Integral satellite
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Mission News
NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Observatory-1 measured the `cosmic low-energy background` in the late 1970s. The X-rays and gamma ray radiation is thought to come from very distant, supermassive black holes.
Now new results from Europe's Integral gamma-ray observatory h...
ORAS Observatory
General news
ORAS Observatory closed In the wake of a recent court ruling, the Oil Region Astronomical Society is closing its observatory at Two Mile Run Park to the public, at least temporarily. The ruling came in the course of a lawsuit filed against park operators in September 2004 by the club and its president...
Atacama Cosmology Telescope
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General news
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) is currently under construction on Cerro Toco in Chile.
And AMEC, the international project management and engineering company, is near completion of one of the world’s most sophisticated and sensitive telescopes. The Atacama Cosmology Telescope (A...
Tyrebagger Stone Circle
General news
Looking north. This recumbent stone circle erected in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC, lies on a hill northwest of Aberdeen. The ten uprights are of red granite, while the massive 24-ton recumbent is of dark grey grani...
Sea floor observatory
A team from University Of Torontos marine geophysics group is participating in a joint project to create the worlds largest cable-linked sea floor observatory on the Pacific Ocean floor. Located in the northeast Pacific off the coasts of British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, the active Juan d...
The international H.E.S.S. team has won the coveted Descartes prize for Basic Research (worth £226,000) for their work studying some of the most violent phenomena in the Universe. H.E.S.S. is the High Energy Stereoscopic System telescopes in Namibia, South-West Africa. The H.E.S.S. team curre...
Parkes radio telescope
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General news
The Parkes radio telescope, is one of the biggest in the southern hemisphere. It was completed in 1961 and has operated almost continuously to the present day.
The movie "The Dish" starring Sam Neill was based on the Parkes telescope's key role in the Apollo 11 Moon landing.
It has a dish o...
Goseck circle
Gemini North telescope
General news
After four weeks of recovery efforts from the 6.7 magnitude earthquake that shook the island of Hawai'i on October 15th, the Gemini North telescope resumed regular science operations on November 1...
YBJ Observatory
General news
YBJ Observatory was founded in 1990. It has hosted the Tibet ASγ Experiment (Sino-Japanese Cooperation) ever since. After 6 years’ preparation, the ARGO -YBJ Project (Sino-Italian Cooperation) started its detector installation in 2000. Both of them aim at the research of the origin of hig...
Vatican Astronomical Observatory
Pope Benedict XVI has appointed Jesuit Father José Gabriel Funes as the new director of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory, replacing Jesuit Father George Coyne.
Father Coyne, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, US, had been director of the observatory since 1978.
The Vatican press offic...
Palomar Observatory invite
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General news
The California Institute of Technology's Palomar Observatory invites the public to share the wonders of exploring the universe during its open house on Saturday, June 25, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Visitors will go behind the glass for an insider's tour of the giant Hale Telescope.
Events at...
Hanle Observatory
General news
The world's highest observatory is in the western Himalayas.
The Indian Astronomical Observatory, sits 4,517 meters above sea level in the village of Hanle, Ladakh, India. The site is a dry, cold desert with sparse human population and the ancient Hanle monastery as its nearest neighbour.
Hartebeesthoek ground station
The Hartebeesthoek space launch ground station is located along the Magaliesberg mountain range, approximately 70 km west of Pretoria, South Africa, and provides world-class telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services.
cronym Station Name East Longitude Geodetic Latit...
Melbourne Observatory
General news
During the middle of the 19th century the Government of Victoria voted the sum of £5000 for the construction of a large equatorial telescope to be erected at the Melbourne Observatory, Australia.
The construction of the grand instrument was entrusted to Mr.Grubb, F.R.S., of Dublin, Ireland....
Big Bear Observatory
General news
The Big Bear Solar Observatory is located on a spit of land in the middle of Big Bear Lake, California, to exploits the excellent climatic conditions of Big Bear Lake, and reduce the image distortion, which usually occurs when the [url=http://www.bbso.n...
Edinburgh's Royal Observatory
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General news
A sophisticated security system has been installed at Edinburgh's Royal Observatory to protect millions of pounds worth of equipment from vandals.
Motion sensors and access control panels have been installed on all doors at the facility on Blackford Hill.
The upgrade has been driven by a f...
The W.J. McDonald Observatory
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General news
The W.J. McDonald Observatory of The University of Texas at Austin has received a pledge of a $750,000 joint donation from George P. and Cynthia W. Mitchell, The Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation, and the George and Cynthia Mitchell Charitable Remainder Unitrust.
The gift will fund cosm...
Jantar Mantars
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General news
Between 1727 and 1734 Maharajah Jai Singh II of Jaipur constructed an astronomical observatory, in Jairpur, the capital of the federal state Rhajasthan in west central India. The observatory, or "Jantar Mantars" as they are commonly known, incorporate multiple buildings of unique form...
Hankasalmi radio telescope
General news
Timelapse video of an amateur radio telescope in Finland tracking the Sun through the longest day of 2007 [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=k3z7nvjn-bw]
Green Bank Telescope
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General news
Title: Out-Of-Focus Holography at the Green Bank Telescope
Authors: B. Nikolic, R. M. Prestage, D. S. Balser, C. J. Chandler, R. E. Hills
We describe phase-retrieval holography measurements of the 100-m diameter Green Bank Telescope using astronomical sources and an ast...
Ancient Astronomy
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General news
The role of sea navigation in sparking the ancient investigation of the stars cannot be underestimated. Our earliest stories speak of the glories of the master mariner, Odysseus, caught in the powerful vortex of Poseidon's wrath for 10 long and gruelling years. Our first maps of the surroundi...
Tzec Maun Observatory
General news
An observatory being refurbished near Cloudcroft is getting a new mission providing telescope time for budding astronomers around the world. The Tzec Maun Observatory in the Lincoln National Forest was built by the Air Force in 1962 to track Soviet space activity during the Cold War. Its 48-inch d...
Nobeyama observatory
General news
Title: New 60-cm Radio Survey Telescope with the Sideband-Separating SIS Receiver for the 200 GHz Band Authors: Taku Nakajima, Masahiro Kaiden, Jun Korogi, Kimihiro Kimura, Yoshinori Yonekura, Hideo Ogawa, Shingo Nishiura, Kazuhito Dobashi, Toshihiro Handa, Kotaro Kohno, Jun-Ichi Morino,...
Redu ground station
General news
A new page is being turned in the history of the ESA Redu ground station with the award today of a contract for maintenance and operations services to Redu Space Services S.A. The contract also foresees the possibility for Redu Space Services to provide new commercial services from the ESA Redu stat...
Lu-Lin Observatory
General news
The NCU (National Central University) Lu-Lin Observatory is located at Mt. Front Lu-Lin, 120o 52' 25" E and 23o 28' 07" N, a 2862-m peak in the Yu-Shan National Park. The construction of Lu-Lin Observatory was finished on January 14, 1999. The initial study of Lu-Lin site was started sinc...
Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory
General news
The Hume Cronyn Memorial Observatory will be open to the public for summer stargazing starting June 2. The open house takes place Saturday evenings, 8:30 - 11 p.m., during June, July, and August, ending on August 25. An astronomer will be on hand to answer questions and enable telescope viewing. [ur...
Keck Observatory
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General news
Hawaii's W.M. Keck Observatory will use a grant from a charitable foundation to improve conditions for its summit crew.
The M.R. and Evelyn Hudson Foundation of Dallas selected the observatory for a $75,000 donation, the observatory said Sunday night.
"One of Hudson Foundation's area...
Discovery Channel Telescope
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General news
Lowell Observatory and Discovery Communications Reach Milestone in Construction of the Discovery Channel Telescope.
The telescope will be amongst the most sophisticated ground-based telescopes of its size; and to be fully operational by 2010, the Discovery Channel Telescope wi...
Gemini Observatory
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General news
The recent addition of a field lens in the Altair adaptive optics system at the Gemini Observatory has resulted in a significant improvement in near-infrared imaging capabilities at Gemini North. Altair with the field lens will begin regular science use in semester 2006A.
Lijiang Observatory
General news
Construction of China's largest general optics tracking telescope was completed on May 12 and it is now ready for use at the Chinese Academy of Science Yunnan Province Lijiang astronomic observatory. The telescope, 2.4 meters in diameter, 8 meters tall and weighing 40 tons, is the largest of its ki...
Imiloa Astronomy Centre
General news
Hawaii island is not only home to world class observatories, it is also home to a science centre that has kids looking to the stars and to past. You can see from the outside, that the Imiloa Astronomy Centre of Hawai`i is different than many other science centres, three large domes make up this facility...
Pir Ghaib monument
General news
As the country celebrates the 150th anniversary of the First War of Independence, there exists a monument on the Capital's Northern Ridge that is special not only because it was associated with the historic revolt but also because of its astronomical significance. Built by Firoz Shah Tughlaq, the...
Yunnan Observatory
General news
Kunming Base of the United Laboratory of Optical Astronomy Chinese Academy of Sciences Expand (135kb, 800 x 600) Latitude: 25.027005°N, Longitude: 102.790780°E
Solar observatory
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General news
The oldest solar observatory in the Americas has been found, suggesting the existence of early, sophisticated Sun cults, scientists report. It comprises of a group of 2,300-year-old structures, known as the Thirteen Towers, which are found in the Chankillo archaeological site, Peru. The tower...
Sierra Stars Observatory
General news
Sierra Stars Observatory will be available to the public Galaxies far, far away will become closer to Tahoe - and the rest of the world - once a private observatory in Markleeville begins operations next month. Unlike almost all telescopes of its calibre, the Sierra Stars Observatory will be availa...
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST)
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General news
IN May of this year, Wayne Rosing was named the first senior fellow in mathematical and physical sciences at the University of California.
As part of the position, Rosing will work with Anthony Tyson, a...
Bryce observatory
General news
Taking advantage of southern Utah's clear, dark skies, Bryce Canyon National Park wants to build a $2 million public astronomical observatory. It would be only the second observatory for the National Park Service and a much grander type than the small facility at Chaco Canyon National Historical...
