Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3
1 2 3 4
The periodic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 with an orbital period of 5.43 to 5.46 will pass 0.0786 AU from the earth on May 12th, 2006.
The comet was discovery in 1930. It is expected to be visible to the naked eye.
Currently it is at magnitude 11.9 with a condensed nucleus. During the l...
Kreutz sungrazer
Solar System
A Sungrazing comet, a member of the Kreutz sungrazer family, has plunged towards the sun and disintegrated. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) managed to capture the comets as it passed through its field of view. [url=http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1377/536167151_8d2aa611eb_...
C/2007 F1 (LONEOS)
Solar System
C/2007 F1 (LONEOS) ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2 2007 03 21 11 20.41 +20 35.9 2.798 3.737 157.3 5.9 18.0 2007 03 26 11 12.95 +21 42.8 2.770 3.678 151.5 7.4 17.9 2007 03 31 11 05.45 +22 46.0 2.752 3.618 145.4 9.0 17.8 2007 04 05 10 58.01 +23 44.8 2.742 3.559 139.0 10.6 17.7 2007 04 10 10...
Comet 4P/Faye
Solar System
The comet is starting to fade but it is condensed and relatively easy to spot. It is observable until May next year when it fades down to 16 magnitude. Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase Mag 2006 11 01 02 09.09 +06 18.1 0.686 1.674 171.2 5.2 10.5 2006 11 06 02 09.19 +05 16.0 0.690 1.670 166.5 8.0 10...
C/2005E2 (McNaught)
Solar System
At discovery on March 12, by R. H. McNaught), the comet was faint as 16.4 magnitude . It has steadily been brightening.
Now it is below 11th magnitude in the constellation Capricorn.
It is predicted to reach to 10 magnitude from January to March. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is observable only u...
C/2006 VZ13 ( LINEAR )
Solar System
The comet is brightening and may reach magnitude 9 in July. Just now it is observable in the Northern Hemisphere, in the constellation Cepheus. The comet was first discovered by the Lincoln Laboratory Near-Earth Asteroid Research project on November 13, 2006. Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elon...
Comet 2006 P1 ( McNaught )
1 2 3
Solar System
Comet 2006 P1 ( McNaught ) is observable as a magnitude 9 fuzzy star in the constellation Ophiuchus low in the evening sky, from the northern hemisphere .
The comet was discovered in August 21 2006 by Terry Lovejoy. It will pass 0.17 A.U. from the sun in mid January, reaching to magnitude 1. The comet w...
C/2006 WD4 (Lemmon)
Solar System
C/2006 WD4 (Lemmon) was discovered as apparently asteroidal via the Mt. Lemmon survey. Discovery Date November 20, 2006 /2006 WD4 (Lemmon) Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 T 2007 Apr. 28.3994 TT MPC q 0.591239 (2000.0) P Q z +0.001735 Peri. 292.6919 +0.3334336 -0.8815363 +/-0.0...
Spitzer Study of Comets
Solar System
Title: A Spitzer Study of Comets 2P/Encke, 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and C/2001 HT50 (LINEAR-NEAT)
Authors: Michael S. Kelley, Charles E. Woodward, David E. Harker, Diane H. Wooden, Robert D. Gehrz, Humberto Campins, Martha S. Hanner, Susan M. Lederer, David J. Osip, Jana...
P/2007 E3 (LINEAR)
Solar System
Comet 2006 L1 (Garradd)
Solar System
C/2006 L1 ( Garradd ) will be at opposition in December.
ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1
2006 12 01 08 37.86 +32 05.6 0.811 1.588 123.9 31.0 13.6
2006 12 06 07 56.48 +39 53.6 0.751 1.617 136.8 24.6 13.5
2006 12 11 06 56.92 +47 07.0 0.728 1.647 147.8 18.6 13.5
2006 12 16 05 41...
