Black Holes
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Cosmology News
Most of the biggest black holes in the universe have been eating cosmic meals behind closed doors – until now.
With its sharp infrared eyes, the Spitzer Space Telescope (SST) peered through walls of galactic dust to uncover what may be the long-sought missing population of hungry [url=http://...
blackhole spectra
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Cosmology News
Spectra obtained using the Chandra x-ray telescope show more than 300 supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies.
A team of astronomers has been able to determine the amount of iron near the black holes. The black holes were all located in the North and South Chandra Deep Fields (locat...
Tiny black holes
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Cosmology News
13 April 2005
A research group at Cambridge think that the universe might once have been packed full of tiny black holes. Dr Martin Haehnelt, a researcher in the group led by Astronomer Royal Martin Rees, will prese...
Sagittarius A*
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Stars/galaxy News
There is some evidence, though yet unconfirmed, that Sagittarius A*--the supermassive black hole at the Galactic centre--emits its radio waves modulated with a ~100-day period.
What is intriguing abou...
Our black hole
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Cosmology News
A group of young stars has been spotted dangerously close to the giant black hole at the centre of our Galaxy - only the second such group known to be braving the region's extreme conditions.
Two years ago, astronomer...
Abell 400 black holes
Astronomy News
A pair of supermassive black holes in the distant universe are intertwined and spiralling toward a merger that will create a single super-supermassive black hole capable of swallowing billions of stars, according to a new study by astronomers at the University of Virginia, Bonn University and th...
Sgr A*
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Art gallery
Monitoring a region around the centre of our Galaxy, astronomers have indeed found evidence for a surprisingly large number of variable x-ray sources - likely black holes or neutron stars in binary star systems - swarming around the Milky Way's own central supermassive black hole.
Birth of a black hole
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Astronomy News
The birth of a black hole was witnessed this morning. (9th May 22:45:53.95 UT)
(Notified on Monday 09 May 01:46:45 UT)
The Gamma ray burst GRB050509b was detected by NASA's orbiting Swift telescope, and was most likely the merger of two dense neutron stars.
"A fraction of a sec...
Quantum information
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Physics News
Title: Almost Certain Escape from Black Holes in Final State Projection Models
Author: Seth Lloyd
Recent models of the black-hole final state suggest that quantum information can escape from a black hole by a process akin to teleportation. These models rely on a controvers...
Black Holes
Astronomers Dissect a Supermassive Black Hole with Natural Magnifying Glasses Macro and microlensing Click to Play | View Details
Stellar Black Holes
Cosmology News
Title: On The Maximum Mass of Stellar Black Holes Authors: Krzysztof Belczynski, Tomasz Bulik, Chris L. Fryer, Ashley Ruiter, Jorick S. Vink, Jarrod R. Hurley We present the spectrum of compact object masses: neutron stars and black holes that originate from single stars in different environmen...
Artificial black holes
Physics News
Scientists propose lab-grade black holes One day, scientists may create the ultimate tempest in a teapot - an artificial black hole in a millimetre-long gadget. Such laboratory-grade black holes may illuminate enigmatic physical properties of their wild galactic counterparts, all from the sa...
Who is afraid of a big black hole
Audio Visual
Leading physicists attempt to answer the question: "What are black holes made of?" Those questioned include Professors Andrew Strominger, Michio Kaku, Lawrence Krauss, Max Tegmark, Ramesh Narayan and Douglas Leonard. Horizon: Who is afraid of a big black hole was on BBC Two at 21:00 B...
NGC 5408 X-1
Cosmology News
Swift XMM-Newton Satellites Tune Into a Middleweight Black Hole Astronomers at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre in Greenbelt, Md., find that an X-ray source in galaxy NGC 5408 represents one of the best cases for a middleweight black hole to date. "Astronomers have been studying NGC 5408 X...
2XMM J011028.1-460421
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Cosmology News
Astronomers sniff intermediate mass black hole Astronomers from the University of Leicester and the CESR astrophysics lab in Toulouse reckon they've spotted an intermediate mass black hole - one of an elusive group of beasts weighing in between single star black holes and their supermassive cou...
Massive black holes
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Massive black holes lurking in Milky Way satellites Authors: S. Van Wassenhove, M. Volonteri, M.G. Walker, J.R. Gair As massive black holes (MBHs) grow from lower-mass seeds, it is natural to expect that a leftover population of progenitor MBHs should also exist in the present universe. Dw...
Nuclear Stellar Disk in Andromeda
Cosmology News
Title: The Nuclear Stellar Disk in Andromeda: A Fossil from the Era of Black Hole Growth Authors: Philip F. Hopkins, Eliot Quataert (Berkeley) The physics of angular momentum transport from galactic scales (~10-100 pc) to much smaller radii is one of the oustanding problems in our understanding o...
J0005-0006 and J0303-0019
Cosmology News
Discovery of earliest known black holes announced by astronomers Astronomers have discovered what appear to be two of the earliest and most primitive supermassive black holes known. The discovery, based on observations with the NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope and other space observatories, wi...
Supermassive Black Holes
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Astronomy News
Warped stars feed black holes to fatten them up Why are supermassive black holes so, well, supermassive? It has long been a mystery how enough matter can reach these cosmic gluttons to swell them to such large sizes. Now it seems the answer could be connected to a starry disc at the heart of the Andromed...
Cosmology News
CID-42: A Black Hole Slingshot?
Evidence for a recoiling black hole has been found using data from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, XMM-Newton, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and several ground-based telescopes. This black hole kickback was caused either by a slingshot effect produced in a t...
Distant Black Holes
Cosmology News
Astronomers Discover Giant Black Holes at Edge of Universe Astronomers have been peering farther and farther into space, and back in time, using the worlds most powerful telescopes to detect galaxies billions of light years away that existed when the universe was just a fraction of its current age...
Closest black hole
Astronomy News
Title: What is the closest black hole to the Sun? Authors: C. Foellmi (Version v3) We examine the distance of the two galactic microquasars GRO J1655-40 and A0620-00, which are potentially the two closest black holes to the Sun. We aim to provide a picture as wide and complete as possible of the proble...
Intermediate-mass black holes
Stars/galaxy News
Title: HST's hunt for intermediate-mass black holes in star clusters Authors: Julio Chanamé (1), Justice Bruursema (2), Rupali Chandar (3), Jay Anderson (4), Roeland van der Marel (4), Holland Ford (2) ((1) Carnegie DTM, (2) Johns Hopkins University, (3) University of Toledo, (4) Space Telesco...
Cosmology News
Scientists at Durham University have found the "missing link" between small and super-massive black holes. For the first time the researchers have discovered that a strong X-ray pulse is emitting from a giant black hole in a galaxy 500 million light years from Earth. The pulse has been c...
Primordial black holes
Cosmology News
Title: Cosmological dinosaurs Authors: V. K. Dubrovich, S. I. Glazyrin The hypothesis of existence of primordial black holes with large masses (\geq 10^6 solar masses), formed at the earliest stages of the Universe evolution, is considered in the paper. The possibility does not contradict some...
Black Hole Jets
Cosmology News
Study Reveals a Remarkable Symmetry in Black Hole Jets Black holes range from modest objects formed when individual stars end their lives to behemoths billions of times more massive that rule the centers of galaxies. A new study using data from NASA's Swift satellite and Fermi Gamma-ray Space Tele...