York observatory
General news
Stargazers rejoice - a little-known York observatory could open to the public seven days a week for the first time in its history. The historic Museum Gardens facility is in full working order, but only usually open its doors for a couple of weeks a year. But now the York Museums Trust, which looks aft...
Lynchburg College observatory
General news
Lynchburg College students will be seeing stars this fall. A $450,000 observatory, located on the Claytor Nature Preserve, should be ready for use by then. Initial work began last Friday and college officials expect the work to be completed in August. Dr. Neal Sumerlin, who spearheaded the projec...
Monrovia High School observatory
General news
It was the perfect Eagle Scout project, something befitting that name, a task that soared into the sky and beyond into space. The astronomy dome at Monrovia High School, opened in 1983, had gradually fallen prey to neglect and changing curriculums until, finally, it wasn't used at all. Thursday, be...
UA Steward Observatory
General news
The 21-inch optical telescope used by University of Arizona undergraduates for research and by the public for viewing stars and planets will be renamed this month to honour the late Raymond E. White, Jr. The telescope is housed in the historic 1922 Campus Station dome on the west side of Steward Obse...
General news
HATNet is a network of six small (11cm diameter), wide-field (8x8deg), fully-automated "HAT" telescopes. The scientific goal of the project is to detect and characterize extrasolar planets (exoplanets; those outside the Solar System), and also to find and follow bright variable st...
Multiple Mirror Telescope
General news
University of Arizona astronomers had been preparing for days for this mission to verify the recent apparent discovery of water on the surface of Pluto's only known moon. Atop Mount Hopkins in the Santa Rita Mountains on April 3, 1987, astronomer George Rieke, above, went through a final instrumen...
General news
On 9 June, a powerful new 35-metre antenna, presently undergoing acceptance testing at Cebreros, Spain, successfully picked up signals and tracked Rosetta and SMART-1.
It is ESA's second deep-space ground...
Palisades-Dows Observatory
General news
Palisades-Dows Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by the Cedar Amateur Astronomers (Inc). It is located 15 miles southeast of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA and was founded in 1987. It is named after the Palisades-Dows Preserve which it is located in.
Fairfax Observatory Park
General news
Star gazers and science enthusiasts can now smile with the realisation that their efforts of trying to fund the Observatory Park project are in fact paying off. Work on Observatory Park at Turner Farm in Great Falls has begun — starting first with the recent restoration of the roll-top observatory...
China radio telescope
General news
China has confirmed that it is to build the world's biggest single ear on the universe. The 500-metre wide radio telescope dish is expected to make thousands of discoveries of fast-spinning "lighthouses" in the universe called pulsars.
Chico Community Observatory
General news
Spotlight: The heavens in your hand -- Outdoor planetarium opens in upper Bidwell Park
The speaker will encourage his guests to lean back, get comfy and look for a galaxy far, far away.
But they'll only have to look as close as their fingertips.
Chico's new Shoemaker Open Sky Planetarium will b...
Very Long Baseline Array
General news
The Very Long Baseline Array, a radio astronomy observatory with employees in Socorro, must find funding outside its current source by 2011 to remain open.
The array's director expects to succeed in that.
The Nation...
Fault Observatory
General news
The San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) reached a significant goal on Aug. 2 when scientists drilled into a seismically active section of the fault approximately two miles below the surface of the Earth.
"This is a milestone for SAFOD," says Mark Zoback, a professor of geophysics at...
'Super-LOTIS' Telescope
General news
'Super-LOTIS' Telescope on Kitt Peak Helps Catch Exploding Stars
University of Arizona astronomers are using NASA's Swift satellite and the Kitt Peak telescope called "Super-LOTIS" to see stars almost as they explode.
Until very recently, astronomers saw supernovae explosions after a...
Ring o' Brodgar
General news
Prehistoric enclosure discovered at Brodgar
Workmen building a new visitor car park for the Ring o' Brodgar (Orkney, Scotland) have unearthed what could be the remains of a huge prehistoric walled enclosure between the Stenness and Harray lochs. Construction work was halted last week...
Spitzer Space Telescope
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General news
On August 25, 2003, NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope launched in to space and history by providing the world with the deepest infrared observations ever taken.
Four days after its launch the telescope opened its infrared eyes for the first time and immediately performed beyond all expectation...
Radio astronomy
General news
A new astronomical facility for Peru: transforming a 32m-antenna into a radio telescope
There are some big antennae around that are not used anymore, because communication has been replaced by other means. Making telescopes out of them requires expertise which not necessarily available. F...
Yerkes Observatory
General news
Aurora University submitted a proposal on Friday to purchase Yerkes Observatory and the surrounding acreage and buildings located in Williams Bay, Wisconsin, owned by the University of Chicago.
"Our goal is to maximize the long-term educational use of one of America’s significant scie...
Kingsland Observatory
General news
In a departure from its core activities of providing networking and IT support to SMEs, Cardiff-based TiGra Networks has set up and automated two astronomical observatories for Space Exploration Limited, based in County Roscommon, Ireland. The project has been developed over the past 18 months...
Purdue Terrestrial Observatory
General news
Purdue University has initiated establishment of a world class real-time remote sensing ground station array, capable of receiving synoptic data from multiple panchromatic, multispectral, hyperspectral and radar sensors, at a wide range of spatial resolutions, aboard current and soon-to-...
Stefanik Observatory
General news
If you are visiting Prague over the summer, then remember to check out the Štefánik Observatory on Petřín Hill which is holding an exhibition on Prague monuments connected to astronomy.
"There are some monuments which are, maybe surprisingly, bound to astronomy or astronomical sym...
New tracking antennas
General news
The Allied Defence Group, Inc. (Amex: ADG) announces the receipt of two follow-on contract awards from Bigelow Aerospace.
The new orders are for SeaSpace's 6.1-meter AXYOM 3-axis tracking antennas. The SeaSpace AXYOM Model 50 provides a very high performance, and economical solution, for...
Bannan observatory
General news
Seattle University houses a resident unknown to most of its students. Up a few steep flights of stairs in the Bannan Centre for Science and Engineering and through a locked door sits an astronomy observation point worth around $70,000 at the time of its creation. The tower offers a 360 degree view of C...
Libreville Tracking Station
General news
The Libreville tracking station in Gabon, west coast of Africa, is used as a downrange tracking Station for the European Space Agency Launches from Kourou, French Guiana.
Latitude (deg): 0.35234N Longitude (...
Malindi tracking station
General news
The Malindi 10m antenna S-band station in Kenya is part of the ESA’s network operated in support of the Ariane launches, as well as s/c tracking.
The Station was upgraded in November 2004 (baseband), and is operated in cooperation with the University of Rome (Italy).
Ascension Tracking Station
General news
Ascension Island is an island in the South Atlantic Ocean.
An ESA station was built there in 1991, as the NASA station providing support to Ariane launches was about to be closed.
The United States maintains a GPS monitor station and missile tracking sites on the island.
Stanford Dish
General news
Friends of the Bracewell Observatory Association have organised an effort to rescue the Bracewell Radio Astronomy Observatory from demolition at Stanford in the San Francisco Bay Area.
The telescope consi...
Deep Tye henge
General news
A circle henge has been uncovered by archaeologists in Cornwall (England). The 5,000 year-old site was discovered during work on the A30 bypass at Goss Moor, between Indian Queens and Bodmin, and is the first of its kind found in the region. The 10-metre diameter site at Deep Tye Farm has excited arch...
Linfen observatory
General news
Archaeologists in northern China have reportedly found one of the world's oldest observatories.
The remains, discovered near the city of Linfen in Shanxi province, are thought to be about 4,100 years old.
Wang Shouguan, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that the...
Keck Podcasts
General news
Podcasts about the science and technology taking place at the W. M. Keck Observatory at Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
October 2005
"Violence in the Young Universe"
Dr. Charles Steidel of the California Institute of Technology talks about an exciting time in our Universe, marked w...
Flagstaff Station
General news
The US Naval Observatory Flagstaff Station Celebrates it`s First Half Century.
The U.S. Naval Observatory performs an essential scientific role for the United States, the Navy, and the US Department of Defence. Its mission includes determining the positions and motions of the Earth, Sun, M...
Giant Magellan Telescope
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General news
The University of Arizona's Steward Observatory Mirror Lab is pre-firing its huge spinning furnace and inspecting tons of glass for casting a first 8.4-meter diameter mirror for the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The casting is scheduled for Saturday, July 23.
With this milestone...
Radio Astronomy
Audio Visual
An intresting new website:
"Radio Astronomy is an art and science project which broadcasts sounds intercepted from space live on the internet and on the airwaves.
The project is a collaboration between r a d i o q u a l i a, and radio telescopes located throughout the world. To...
Kitt Peak Observatory
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General news
Kitt Peak National Observatory, Arizona, USA.
This view shows the University of Arizona's 2.3 metre Steward Observatory Telescope (left) and the Kitt Peak National Observatory's 4.0 metre Nicholas U. Mayall...
Stromlo Observatory
The (then) 48" telescope at the Old Melbourne Observatory last Century was relocated to Mount Stromlo Observatory in 1945 and extensively modified. Complete refurbishment after 1990 enabled the 50" telescope (along with highly sophisticated CCD camera equipment and software) to b...
Arecibo RadioTelescope
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Astronomy News
When the Arecibo L-Band Feed Array (ALFA) was installed on a misty April morning two years ago, it promised to bring phenomenal new sensitivity to the Arecibo Observatory.
Now, well into an ambitious series of comprehensive sky surveys using the receiver, astronomers say ALFA is delivering s...
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Mission News
The Universities Space Research Association (USRA) has announced that its teammate L-3 Communications Integrated Systems has completed all major physical modifications required for initial flight-testing of NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA).
SOFIA is...
The Pierre Auger observatory
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Astronomy News
An international science group Tuesday chose Colorado, US, as the site of a $50 million observatory to measure the cosmic rays that continually bombard the Earth.
The Pierre Auger Collaboration said the observatory — a 40-mile-by-40-mile array of remotely monitored sensors — will b...