Comet 162P/Siding Spring
Solar System
Title: Comet 162P/Siding Spring: A Surprisingly Large Nucleus
Authors: Y. R. Fernandez, H. Campins, M. Kassis, C. W. Hergenrother, R. P. Binzel, J. Licandro, J. L. Hora, J. D. Adams
Researchers present an analysis of thermal emission from comet 162P/Siding Spring (P/2004...
Comet 2006 T1 (Levy)
1 2
Solar System
Comet 2006 T1 (Levy)
T 2006 Oct. 9.226 TT MPC
q 1.07182 (2000.0) P Q
Peri. 181.745 -0.276725 -0.907090
Node 284.416 +0.885574 -0.112577
e 1.0 Incl. 19.117 +0.373071 -0.405603
From 40 observations 2006 Oct. 2-3.
ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Ph...
Comet 17P/Holmes
1 2 3 4 5 … 8
Astronomy News
The 17th magnitude comet 17P/Holmes currently in the constellation Perseus has rapidly brightened, becoming a magnitude 3, naked-eye object in the evening sky, according to astronomers in Japan, Persia and Europe. A...
1 2 3 4 5 … 6
Solar System
I heard that a new comet was discovered today. Is this true, does anyone know?
Comet 8P/Tuttle
1 2
8P/Tuttle is a periodic comet in our solar system. Comet 8P/Tuttle is responsible for the Ursids meteor shower in late December. Read more This comet may reach mag 6 in January. pre>Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 2007 12 01...
Comet 96P/Machholz 1
1 2 3
Comet 96P/Machholz 1 is observable as a morning sky object in the Northern Hemisphere. By the end of the month it will become observable in the Southern Hemisphere. ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2 2007 03 31 01 02.06 -04 16.3 1.138 ...
Comet C/2007 W1 (Boattini)
1 2
Astronomy News
A new magnitude 17.4, comet, was discovered by A. Boattini (Mt. Lemmon Survey) on November 20th, 2007, and confirmed by the later observations. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on June 14th, 2008 at a distance of 0.7 AU from the Sun. The comet could reac...
Comet Hale-Bopp
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Art gallery
In 1997, Comet Hale-Bopp's intrinsic brightness exceeded any comet since 1811. Since it peaked on the other side of the Earth's orbit, however, the comet appeared only brighter than any comet in two decades. Visible are the two tails shed by Comet Hale-Bopp.
Comet C/2006 M4 (SWAN)
Comet C/2006 M4 ( SWAN ), is now observable in the dawn skies of the northern hemisphere.
The comet is in the constellation Leo moving towards Bootes.
Expand (8kb, 742 x 460)
ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Del...
Comet 2003 R5 (SOHO)
Solar System
Comet P/1999 R1 = 2003 R5 = 2007 R5 (SOHO) This comet was discovered by Bo Zhou on September 10, 2007 on real time images transmitted by the coronagraph C2 of the SOHO satellite. Sebastian Hönig (2006, Astron. Astrophysics. 445, 759) had previously announced the perihelion return of the comet C...
Comet dust
Astronomy News
Contrary to expectations for a small icy body, much of the comet dust returned by the Stardust mission formed very close to the young sun and was altered from the solar systems early materials. When the Stardust mission returned to Earth with samples from the comet Wild 2 in 2006, scientists knew the m...
C/2007 E2, New Comet in Indus
Terry Lovejoy of Thornlands, Queensland, Australia, has discovered a 9th-magnitude comet in the southern constellation Indus. In reporting the find to the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams (CBAT), Lovejoy described the comet as having a green, 4' coma with a slight extension to th...
Comet 2007 S1 (Zhao)
Solar System
Haibin Zhao (Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station) discovered on September 17, 2007 a new magnitude 18 comet on CCD images obtained with the 1.04 metre, f/1.8 Schmidt telescope. The object was confirmed by observations of LONEOS from the 8 to 15 September 2007 by Tim Spahr. Preliminary orbi...
