Merle Hiltner has chased the heavens all over the Earth. Now Hiltner, who lives in Lakeville, has a place to go that's much closer to home: the Joseph J. Casby Memorial Observatory at the Belwin Conservancy in Afton. The observatory, a joint project of the Minnesota Astronomical Society and the Belwin Conservancy, opens to the public Saturday. The domed observatory, which Hiltner designed, houses an extraordinary instrument for stargazing: a 10-inch refracting telescope. Read more
New observatory near Afton puts stars in their eyes
The Joseph J. Casby Memorial Observatory, a joint project of the Minnesota Astronomical Society (MAS) and the Belwin Conservancy, has a sophisticated telescope that will bring the wonders of space down to Earth. Read more
How powerful is the telescope that will be housed in Belwin Conservancy's new observatory? You'll be able to see Pluto. Seriously. Steve Hobbs, Belwin's executive director, said he was joking when he asked members of the Minnesota Astronomical Society whether people would be able to see the dwarf planet through the 10-inch refracting telescope that will be installed in Belwin's new domed observatory. He said he was shocked when they answered in the affirmative.