Gran Telescopio Canarias
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Astronomy News
Juan Carlos I, the King of Spain, will preside over the final opening ceremony of the astronomy department's greatest project to date. The University of Florida has partnered with Spain to build the Gran Telescopio Canarias in the Canary Islands, said Vicki Sarajedini, astronomy professor at UF...
The Lovell Telescope
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Astronomy News
Britain's Lovell Telescope will mark 50 year anniversary since the 76-metre University of Manchester dish, based in Jodrell Bank, was built in 1957. The radio telescope was the first to detect signals from the first satellite, Sputnik 1. The Lovell Telescope Webcam at Jodrell Bank Observato...
Square Kilometre Array
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Astronomy News
South Africa is bidding to host the world's biggest radio-telescope, which will allow astronomers to see back in time to soon after the 'Big Bang' explosion that created the universe. This is the Square Kilometre Array - a R8.5 billion project that could be sited in the Great Karoo near Carna...
Carl Sagan Solar Observatory
Astronomy News
The Carl Sagan Solar Observatory now fully operational The Carl Sagan Solar Observatory began regular daily-basis operations this year with two apochromatic 16 cm telescopes with Coronado H-Alpha and Calcium line filters. The observation window of the observatory is from 15 to 00 UTC. Both tele...
Coonabarabran's Siding Springs Observatory
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Astronomy News
There are concerns the visitors' centre at Coonabarabran's Siding Springs Observatory will close at the end of the month. The Australian National University's (ANU) Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics is withdrawing from the centre and had planned to call for expressions of interest...
Australia Telescope Compact Array
Astronomy News
Title: The Australia Telescope campaign to study southern class I methanol masers Authors: M. A. Voronkov, K. J. Brooks, A. M. Sobolev, S. P. Ellingsen, A. B. Ostrovskii, J. L. Caswell The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Mopra facility have been used to search for new southern clas...
LBT first light
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Astronomy News
October 27, 2005
After 20 years of planning, developing and constructing, astronomers at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy have finally released the first image captured by the new Large Binocular Telescope, an instrument with a light-gathering power 24 times greater than the Hubble Spa...
Herschel Space Observatory
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Mission News
Giant mirror will boldly go to explore galaxies:
At the Tuorla Observatory in Piikkiö, near Turku, Finland, most of the last eight months have been spent in polishing the world's largest space mirror, 3.5 metres in diameter. In February 2007, the mirror will be launched with an Ariane-5 r...
Cosmic Foreground Explorer
Astronomy News
Title: The Cosmic Foreground Explorer (COFE): A balloon-borne microwave polarimeter to characterise polarised foregrounds Authors: Rodrigo Leonardi, Brian Williams, Marco Bersanelli, Ivan Ferreira, Philip M. Lubin, Peter R. Meinhold, Hugh O'Neill, Nathan C. Stebor, Fabrizio Villa, Thyr...
WIYN telescope
Astronomy News
WIYN telescope to get billion-pixel camera The number of larger-aperture telescopes is growing, but size isn't all that matters in a research telescope. Also important is how much of the sky the telescope can clearly image. A telescope used by Indiana University astronomers and their colle...
Norwegian tracking station
Astronomy News
Iridium® Satellite LLC announces plans to open a new telemetry, tracking and command/control (TTAC) earth station in Norway. The TTAC opening is part of a continuous improvement plan to enhance Iridium's industry-leading constellation reliability and global mobile satellite communic...
1 2 3 4
Astronomy News
The Panoramic Survey Telescope & Rapid Response System (Pan-STARRS) is an innovative design for a wide-field imaging facility being developed at the University of Hawaii's Institute for Astronomy.
By using four comparatively small telescopes, each with a 3-degree diameter field...
European Extremely Large Telescope
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Astronomy News
ESO, the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, is taking an important step towards the realisation of a new, giant telescope for Europe's astronomers, by creating the ESO Extremely Large Telescope Project Office. It will be headed by Jason Spyromilio, for...
Sierra La Negra telescope
Astronomy News
A 17-story monster of a telescope is being assembled atop of the 15,000-foot La Negra dormant volcano.
It will probe the origins of the universe with an antenna dish the size of a baseball infield.
It looks like a space-age windmill, with two U-shaped steel arms to hold up a giant satell...
Jodrell Bank
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Astronomy News
Jodrell Bank has been named as the winner of the BBC's online competition to find the UK's greatest 'Unsung Landmark'. The contest asked visitors to the BBC website to choose their favourite from eight landmarks nominated by the public and selected from an earlier regional round of voting.
APEX telescope
Astronomy News
The Atacama Pathfinder Experiment (APEX) project celebrates the inauguration of its outstanding 12-m telescope, located on the 5100m high Chajnantor plateau in the Atacama Desert (Chile).
The official inauguration of the APEX telescope will start in San Pedro de Atacama on Septem...
Mileura Widefield Array
Astronomy News
A novel telescope that will aid the understanding of the early universe is moving closer to full-scale construction thanks to a $4.9 million award from the National Science Foundation to a U.S. consortium led by MIT.
The Mileura Widefield Array - Low Frequency Demonstrator (LFD), which is bei...
Yunnan radio telescope
Astronomy News
Chinese scientists on Monday completed the main part of the radio telescope which will serve China's moon-probe project scheduled for launch in 2007.
The antenna measures 40 metres in diameter, and weighs 400 tons. It's located in southwest China's Yunnan Province and is the country's secon...
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Astronomy News
The world's flagship solar probe, the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), is celebrating ten years in space on 2nd December. Scientists are gathering at CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory on the annive...
Keck nuller
Astronomy News
NASA engineers successfully suppressed the blinding light of three stars, including the well-known Vega, by 100 times using the Keck Observatory in Mauna Kea, Hawaii. This breakthrough will enable scientists to detect the dim dust disks around stars, where planets might be forming. Normally th...
McCormick Observatory
Astronomy News
The Clark telescope at the McCormick Observatory at the University of Virginia will be undergoing a small but crucial renovation soon -- the polishing of the lens that has scanned the stars for more than 100 years.
Robert and Rose Capon donated $20,000 for the renovation of the 32½-foot...
Carter Observatory
Off Topic
Refurbishment of Carter Observatory Carter Observatory closed its doors to the public on May 3 for several months, while it is given a major refurbishment. The refurbishment will be in two parts, the renovation of the building and the making of new displays. The historic exterior of the building wi...
Corot Space Telescope
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Mission News
The Corot Space Telescope has completed its electromagnetic compatibility and vibration testing successfully and remains on schedule for launch this October.
The mini-satellite, carries a 1.1-meter telescope equipped with a 4-CCD wide-field camera.
It is expected observe at least...
Spektr-R (Radioastron) satellite
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Mission News
Russia is to launch a special satellite this year in search for extraterrestrial civilisations in remote galaxies.
The Spektr R (Spectrum-Roentgen) x-ray satellite to be launched later this will carry a 20-metre antenna for the study of galaxies and extraterrestrial civilisations.
Hubble Space Telescope
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Mission News
STATUS REPORT: NASA Hubble Space Telescope Daily Report #4123Date Released: Tuesday, May 30, 2006OBSERVATIONS SCHEDULEDNICMOS 8791NICMOS Post-SAA calibration - CR Persistence Part 2A new procedure proposed to alleviate the CR-persistence problem of NICMOS. Dark frames will be obtained im...
Isle Of Man observatory
General news
In 1996, the Isle Of Man Astronomical Society purchased 4½ acres of land with a view to building an observatory. The site is an excellent one for astronomical observation, with good, dark skies, and an elevation of 195 metres above sea level. Construction of the observatory began in April 1999. [url...
Mendenhall Observatory
A robotic telescope with a 24-inch diameter main mirror and Ritchey-Chrtien optics was built for OSU by Optical Guidance Systems, Inc., and installed the week of February 915, 2007. It is the largest, most modern telescope in Oklahoma. It was funded by a $231,000 grant from the Air Force Office of Sc...
Sphinx observatory
General news
At an amazing 3.571 metres, the Sphinx observatory at Swiss Alps is the highest-altitude construction in Europe. The Sphinx building and observation terrace stand 117 metres above the Jungfraujoch-Top of Europe . On 13 December 2001 UNESCO declared the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn area the f...
Very Large Telescope
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Astronomy News
New Wide Field Near-Infrared Imager for ESO's Very Large Telescope Europe's flagship ground-based astronomical facility, the ESO VLT, has been equipped with a new 'eye' to study the Universe. Working in the near-infrared, the new instrument - dubbed HAWK-I - covers about 1/10th the area of the Fu...
Milagro Observatory
General news
Physicists at nearly a dozen research institutions, including New York University, have discovered evidence for very high-energy gamma rays emitting from the Milky Way, marking the highest energies ever detected from the galactic equator. Their findings, published in the December 16th issue...
The Swift satellite
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Mission News
The Swift satellite, is pinpointing the location of distant enigmatic flashes, called gamma-ray bursts, that appear to signal the births of black holes.
The Swift satellite is named after the nimble bird, bec...
Mount John Observatory
General news
Mount John University Observatory, New Zealand, is situated at an altitude of 1,031 metres on Mount John at the northern end of the Mackenzie Basin in the South Island of New Zealand.
The observatory consists of four telescopes: two 0.6m, one 1.0m, and a 1.8m 'MOA Telescope'.
The nearest popula...
Lanihuli Observatory
Astronomy News
Kane'ohe observatory to be dedicated With the completion of the observatory, which was funded primarily by private donors and will be dedicated on Friday in a private ceremony, the college is now looking at establishing an endowment fund to help with maintenance and improvement costs. [url=http...
Glasgow Observatory
Astronomy News
There has been an Observatory associated with Glasgow University since 1757, and we presently occupy two sites. The main observatory ('Acre Road') is close to the Garscube Estate on the outskirts of the city. Our outstation ('Cochno', housing the big 20 inch Grubb Parsons telescope) is located fu...
