13th August, during a launch window between 22:30 and 23:04 GMT.

The launch must occur by Sunday or else face waiting until October due to orbital lighting issues that would impact the satellite's early life in space.
Saturday's weather forecast calls for a 60% chance of acceptable conditions. Clouds and winds will be the chief concerns.

A backup launch opportunity is available Sunday evening. Better weather conditions are expected with a 70% chance of meeting the launch rules.



Posts: 131433

The launch of a geostationary orbit weather satellite, scheduled for Friday night, has been delayed because of an unspecified problem with the satellite.
The Delta 4 Medium-Plus booster was scheduled to lift off Friday evening from Cape Canaveral, carrying the GOES-N weather satellite.



Posts: 131433

NASA has announced that the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-N (GOES-N) is ready to launch. The GOES-N launch window is from 22:23 to 23:01 GMT, Friday, July 29, 2005. Lift-off is from Space Launch Complex 37, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, US.

GOES-N joins a system of weather satellites that provide timely environmental information to meteorologists and the public. The GOES system graphically displays the intensity, path and size of storms. Early warning of impending severe weather enhances the public's ability to take shelter and protect property.

"NASA is proud to provide this tool for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) use in weather operations" - Martin Davis, GOES program manager at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre.

The GOES system serves the central and eastern Pacific Ocean; North, Central, and South America; and the central and western Atlantic Ocean.

The system includes GOES-10, 11 and 12. GOES-11 is in an on-orbit storage mode. GOES-N becomes GOES-13 shortly after launch. It will be checked out, stored on-orbit and available for activation should either GOES-10 or 12 fails or exhausts its fuel. The satellite is the first in the GOES N-P series of spacecraft that will continuously observe and measure meteorological phenomena in real time. The series will provide the meteorological community and atmospheric scientists improved observational and measurement data.

GOES-N will be launched on a Boeing Delta IV (4, 2) vehicle under an FAA commercial license. The satellite will be turned over to NASA after a successful checkout is completed by Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems.



Posts: 131433

Ghana has been selected by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) of the United States to help to track its weather satellite in orbit.

The satellite called GOES-N is scheduled to be launched this week. It will provide continuous observation for the earth for data on weather, solar and space operations, as well as future science improvements in weather predictions and remote sensing.

The landmark project has Amalgamated Investments Limited as local consultants who in turn have appointed Arrow Network Systems (ANS) as other technical partners.

At a press briefing in Accra on Friday, Mr Gary Eigner, telemetry manager of OTB, South Africa, co-ordinators of the project in Africa, said that Ghana was chosen because of her unique location in the orbit trace of the satellite`s movement.

"Ghana also has the required information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, management consultant and qualified local technicians to assist in the project" - Mr Gary Eigner.

Kwaku Boadu, managing director of ANS, said that apart from Ghana`s expertise in ICT, the project initiators also considered the favourable regulatory environment in deciding to position the observatory equipment here.

"Although the tracking of the satellite is going to last for only six-and-a-half minutes, the project will offer training and exposure to Ghanaian technicians,... the choice is a big boost to the country`s ICT agenda." - Kwaku Boadu.

Mr Boadu further said that the assembling of the sophisticated machines alone would cost about 600,000 dollars. The executive director of Ghana`s Meteorological Services Department, Mr Ato Wilson described the project as "a revolution in meteorology."




Posts: 131433

Concerns over the onboard batteries that power the Boeing Delta 4 rocket's safety destruct system has forced another delay in launching the GOES-N civilian weather satellite.

The Sunday evening's planned lift-off from Cape Canaveral will be postponed until sometime in July as a result.

"Recent environmental testing of a different lot of batteries resulted in broken leads that connect the batteries' cell plates to the terminal" - Boeing statement.

The rocket carries two batteries, both mounted to its second stage, for the Range Safety's flight termination system.
If the vehicle experiences a major problem during ascent or veers off course, that destruct system can be triggered to destroy the rocket.



Posts: 131433

GOES-N Launch:
Severe thunderstorms and lightning strikes at Cape Canaveral on Thursday, June 16, have prompting technicians to re-verify electronics and circuitry before the U.S. weather observatory can be launched.

The Delta 4 rocket Lift-off had been targeted for Friday, June 24 from pad 37B at the Florida spaceport.

The launch has been rescheduled for Sunday, June 26 during a 45-minute lift-off opportunity extending from approximately 2213 to 2258 GMT.



Posts: 131433

NOAA officials today announced details of a new geostationary operational environmental satellite that.
The GOES-N satellite, procured in cooperation with NASA, will launch next week on Friday, June 24, at 22:13 GMT from the Kennedy Space Centre in Florida.

“With lives and property always in jeopardy during severe weather events, having GOES-N available to step in means NOAA will always be prepared to issue timely forecasts and warnings” - Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., Ph.D., retired Navy Vice Admiral , and undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere and NOAA administrator.

GOES-N, of the new GOES-N/O/P series, will feature a highly stable pointing platform, which will improve the performance of the imager and sounder instruments. GOES-N will also have expanded measurements for the space and solar environment monitoring instruments, a new dedicated broadcast capability to be used by the Emergency Managers Weather Information Network, and a new digital weather facsimile capability for higher quality transmissions of data and products.

“The solar x-ray imager is to space weather forecasting, what satellite imagery is to hurricane forecasting.
It is helping to improve forecasts and warnings for solar disturbances, protecting billions of dollars worth of commercial and government assets in space and on the ground, and lessening the brunt of power surges for the satellite-based electronics and communications industry
” - Ernie Hildner, director of the NOAA Space Environment Centre, Boulder, Colorado US.


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