KM3NeT Observatory
Astronomy News
Title: KM3NeT: A Next Generation Neutrino Telescope in the Mediterranean Sea Authors: A. Kappes (University Erlangen-Nuremberg), for the KM3NeT Consortium To complement the IceCube neutrino telescope currently under construction at the South Pole, the three Mediterranean neutrino telesc...
Plateau Observatory
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Astronomy News
To reach the bottom of the world, Zhu Zhenxi first had to run and climb his way to the top. Next weekend Sydney astronomers will wave goodbye to a robot-controlled observatory destined for one of the calmest and coldest places on earth: a desolate Antarctic plateau 4100 metres above sea level. Built...
Eskdalemuir Observatory
General news
Eskdalemuir Observatory is situated in the Southern Uplands of Scotland. It is on a rising shoulder of open moorland in the upper part of the valley of the river White Esk. It is surrounded by young conifer forests with hills rising to nearly 700 m to the NW. The observatory is 100 km from Edinburgh and 2...
South Pole Telescope
Astronomy News
AMUNDSEN-SCOTT STATION, Antarctica - Anywhere on Earth this would be a big telescope, as high as a seven-story building, with a main mirror measuring 32 1/2 feet across. But here at the South Pole, it seems especially large, looming over a barren plain of ice that gets colder than anywhere else on th...
Chandra X-ray Observatory
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High Energy Vision: The Chandra X-ray Observatory Click to Play | View Details
Rattlesnake Mountain observatory
General news
A natural preservation plan is threatening the Rattlesnake Mountain observatory. The Energy Department notified 12 agencies Friday to remove structures from the mountain northwest of Richland. Most are telecommunication towers, but one is the observatory of the Alliance for the Advancement...
Lick Observatory
Lick Observatory: Over 100 Years of Discovery Click to Play | View Details
Frisco Peak Observatory
General news
Frisco Peak offers a favourable place to study the sky The University of Utah soon will have a presence on a narrow, remote Beaver County mountaintop where scientists can peer deep into the universe spread across a diamond-studded night sky. With the naked eye, "you can see at least 10,000 star...
Dolomiti Astronomical Observatory
General news
The observatory is located 2 kilometres from central Madonna di Campiglio, Italy. The observatory has a Ritchey Chretien A&M 16" f/8 Astrositall Star Instruments optics, carbon tubes truss design, all CNC aluminium and stainless. The telescope is fully automatic thanks to the solid...
Hong Kong Observatory
General news
The exhibition Hong Kong ObservatoryWeathering the Storms for 125 Years to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the Hong Kong Observatory was officially launched on 22 July. It will be open to the public in the main lobby of the Hong Kong Museu...
Zijin Shan Observatory
General news
China on Monday broke ground on construction of its largest astronomical observation station in Yao'an County in the southwest Yunnan Province. The station, scheduled to be complete by 2010, is in Xihuling (Westlake Hill). Following an assessment, CAS experts found Yao'an fulfilled all the req...
Mount Zijin Observatory
General news
Mauna Kea Observatory
General news
Allen Telescope Array
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Interview: The alien hunter Watch a video about the Allen Telescope Array, the new telescope being used to hunt aliens Read more
Nassau Observatory
General news
Case Western Reserve University has sold its Nassau Observatory in Geauga County because too much light in the area made it difficult to do research at night. The 281-acre observatory on Clay Street in Montville Township was purchased by the Geauga Park District to become part of the new Observator...
Vernonia Peak Observatory
General news
Amateur Oregon astronomers build their own telescope, which will be accessible remotely Deep in Oregon's coastal foothills, where stars splatter the sky like freckles, amateur astronomers are closing in on a dream three decades old. To understand their mission, drive west of Portland, through...
Big Sky Observatory
General news
The Big Sky Astronomical Society will be holding the grand opening celebration of their new observatory on Saturday, October 18, 2008. Read more
Astronomy News
This Friday, May 5, astronomers from the University of Maryland, the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and the California Institute of Technology will dedicate the world's most powerful millimetre-wave-length radio telescope.
Harvard College Observatory
Astronomy News
The Harvard College Observatory, home to half a million glass photographic plates of the night sky from over 100 years of observations, is currently in the midst of one of the greatest preservation efforts in astronom...
Guizhou Radio Telescope
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Astronomy News
The Guizhou Provincial Development and Reform Commission on Monday announced that it will launch the world's largest single-aperture spherical radio telescope as one of the state's key sci-tech infrastructure projects in the Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture in south Guizhou Province. The...
Salt First light
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Astronomy News
The first colour images taken by the largest optical telescope in the southern hemisphere - some of constellations as distant as 10 000 million light years - were revealed on Thursday by the astronomy team responsible for the Southern African Large Telescope (Salt) located near the chilly...
Sunrise Solar Telescope
Mission News
Solar Telescope Reaches 120,000 Feet on Jumbo-Jet-Sized Balloon In a landmark test flight, the National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and a team of research partners this month successfully launched a solar telescope to an altitude of 120,000 feet, borne by a balloon larger than a Boein...
Astronomy News
Title: Ukrainian Synchronous Network of small Internet Telescopes as rapid action instrument for transient objects Authors: B.E. Zhilyaev, M.V. Andreev, Ya.O. Romanyuk, A.V. Sergeev, V.K. Tarady UNIT (The Ukrainian synchronous Network of small Internet Telescopes) is a system of automated...
Florida Tech observatory
Astronomy News
Florida Tech has the state's largest research telescope, a 32-inch, computer driven device installed this week on the F.W. Olin Physical Science Building. The new telescope was installed Thursday at Florida Tech's Melbourne campus, Florida Today reported. The device, which cost $650,000, wil...
The Baikal Neutrino Telescope
Astronomy News
Title: The Baikal Neutrino Telescope: Selected Physics Results Authors: R. Wischnewski, for the BAIKAL Collaboration We present results on searches for exotic particles (relativistic magnetic monopoles and WIMPs) and for UHE neutrinos, obtained with the Baikal neutrino telescope NT200. [u...
MONET telescope
Astronomy News
New Sutherland telescope under construction A new telescope specially geared to help learners is under construction at Sutherland in the Northern Cape. The South African Astronomy Observatory says 40% of the telescope's time will be devoted to helping learners in the Southern Hemisphere - via t...
Keele University observatory
Astronomy News
Keele Universitys observatory is set to be restored in a £700,000 project to create a top visitor attraction and promote astronomy and the physical sciences to students and the community. The University plans to add new equipment, demonstrations, simulations and exhibition space to make the Ob...
Shanghai Observatory
Astronomy News
The dazzling lights have forced an astronomy laboratory in Shanghai, to relocate to escape light pollution that has made it difficult to scan the night sky. The Optical Astronomy Laboratory of Shanghai Observatory now plans to shift to the neighbouring Zhejiang province to establish China's fir...
La Silla Observatory
Astronomy News
First Light for Gamma-Ray Burst Chaser at La Silla A new instrument has seen First Light at the ESO La Silla Observatory. Equipping the 2.2-m MPI/ESO telescope, GROND takes images simultaneously in seven colours. It will be mostly used to determine distances of gamma-ray bursts. Taking images in d...
Newall Telescope
Astronomy News
An archaeological dig in Cambridge has uncovered surprising ancient remains and the foundations of the world's largest telescope of the late Victorian era.
Archaeologists from the University of Cambridge Archaeological Unit, recently working at the site of the new Kavli Institute for Cosmol...
Lincoln Laboratory's Millstone Hill Radar
Astronomy News
A mammoth MIT antenna installed in 1957 as the first radar system to conduct space surveillance (it observed the Sputnik satellite) is poised for many more years of key observations thanks to a recently completed renovation. Lincoln Laboratory's Millstone Hill Radar (MHR) antenna is one of the wo...
MAGIC-II Telescope
Astronomy News
Title: The Camera of the MAGIC-II Telescope Authors: C.C. Hsu, A. Dettlaff, D. Fink, F. Goebel, W. Haberer, J. Hose, R. Maier, R. Mirzoyan, W. Pimpl, O. Reimann, A. Rudert, P. Sawallisch, J. Schlammer, S. Schmidl, A. Stipp, M. Teshima The MAGIC 17m diameter Cherenkov telescope will be upgraded with...
Very Large Telescope Interferometer
Astronomy News
The PRIMA instrument of the ESO Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) recently saw "first light" at its new home atop Cerro Paranal in Chile. When fully operational, PRIMA will boost the capabilities of the VLTI to see sources much fainter than any previous interferometers, and e...
Andijan observatory
Astronomy News
Meter-Class Autonomous Telescope
Astronomy News
Meter-Class Autonomous Telescope for Orbital Debris Research NASA/JSC plans to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the following Commercial item/services: The Orbital Debris Program Office (ODPO) at the National Aeronautical Space Administration Johnson Space Center (NASA/JSC), in Hou...
ChroTel robotic solar telescope
Astronomy News
A recently built telescope on Tenerife will observe eruptive events in the solar chromosphere and help to gain physical insights into the underlying triggering mechanisms. Read more
Very Large Array (VLA)
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Astronomy News
An international project to make the world's most productive ground-based telescope 10 times more capable has reached its halfway mark and is on schedule to provide astronomers with an extremely powerful new tool for exploring the Universe. The National Science Foundation's Very Large Array (V...
Apache Point Observatory
Astronomy News
Title: APOLLO: the Apache Point Observatory Lunar Laser-ranging Operation: Instrument Description and First Detections Authors: T.W. Murphy, Jr., E.G. Adelberger, J.B.R. Battat, L.N. Carey, C.D. Hoyle, P. LeBlanc, E.L. Michelsen, K. Nordtvedt, A.E. Orin, J.D. Strasburg, C.W. Stubbs, H.E....
Magdalena Ridge Observatory
Astronomy News
In an important milestone, New Mexico Tech's largest, world-class telescope is in full operation, and running on funds from the university and research awards rather than federal construction money. The Magdalena Ridge Observatory's 2.4-meter telescope officially moved from the constructi...
Kielder Observatory
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Astronomy News
The Kielder Observatory is a new astronomical facility for the north of England. Kielder, Hexham, Northumberland, UK Permanent telescopes: Meade LX 200 14 inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with built-in GPS and motor drives, mounted on equatorial wedge, wired for computer connection in war...
Einstein Telescope project
Astronomy News
The universe and how it began... Scientists in Wales are hoping their research will help reveal information about the origins of the universe. Professor Bangalore Sathyaprakash of Cardiff University said he and his team were in the early stages of work which could help unlock its secrets. [url=ht...
Kentucky Observatory
General news
Are you interested in astronomy? If so, mark your calendar for one of the Evenings of Observing at The Bank of Kentucky Observatory at Thomas More College. Each evening will include a brief talk in the Science Lecture Hall about what you will see in the skies that evening, followed by an opportunity t...
Warren Rupp Observatory
General news
Visitors have an opportunity to see the universe Saturday, Nov. 1 at the Warren Rupp Observatory. The excitement of staring into space to visit the galaxies, black holes, stars, planets or the solar system is something that can be shared by the entire family at no charge. Public nights are held on the...
Megantic Observatory
General news
Observatory atop Mont Mégantic has a strong attraction for stargazers Starry skies are a star attraction of this remote corner of Quebec by the Maine woods, far from night sky glow that blots them out in settled areas. Seizing on the angle, Mégantic region's tourist guide bears a Reach for the Stars s...
Cardiff Half-metre Newise Telescope
General news
Cardiff University School of Physics and Astronomy has unveiled a new large optical telescope for use by students and the public. The Cardiff Half-metre Newise Telescope has enormous capability for carrying out astronomy, even through the bright night skies of Cardiff. [url=http://www.newsw...
Eastern Iowa Observatory
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Warkoczewski Observatory
General news
Sydney Observatory
General news
It may have been the first major construction project to be cancelled by a NSW government. In 1801, 13 years after the First Fleet's arrival, fears for the security of the infant colony were rising. So in 1804 work began on Fort Phillip. To stand on what was then Windmill Hill, the township's highest po...
Einstein Telescope
General news
Cardiff researchers are helping to design a revolutionary Einstein Telescope that aims to see right back in time as far back as the Big Bang. They believe the telescope would make it possible to measure distance and time between cosmic forces such as black holes, far more accurately than ever before...
Blackrock Castle Observatory
General news
The Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork has scooped a second prestigious award for its stunning Cosmos at the Castle digital exhibition. The observatory scooped the Best Digital Animation Award at the 2008 Institute of Designers in Ireland (IDI) awards ceremony, which celebrates the latest in...
AUT University radio telescope
General news
Radio telescope launch a milestone in New Zealand's scientific and educational history Researchers will be able to probe the secrets of deep space when AUT University's radio telescope launches on Wednesday October 8. Situated in a radio-quiet valley near Warkworth, north of Auckland, the $1 mi...
George Observatory
General news
George Observatory Celebrates 8th Annual Astronomy Day On Saturday Budding astronomers and skilled stargazers alike can enjoy Astronomy Day 2008 on Saturday at the George Observatory. Located at Brazos Bend State Park, the observatory activities begin at 3 p.m. and continue through 10:30 p.m....
Thirty Meter Telescope
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General news
The detailed design for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) developed by a U.S.-Canadian team is capable of delivering on the full promise of its enormous light-collecting area, according to the findings of an independent panel of experts.
With the TMT, astronomers will be able to analyse...
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope
General news
James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Begins Legacy Survey of the Submillimetre Sky A new survey of the universe is underway at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, which will give astronomers a new perspective on the origins of the planets, stars, galaxies and the U...
Samuel Oschin Telescope
General news
3D view of Palomar's 48-inch Samuel Oschin Telescope See more
Thunder Bay Astronomical Observatory
General news
This fall, Lakehead University students are getting out of the classroom and into the heavens. For the first time, the Department of Physics will help students develop hands-on skills in observational astronomy. The course, taught by Lakehead Engineering professor Dr. Lionel Catalan, and Ran...
Polar Bear Telescope
General news
Pollution Telescope Sees First Light A new telescope to study light pollution over the City of Armagh took its first pictures of the sky from the roof of the Armagh Observatory on Tuesday October 7th. The telescope will check that the night sky is getting darker as the city's efforts to reduce light po...
Doncaster observatory
General news
Star-gazers can see clearly now, thanks to some new lighting near their Doncaster observatory. Members of the Doncaster Astronomical Society have been struggling to plot the planets and scan the stars because of the glare of bright street lighting. Now Doncaster Council has installed nine cut-o...
Goat Mountain observatory
General news
Astronomical Society of the Desert members and guests will learn about the Goat Mountain Observatory at the society's lecture meeting at 7 p.m. Friday. Read more
James Wylie Shepherd Observatory
General news
The University of Montevallo will break ground on a future residence hall and dedicate a new observatory Thursday. Both events are part of the 112th Founders' Day at Montevallo. The James Wylie Shepherd Observatory will be dedicated Thursday. [url=http://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/new...
UGA Observatory
General news
Athenians can turn their eyes heavenward again - the University of Georgia's 24-inch telescope has been repaired, thanks to a handful of donors who came up with $500 to buy a replacement part. University astronomers soon can resume a full schedule of monthly open houses, when anyone interested can...
UMass Dartmouth Observatory
General news
Gulmarg telescope
General news
To reduce the uncertainty about the sighting of the crescent Kashmir University (KU) is installing a powerful telescope at Gulmarg so as to witness various celestial events, besides tracking the moon which may help in near future to trace this illustrious crescent. [url=http://www.risingkash...
David Dunlap Observatory
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General news
The David Dunlap Observatory (DDO) is a large astronomical observatory site for the University of Toronto, located just north of the city in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Its primary instrument is a 74 inch (1.88 m) reflector telescope, at one time the second largest telescope in the world, and still the...
Holcomb Observatory
General news
The Holcomb Observatory at Butler University has opened for its fall season of telescope viewing and planetarium shows. It's a fun and budget-friendly way to spend the evening! Source
Highland Road Observatory
General news
The observatory celebrated the 10th anniversary of the discovery of 11739 Baton Rouge at a small party Saturday evening. The gathering also marked the return of its 20-inch reflector, the telescope which was used to discover the asteroids, after it was sent to Pennsylvania for cleaning and resur...
Calamus Observatory
General news
A freshly built observatory dome houses a high-powered 40-centimetre, mirrored telescope. One day soon, wine sippers will be able to gaze at the stars. The automated telescope -- lent to Saunders by a friend -- will eventually allow users to control it through the Internet. Saunders said Calamus i...
Lowell Observatory
General news
Lowell Observatory millionth visitor Last month, Lowell Observatory celebrated one million visitors since 1994, and held an event in honour of the Steele Visitor Centre. Visitors were welcomed to Lowell Observatory at half -priced admission, and participated in various raffles with prizes su...
Dudley Observatory
General news
Wanted: Site for gazing up at the stars Dudley Observatory wants to put telescope up for public viewing Read more
Davis Hall observatory
General news
Davis Halls observatory offers much to students interested in celestial objects beyond campus. The observatorys staff assists visitors in finding all types of outer space interests from nebulas and galaxies to constellations and planets. The dome-like area includes a 14-inch reflector teles...
Peach Mountain Radio Telescope
General news
Cyril Jackson Observatory
General news
The observatory was built in the early 1950's on the peak of a hill close to Haenertsburg - with the words "Erno Star House 1955" above the door. Read more
Kokinovo Ancient Observatory
General news
Researchers from the Kumanovo Museum are intensely studying the megalithic observatory at the ancient Kokino site in north-eastern Macedonia Read more
Southland observatory
General news
The Southland observatory faces an uncertain future, with the building expected to be removed if a proposed museum extension goes ahead. Read more Southland Observatory is situated on the western side of the Southla...
Wynyard Planetarium & Observatory
General news
The Planetarium and Observatory are located on the popular Wynyard Woodland Park (formerly the Castle Eden Walkway Country Park) near Thorpe Thewles, Stockton-on-Tees, Teesside in the North-East of England. The park is just outsi...
Queen’s Observatory
General news
Seeing stars at the Queens Observatory This Autumn, why not take on a hobby of astronomical proportions? Read more
Ladd Observatory
General news
The Ladd Observatory is an astronomical observatory of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, USA. Read more Latitude: 41°5020N, Longitude: 71°2357W
Jenny Jump Mountain Observatory
General news
New Jersey Institute of Technology physics professor Andrew Gerrard hopes by the end of October to be able to peer through what will be the second largest optical telescope east of Texas. Under his direction, a 1.2-meter diameter, fully-steerable Itek optical telescope will soon be installed far...
Jack C. Davis Observatory
General news
Western Nevada College celebrates the fifth anniversary of its Jack C. Davis Observatory on Sept. 20, with a star party and free lecture by a NASA scientist. Dana Backman will speak about how planets are formed at the annual Harlow Shapley Lecture offered by the American Astronomical Society. It be...
Birr Telescope
General news
Optical techniques are a a passion of mine: but this is a good story about the amazing Birr telescope in Ireland, where IES helped by completing the control system refurbishment This historical scientific landmark is located in County Offaly, in the heart of Ireland The Birr Telescope reigned for m...
Arthur W. Martin Observatory
General news
Nasreddin Tusi Shamakhi observatory
General news
The President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has initiated the basic reconstruction of an only astrophysical observatory in the country, Nasreddin Tusi Shamakhi observatory. The presidential press-service informed that according to the presidential decree of September 5, taking into account t...
Langya Observatory
General news
Only recently rediscovered. An ancient site in the port of Qingdao has revealed the oldest known observatory in China. The Chinese Astronomy Society, learned of the finding at its annual convention. Experts point to historical evidence, that the Langya Observatory in east China's Shandong Prov...
Bowman Observatory
General news
Longtime Greenwich resident Anne Burns is the president of the Astronomical Society of Greenwich and reservations manager at the Bruce Museum. She recently sat down with Greenwich Time to talk about the society and the new dome at the Bowman Observatory, on the grounds of Julian Curtiss School, 18...
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
General news
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Open House Saturday, September 27, 2008 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Admission is free. The Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory (DRAO), located near Penticton, BC, Canada, is a world-class facility for science and technology research related to rad...
Blue Hill Weather Observatory
General news
Efforts to build a sparkling new science centre on the grounds of the nearly 125-year-old Blue Hill Weather Observatory are ready to take flight, provided the state gives the project the go-ahead. The Blue Hill Weather Observatory and Science Centre, the non-profit organisation that operates th...
Allegheny Observatory
General news
Daniel Handley is determined to prevent Allegheny Observatory from being forgotten. So he's making a documentary film about the North Side stargazing center where astronomers of yore discovered that Venus is shrouded with clouds and present-day scientists search for clues to planets outside E...
Mikhail Levchenko observatory
General news
Eclipse inspires homemade observatory revival Russian town to rehab rickety wooden tower capped with aluminium dome From a garden bursting with roses, violets, burgeoning cabbages and broken furniture in the remote West Siberian town of Barnaul rises a rickety wooden tower capped with an alumi...
Mount Wilson Observatory
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General news
Up the long and winding Angeles Crest Highway, past a thicket of tall television antennas, sits what David Jurasevich calls "a monument to astronomy." "So many important discoveries about our universe - they all started right there," Jurasevich says, pointing to a domed wh...
Junk Bond Observatory
General news
The Junk Bond Observatory is located in Sierra Vista, Arizona in the Sonoran Desert. * Longitude: 110 degrees, 12.24 minutes West * Latitude: 31 degrees, 28.51 minutes North * Elevation: 4425 feet (1349 meters) Established in 1996, observer David Healy began by using a Celestron 14 SCT and a Meade1...
Broken Hill Observatory
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C.H. Lanphier Observatory
General news
A 1960s-era custom-built telescope and dome donated by the Lanphier family to a local astronomy group have been transplanted and revitalised into a new observatory. The C.H. Lanphier Observatory named for the late Charles Chick Lanphier III, a Springfield business and civic leader who had the te...
Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
General news
Plaskett telescope celebrates 90th anniversary One week could have made all the difference to one of Saanichs most iconic landmarks. As of next Tuesday, the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory atop Little Saanich Mountain will have been visible across the region for exactly 90 years. [url=http...
Kjell Henriksen Observatory
General news
New Aurora observatory opened The new Kjell Henriksen Aurora Observatory on Svalbard has been officially opened by the Norwegian Minister of Research and Higher education, Tora Aasland Read more
Wise Observatory
General news
Title: The Centurion 18 telescope of the Wise Observatory Authors: Noah Brosch, David Polishook, Avi Shporer, Shai Kaspi, Assaf Berwald, Ilan Manulis We describe the second telescope of the Wise Observatory, a 0.46-m Centurion 18 (C18) installed in 2005, which enhances significantly the obser...
Cincinnati Observatory
General news
Stargazers soon will be able to peruse the planets in a more historically accurate setting when the last phase of a $3 million restoration of one of the oldest observatories in the United States ends. The restoration of the Cincinnati Observatory that began in 1998 will be completed this spring. The...
St. George Observatory
General news
Kenneth Stage has a better- equipped observatory than most universities, but he doesnt call himself an astronomer. Im not an astronomer. Im curious about the universe. Ive been accused of being a professor, an intellectual, a scientist and an astronomer. To all of these accusations, I say acquitt...
Frosty Drew Observatory
General news
Reaching up to the Meade LX200 16-inch telescope, Nathan Guillemette watched Venus in awe. It kind of looks like a flower, the 10-year-old Hope Valley boy said, his eyes fixed on the planet, second from the sun and considered Earths sister planet. Its wobbling, explained Les Coleman, director of Fr...
Wyoming Infrared Observatory
General news
The University of Wyomings telescope is getting a makeover for its 30th birthday. The National Science Foundation has granted more than $400,000 to UW to replace aging hardware that controls the 2.3-meter telescope, which is housed at the Wyoming Infrared Observatory (WIRO) on Jelm Mountain, ab...
The Copernican Observatory
General news
People have always had a fascination for the objects seen in the heavens. Before recorded history, humans already knew about the motion of the sun and moon, how the fixed stars rotate around the North Star and that a select few stars moved relative to the fixed stars, staying close to the same path the s...
Asia's largest optical telescope
General news
Asia's largest optical telescope will be set up at Devasthal near Nainital and will be a multinational effort with participation from Belgium, Russia and several Indian institutes. The 3.6 metre optical telescope will cost Rs 120 crore and will be a state-of-the-art system with capability of fa...
GAW Telescope
General news
Title: GAW - An Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescope with Large Field of View Authors: G. Cusumano (IASF-Palermo), G. Agnetta (IASF-Palermo), A. Alberdi (IAA-Granada), M. Alvarez (DFAMN-US-Sevilla), P. Assis (LIP-Lisbon), B. Biondo (IASF-Palermo), F. Bocchino (OA-Palermo), P. Brogue...
Pine Mountain Observatory
General news
Pine Mountain Observatory to be open May 25 to Sept. 29 New season for star gazing awaits Friday- Saturday-night visitors Star-gazing, planet-searching and constellation viewing are just a leisurely drive away, beginning Friday, May 25, at the [url=http://pmo-sun.uoregon.edu/~pmo/]Pine M...
Subaru Telescope
General news
Taiwan joins Japan's project to upgrade Subaru Telescope Academia Sinica, Taiwan's top academic and science research institute, signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) Friday to collaborate in optical and infrared wavelength astrono...
Krýsuvík Observatory
General news
Observatory to Rise in Iceland's Krýsuvík The town council of Hafnarfjördur has provided a lot to the Seltjarnarnes Observatory Association to construct an observatory in the geothermal area of Krýsuvík on the Reykjanes peninsula. The association plans to construct a 1,650 square-meter build...
Taif observatory
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The recently-closed astronomical observatory in Taif has become home to a variety of wild animals since staff vacated the premises, turning a landmark building and center of research into a den for furry fauna. The observatory building has been a symbol and source of pride in the area for over 30 yea...
John Hook Memorial Observatory
General news
John Hook Memorial Observatory to reopen A freshman with an interest in looking to the stars is now helping to reopen the John Hook Memorial Observatory at Indiana State Universitys campus. The grand opening of the observatory is set for 6 p.m. Thursday. The observatory is on the roof of Science Buil...
Hauxley Nature Reserve observatory
General news
Sky watchers on the north Northumberland coast can now see the deepest reaches of outer space thanks to a £5,500 telescope. Northumberland Astronomical Society (NASTRO) has taken charge of its very own 14-inch Meade LX200 telescope at their own observatory at Hauxley Nature Reserve. [url=http:...
James Webb Space Telescope
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Mission News
Faced with a $1 billion cost overrun, NASA may scale back the planned $3.5 billion James Webb Space Telescope and delay its planned 2011 launch.
Boulder's Ball Aerospace & Technologies was awarded a $200 million contract in 2002 to develop the telescope's optical system.
Ball is the ma...
Atacama Large Millimeter Array
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Expand The Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), shown here in this artist's conception, will follow the trail blazed by the SMA and bring a depth of understand...
Fox Island Observatory
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The Fort Wayne Astronomical Society is using a larger telescope at the Fox Island Observatory. The group of area astronomy enthusiasts operates a dome for free public sky viewing on clear Saturday nights during the warmer half of the year at the Allen Countys 600-acre Fox Island Park, 7324 Yohne Roa...
Advanced Technology Solar Telescope
General news
A supplemental draft environmental impact statement has been published for the proposed Advanced Technology Solar Telescope atop Haleakala. The deadline for public comments is June 22. Read more
The Spaceguard Centre
Astronomy News
An observatory which monitors the potential threat to earth from asteroids has launched a campaign to raise money to install a new telescope. The Spaceguard Centre in Knighton, Powys, has been offered the telescope free of charge by the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge. It would mean the centre...
S&T's Observatory
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San Pedro Mártir Observatory
General news
Mirror cast for Mexican 6.5-meter infrared telescope With the casting today (Wed., Aug. 26) of a 6.5-meter mirror in Arizona, Mexican and American astronomers have taken the first step toward creation of a major new telescope that will survey infrared objects in the northern sky with unprecedent...
UNK observatory
General news
The University of Nebraska at Kearney received almost $129,000 for new telescopes and accessories for its new observatory and $50,000 to equip an industrial distribution laboratory. Both grants were awarded by the University of Nebraska Foundation. The new observatory is under construction a...
Washburn Observatory
General news
Historic Washburn Observatory prepares to reopen The Washburn Observatory, the University of Wisconsin-Madison's gate to the heavens, will open later this month following a careful two-year renovation that preserved its hilltop charm and historic significance. An open house to mark the priv...
Montauk Observatory
General news
Montauk Observatory seeks home for $30G telescope The $30,000 telescope a Montauk astronomy group bought is a marvel, a high-powered instrument for seeing deep into space from the darkness of Long Island's eastern tip. Now, it just needs a home. [url=http://www.newsday.com/long-island/suf...
Eagle Observatory
General news
High school to dedicate Eagle Observatory on campus[url=http://www.nctimes.com/news/local/ramona/article_3630e4f0-ea56-5363-a900-c5d0bdf47e...
CopperHead Ridge Observatory
General news
A private observatory. CopperHead Blog Read more CopperHead Ridge Observatory Click to Play | View Details Latitude: 35°54'46.53"N, Longitude: 80°14'44.03"W
Maydanak observatory
General news
Majdanak: night life Click to Play | View Details Telescope-robot is set at the Maydanak observatory located 120 km southward of Samarkand at a height of 2700 m above-see level in picturesque spurs of Altai mountain ridge. By number of clear days this area is second to none of the best world observato...
BCAS observatory
General news
The Bruce County Astronomical Society, in partnership with the Bluewater Education Foundation, will mark the International Year of Astronomy by building of an observatory at the Outdoor Education Centre. The observatory will house the telescope donated by the University of Guelph in 2005, alo...
Clanfield Observatory
General news
Clanfield Observatory has come up with a host of events to coincide with the first International Year of Astronomy. This year, 2009, is the 400th anniversary of the first astronomical use of a telescope by Galileo to study the night sky. The Spring Moon Watch from March 28 to April 5 is the best time of y...
Coleman Observatory
General news
Coleman Observatory Closing Its Doors For nearly a quarter century the Coleman Observatory has given visitors a unique look at the universe from land eight miles north of Van Buren. The Observatory is being forced to relocate due to mortgage payments that weren't being passed on to a third party. [u...
Ankara University Observatory
General news
For the 2009 International Year of Astronomy, stargazers at Ankara University are planning to host various events throughout the year. Telescopes at the AU Observatory will be open to the public throughout the year and presentations and observations will be organised for schools and institutio...
Backyard observatory
General news
Owen Moore has stars in his eyes from three million light years away after building his own backyard observatory. Mr Moore has been keen on astronomy since he was 16 and worked at the Carter Observatory for 14 years. Retiring 3½ years ago, he moved to Levin and, with the help of local contractors, fulfi...
Rosemary Hill Observatory
General news
This summer, University of Florida astronomers inaugurated the world's largest optical telescope on a nearly 8,000-foot mountaintop 3,480 miles away. But it was a far more modest observatory, located just above sea level in rural Levy County and just down the road from the UF campus, that proved k...
Ashton Observatory
General news
Ashton Observatory is an astronomical observatory owned and operated by the Des Moines Astronomical Society. Built in 1983, it is located in Ashton-Wildwood county park near Baxter, Iowa (USA). Source Latitude: 41°48'48&qu...
Rutherford Observatory
General news
Columbia astronomers see stars no more[url=http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2009/09/30/columbia-astronomers-see-stars-no-m...
Joseph J. Casby Memorial Observatory
General news
How powerful is the telescope that will be housed in Belwin Conservancy's new observatory? You'll be able to see Pluto. Seriously. Steve Hobbs, Belwin's executive director, said he was joking when he asked members of the Minnesota Astronomical Society whether people would be able to see the dwarf...
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
General news
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory Selects Acumem ThreadSpotter Acumem, a provider of intelligent software for single- and multicore environments, and China HPC Technology Co., Ltd. (CHPC), a professional HPC application solutions and services provider, today announced that the Shanghai...
Radcliffe Observatory
General news
Planning permission granted on Radcliffe Observatory Quarter Planning permission has been granted for the first stage of Oxford Universitys Radcliffe Observatory Quarter, one of the most significant development projects the University has undertaken for more than a century. [url=http://w...
Hat Creek Radio Observatory
General news
The Hat Creek Radio Observatory (HCRO) is located in Hat Creek, California and is home of the Allen Telescope Array (ATA). Read more
Stony Ridge Observatory
General news
Founders fear Stony Ridge Observatory might be lost in Station fire As the plight of Mt. Wilson remains in the forefront, a summit six miles northeast that also houses a decades-old observatory has yet to receive much attention. But Stony Ridge Observatory, whose fate is unknown, is worth acknowle...
Extreme Universe Space Observatory
Mission News
Space observatory's detector technology goes into single-molecule imaging Since 1999, Yoshiyuki Takizawa has been working on the Extreme Universe Space Observatory (EUSO), an international project to develop a super wide-field telescope capable of observing large volumes of Earth's atmos...
Grove Creek Observatory
Grove Creek Observatory's Celestron C14 Click to Play | View Details
Amiral Vasile Urseanu Observatory
Lunar eclipse - the other side. Click to Play | View Details February 2008 lunar eclipse
Antares telescope
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Physics News
The Antares telescope takes its first look at the heavens
The first detection line of the Antares neutrino telescope, lying under 2,500 meters of water, was connected by Ifremer's remotely operated robot Victor 6000 to the onshore station at La Seyne-sur-Mer (Var) on Thursday 2 March at 12:11...
Horizon Observatory
20. Dezember 2009 Winteranfang - Beim Winteranfang läuft die Sonne auf ihrer tiefsten Tagesbahn über den Himmel. Bei der Beobachtung aus der Mitte des Observatoriums durchstrahlt sie am Montag, den 21. Dezember (Tag der diesjährigen Wintersonnenwende) um 16.00 Uhr das elliptische Fenster der...
Dunsink Observatory
General news
Expand (90kb, 800 x 600) Latitude: 53°23'14.35"N, Longitude: 6°20'18.44"W
Effelsberg radio telescope
Germany: The radio telescope in Effelsberg Click to Play | View Details Effelsberg is an important part of the worldwide network of radio telescopes. The combination of different telescopes in interferometric mode makes possible to obtain the sharpest images of the universe. Since its inaugura...
Wilder Observatory
General news
A century of astronomy as seen through the Amherst College's Bassett Planetarium and Wilder Observatory "Some people come to the Wilder Observatory, and they look at Saturn through this telescope, and they say, 'Well, that's not very impressive.' That's because they're used to seeing phot...
Bloom Observatory
Derrick Pitts of Philadelphia's Franklin Institute Click to Play | View Details Lead Astronomer Derrick Pitts talks about the telescope in the Bloom Observatory.
University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope
General news
The University of Hawaii 2.2-meter telescope is located near the summit of Mauna Kea, on the Island of Hawaii. The 2.2-meter telescope was the first large telescope constructed on Mauna Kea. It went into operation in 1970, and its early successes showed the excellent image quality and observing co...
Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory
General news
A huge forest fire is out of control on the island of La Palma in the Canary Islands, forcing the evacuation of up to 4,000 people, including tourists. There are fears the flames could spread to an observatory housing the world's largest telescope. [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/world/europ...
John J. McCarthy Observatory
General news
Group has huge plans for Galileo anniversary Amateur astronomer Bob Lambert is delighted with his fellow John J. McCarthy Observatory volunteers' plans to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's telescope: They will build a to-scale solar system model that will stretch from the observato...
Nompuewenu Observatory
General news
The heavens will open up to the Rio Grande Valley tonight. After more than 10 years in the works, the only observatory in the area will make its debut at the University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College. "An Evening under the Stars" will take place at the Nompuewenu Observ...
India-based Neutrino Observatory
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Physics News
A proposed observatory in Nilgiri forests threatens to disturb wildlife movement In early 2000, a team of scientists gathered at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics in Kolkata and decided to revive research on neutrinos, tiny elemental particles that can pass through almost all matter unhinde...
Calar Alto Observatory
General news
The quality of the night sky at Calar Alto Observatory has been extensively analysed using many different observational techniques, and with data gathered between 2004 and 2007. The conclusions indicate that Calar Alto is a dark site with a considerable fraction of useful nights for astronomica...
Lucknow Telescope
General news
The galaxies, the nebulas and the stars are no longer far from Lucknow. Indira Gandhi Planetarium has now made it easier to have a close look at the heavenly bodies that are light years away from us. It has got something that no other planetarium in the country has. A 14-inch telescope, installed insid...
Cohunu Koala Park observatory
General news
Star-gazers will have a new place to discover the wonders of space with a deep space observatory being built at Cohunu Koala Park. The new facility will be used for day observations of the sun and for deep observations of space at night. The new observatory is expected to open before the end of this year...
GAW Observatory
General news
The GAW Observatory is one of two laboratories receiving new INAC funding from the Canadian government, in an effort to modernise the facilities. The Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP) in Resolute also received part of the $2 million dollars going to the two labs in Nunavut. The funding will go...
Caltech Submillimeter Observatory
General news
A Mauna Kea telescope will be taken down from its near-summit home within the next decade, ending more than 30 years of astronomical observations. Read more The Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) is a cutting-edge facilit...
General news
The MAGIC Telescope for gamma rays MAGIC, located at Roque de los Muchachos in La Palma, Canary Islands, is the largest single-dish Cherenkov telescope in the world, and also the instrument with the largest optical surface (17 meters of diameter, corresponding to 240 square meters of area). Never...
Kent State observatory
General news
At the end of last semester, a group of Kent State physics students drove to Boston for what was not your average college road trip. The students were off to pick up a special donation: a radio telescope. The summer before, senior physics major Aaron Slodov had taken an internship with the Search for Ex...
Rowan observatory
General news
The Rowan University Astronomy Club and the Department of Physics & Astronomy will commemorate the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first use of the telescope as an astronomical tool by hosting an open house on Thursday, April 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Rowan University Astronomical Observatory,...
Arthur J. Dyer Observatory
General news
Vanderbilt University's Arthur J. Dyer Observatory in Nashville has been named to the National Register of Historic Places. Read more
The Submillimeter Array
General news
The Submillimeter Array Astronomers are meeting this week in Cambridge, Mass., to discuss recent advances generated by a new astronomical facility-the Submillimeter Array (SMA) on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. A joint project of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) and the Academia Sinica I...
Reepham High School
General news
This weekend a Norfolk high school, one of the only schools in the UK lucky enough to have its own observatory, will be showing off its new deep space telescope at a special astronomy event at the school. The giant 30inch telescope in its own observatory at Reepham High School between Aylsham and Faken...
South Pole Telescope
South Pole Telescope Commute Click to Play | View Details
Greenwich Observatory
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Greenwich Observatory, London (1926) Click to Play | View Details
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
General news
CFHT's 30th Anniversary To celebrate the 30th anniversary of its first light, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope releases a 370 Megapixel deep sky image with half a million galaxies, an exclusive illustrated essay on its past and current achievements, and new wallpapers of the telescope. [url...
Millimetron super telescope
Mission News
Italy and Russia make an agreement for a super telescope Italy and Russia will jointly assemble the Millimetron super telescope. The announcement was made during the Italo-Russo summit at Villa Madama. In the presence of the heads of government of both countries, Enrico Saggese, the president of...
Rozhen Observatory
General news
Dr. Tanyu Bonev: About 10 000 people visited Rozhen Observatory in 2009 Dr. Tanyu Bonev, director of the National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen, in an interview with Radio Smolyan - Focus Read more Latitude: 41° 41' 35'' Longitud...
Alpha Ridge observatory
Howard stargazers plan to open observatory at Alpha Ridge Astronomy club members expect to announce at a star party Saturday that their nonprofit organisation has officially partnered with the Department of Recreation and Parks to erect the county's first astronomical observatory at Alpha Rid...
Bridgewater State College Observatory
Chance to get a closer look at Mars Mars approaches close to Earth once every 25 months or so. Later this month, Mars will be closer to Earth than it will be for the next two years. The closest approach will occur on Jan. 29, so the Bridgewater State College Observatory is planning to make the most of it. [u...
New Pond Farm Observatory
New Pond Farm Observatory, 101 Marchant Rd., is hosting an astronomy program open to the public on Saturday, Jan. 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. Program participants will learn to find Sirius, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Rigel, Capella, and Aldebaran and how to identify the prominent constellations of Auriga, Per...
Kyiv Astronomical Observatory
General news
With longer nights and clearer skies, winter is the time to read and watch stars. Most people think astronomers predict weather, compose horoscopes or count stars. In truth, they study life of the universe through the interaction of planets, stars and other solar objects. You can rub shoulders wit...
Tristan da Cunha geomagnetic observatory
General news
A new Danish observatory on a remote island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean will provide researchers with new knowledge about the mysterious irregularity of the Earths magnetic field known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. The observatory is a partnership between DMI, the Danish Meteorological...
SMCC Observatory
General news
South Mountain Community College Unveils New Campus Observatory South Mountain Community College invites the public to come and view the celestial heavens through the lens of its new Desert Skies Observatory telescope on Thursday evening, November 20 at 7:30 p.m. SMCC students and faculty will...
Northern Arizona University Telescope
General news
NAU Telescope gets an upgrade After three years of planning and fundraising, NAU has a brand new technologically advanced telescope. It's called the "Barry L. Lutz Telescope for Education and Training," and it's designated for community members and NAU students. [url=http://www.a...
Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala Observatory
General news
The Astronomical Observatory of Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala has been active over a decade in observing the heavens effortlessly. It is an incomparable endeavour by the institution, establishing an observatory to impart excellent astronomy education. Most people take at least a passing intere...
Sheshan Observatory
General news
China's second largest optical telescope at the Sheshan branch of the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory can no longer participate in world-class observation due to excessive light pollution in the area, astronomers said. Even routine space observations are being affected by light pollution...
Cate astronomical observatory
General news
Cate completes astronomical observatory Cate School in Carpinteria announces the completion of an astronomical observatory to enhance the program offerings of its science department. The new observatory houses a 12-inch, computer-controlled telescope for viewing planetary and galactic o...
Cagliari Observatory
General news
Sierra Nevada Observatory
General news
Title: T35: a small automatic telescope for long-term observing campaigns Authors: Susana Martin-Ruiz (1), Francisco J. Aceituno (1), Miguel Abril (1), Luis P. Costillo (1), Antonio Garcia (1), Jose Luis de la Rosa (1), Isabel Bustamante (1,2), Juan Gutierrez-Soto (1,3), Hector Magan (1,4), J...
Kansas Wesleyan University Observatory
General news
Get a closer view of the heavens through Kansas Wesleyan University's newly restored 16-inch telescope Friday evening during the March Skywatch event. The reopening of recently refurbished observatory atop Peters Science Hall is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m. Friday. [url=http://www.ksall...
Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory
General news
A telescope in the mountains of Chile will give Clemson astronomers an extra eye on the sky as part of an agreement arranged with 10 American colleges and universities. The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy (SARA), of which Clemson is a member, has invested about $250,000 to refur...
Hawera Observatory
General news
Hawera is able to share its night skies with the world now that its astronomical society has moved into the space age. The Hawera Astronomical Society's new catadioptric reflector telescope sets up the building in King Edward Park as a digital observatory. The computerised telescope can find and t...
Chilbolton Observatory
General news
The Chilbolton Observatory is home to CFARR, the Chilbolton Facility for Atmospheric and Radio Research. CFARR provides the UK and European science communities with advanced radars and other ground-based remote sensing facilities in support of high quality atmospheric science, radar and rad...
Astronomy News
The National Science Foundation has halted construction of the $13 million VERITAS mountainside telescope array after a native american Indian tribe filed a federal lawsuit claiming that the area is sacred.
The foundation said it will work with the Tohono O’odham Nation , fo...
South African Astronomical Observatory
General news
South African Astronomical Observatory Selected as Host for the IAU Office for Astronomy Development The Executive Committee of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) has selected the SAAO, a national facility of the South African National Research Foundation (NRF), to host the IAU Offic...
Blue Mountain Observatory
The Blue Mountain Observatory will hold free public viewing sessions starting this week, offering its telescopes to those who want to gaze at planets, nebulas and far-away galaxies. "People who come up there seem to have a good time" - Jaylene Naylor, University of Montana astronomy an...
Goodsell Observatory
Art gallery
Carleton's Goodsell Observatory gets turned into R2D2 by an unknown group of enterprising students--complete with sound effects. All the "decorations" appear to have been draped or taped onto the dome; there was no defacing with spray paint, etc. [url=http://www.facebook.com/al...
Dapu Observatory
General news
300-year old Dapu Observatory Station renovated
Dapu Observatory Station was original built over 300 years ago, located merely 50 meters north to Dapu Monastery, Maldrogungkar county of Tibet.
Featured with its unique astronomical observation components, it is the only historic station l...
Goldstone Observatory
General news
Historic Deep Space Network Antenna Starts Major Surgery Like a hard-driving athlete whose joints need help, the giant "Mars antenna" at NASA's Deep Space Network site in Goldstone, California, has begun major, delicate surgery. The operation on the historic 70-metre-wide antenn...
Aula Espazio Gela astronomical observatory
The installations of the Higher Technical School of Engineering (ETSI) in Bilbao hosted the inauguration of the new astronomical observatory, which will be the most powerful telescope amongst those installed in the Basque Country to date. The Astronomical Observatory will continue to incorpo...
John Han**** Observatory
When it comes to corporate sponsorships picking up the tab for a Freebie, theres no reason to look too closely at the marketing logic behind it. Take, for example, this weeks gratis outing, all-day admission to the John Han**** Centre Observatory for the first 6,000 visitors on August 13. [url=http...
Burnaby Mountain Observatory
SFU is planning to build a $4 million observatory atop Burnaby Mountain that will rival Vancouver's H.R. MacMillan Planetarium when it comes to scientific community outreach. The 458-square-metre observatory will located be next to the Diamond Alumni Centre on the campus's north side. It will f...
Uranienborg observatory
Uranienborg (Swedish: Uraniborg) was an astronomical observatory operated by Tycho Brahe; built circa 1576-1580 on Hven (also spelled Ven or Hveen), an island in the Oresund between Zealand and Scania, at that time belonging to Denmark. It was the first custom-built observatory, and the last to...
Pathfinder telescope
General news
Pathfinder telescope Senator Kim Carr, Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, today launched a register of the opportunities available to industry to participate in building a $100 million radio telescope in Western Australia. "The Australian Square Kilomet...
Kopernik Observatory
Kopernik Observatory schedules upcoming star and planet events Though the weather is getting colder, Kopernik Observatory & Science Education Centre isn't slowing down. Over the next few weeks, the Underwood Road facility will offer a host of events for star and planet enthusiasts. [url=h...
Byurakan Observatory
Byurakan Observatory seeks status of regional astronomical centre Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) applied to International Astronomical Union (IAU) for the status of a regional astronomical centre, Director of Byurakan Observatory Hayk Harutyunytan told the reporters on Decemb...
Mills Observatory
It has given generations of stargazers free access to the heavens as the only public observatory in the UK. But the 85-year-old Mills Observatory in Dundee is now under threat of privatisation with the city's council considering turning its daily running over to a private trust. Like other council...
Pauline and George Murillo Observatory
Domes put in place for CSUSB's observatory At California State University-San Bernardino, the universe is about to come into focus like never before. On Wednesday, the crowning glories of the university's new observatory were put into place. The twin 46-foot high domes will house two telescopes...
William D. McDowell Observatory
NJMC William D. McDowell Observatory to host total lunar eclipse viewing session The New Jersey Meadowlands Commission has invited the public to an up-close view of the first total lunar eclipse in nearly three years on Monday, Dec. 20, at the Commission's William D. McDowell Observatory in nearb...
Mill Hill Observatory
University of London Observatory Open Evening As part of the BBC's 'Stargazing LIVE' event, the Observatory is holding an open evening on 2011 Jan 7. Visitors will be given a short introductory talk, a tour of the domes, and, if it is clear, an opportunity to look through one of the telescopes. Doors w...
Langkawi National Observatory
Langkawi National Observatory Provides Space Studies Facility The Langkawi National Observatory, launched on Friday, provides an excellent venue for local and foreign scientists to carry out space research. Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili said the obse...
Bidston Observatory
FOR SALE: Historical Bidston Observatory[url=http://www.wirralglobe.co.uk/news/8854282.FOR_SALE__Historical_Bidston_Observatory...
Rainwater Observatory
A love of art and space A love of art, developed at an early age, coupled with an interest in astronomy and space sciences best describes Edwin Faughn's talents. This combination has led him to his title of space artist and lecturer and managing director of Rainwater Observatory at French Camp. [url...
Helen Sawyer Hogg Observatory
Free Stargazing - The Stars Belong to Everyone When Harvard astronomer Helen Sawyer Hogg received her Ph.D. in astronomy in 1931, she collected it not from Harvard University but from nearby Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The reason? Harvard didn't offer graduate degrees in sci...
Dominion Observatory
General news
Canadas place in time The Dominion Observatory opened in 1905 as a showpiece with a 15-inch telescope, thick sandstone walls and a metal dome. It's prime focus wasn't the skies, though. It was charting the nation's official time and longitude. [url=http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Canada+plac...
Dun Echt Observatory
Dun Echt Observatory flourished for almost twenty years but, in 1888, on learning that Scotland's modest Royal Observatory, Calton Hill, in the centre of Edinburgh was under threat of closure James Lindsay, now 26th Earl of Crawford, saved the day by magnanimously donating the entire contents of...