Comet C/2008 J1 (Boattini)
Solar System
Andrea Boattini at the Catalina Sky Survey discovered a new comet on May 2, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet C/2008 J1 (Boattini) indicate a perihelion passage on the 17th March 2008, at a distance of 1.5 AU from the Sun. Currently at magnitude 14, the comet is visible in the nort...
Comet 174P/Echeclus
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Astronomy News
Astronomers have found a `complex structure` around coma of Centaur 60558 (it was first reported by Choi and Weissman in late 2005, and originally classified as a Centaur) . The object is now known as comet 174P/Echeclus.
It was imaged using the 1.8 meter Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on...
Comet C/2007 Y1 (LINEAR)
Solar System
A magnitude 18.4 object, having the appearance of an asteroid, was discovered on December 16, 2007 by the LINEAR monitoring telescope. The cometary nature was revealed during confirmation observations of the object. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet C/2007 Y1 (LINEAR) indicate...
Comet C/2007 Y2 (McNaught)
Solar System
A new magnitude 18.5 comet was discovered by Rob H. McNaught on images taken with the Uppsala 0.5 meter Schmidt telescope of the Siding Spring Survey on December 31, 2007. The comet was confirmed by D. M. Burton (Australian National University, ANU) using the 1 metre Siding Spring reflector. The pre...
Comet C/2007 W3 (LINEAR)
Solar System
A new magnitude 18.2 comet was discovered on November 29, 2007 by the LINEAR monitoring telescope, and confirmed by observers over the following days. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet C/2007 W3 (LINEAR) indicate a perihelion passage on June 02, 2008 at a distance of 1,7 AU from the Sun....
Comet P/2007 V2 (Hill)
Solar System
R. E. Hill has discovered a magnitude 18.8 comet, P/2007 V2 (Hill), on November 09, 2007 by the MT Lemmon Survey. The new comet was confirmed by the later observations. Additional observations prior to the discovery, made by Mr. T Read (Observatory Steward, Kitt Peak) on October 14, were also found....
Comet C/2008 A1 (McNaught)
Solar System
A new magnitude 15.2 comet was discovered by Rob H. McNaught (Siding Spring) on images taken with the 0.5 meter Uppsala Schmidt telescope on January 10, 2008. The comet was confirmed on the following day by J Young (Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood), E Guido and G Sostero (Mayhill), S. G...
COMET P/2006 W4 (Hill)
Solar System
COMET P/2006 W4 = P/1993 D1 (HILL) R. E. Hill reported the discovery of the comet in the course of the Catalina Sky Survey (discovery observation below), the object was noted as having a tail about 15" long to the west-northwest. The object was been found to show cometary appearance by other CC...
Comet 85P/Boethin
Solar System
A comet targeted for a flyby with NASA's Deep Impact spacecraft cannot be found, forcing mission planners to send the probe to a different comet. The comet may have evad...
Comet C/2008 C1 (Chen-Gao)
Solar System
Jin Beize (Beijing Technology and University Business) has announced the discovery of a comet by CAT Tao Chen (Suzhou City, Jiangsu province, China) on a CCD image taken on February 01, 2008 by Xing Gao (Urumqi, Xinjiang province) using a wide-field 7-cm, 200-mm-f.l., f/2.8 camera lens and 350D...
Comet C/2008 J3 (McNaught)
Solar System
Rob H. McNaught (Siding Spring Survey) has announced the discovery of a new comet on May 10, 2008. The cometary nature of the object was confirmed by A.C. Gilmore and P. Kilmartin (Mount John Observatory, Lake Tekapo) and by N. Teamo (Tiki Observatory, Punaauia). The preliminary orbital elements o...
Comet C/2008 J2 (Beshore)
Solar System
E. Beshore (MT Lemmon Survey) announced the discovery of a new comet on May 06, 2008. The cometary nature of the magnitude 14 object was confirmed by other observers. The preliminary orbital elements of comet C/2008 J2 (Beshore) indicate a perihelion passage on October 07, 2008, at a distance of...
Comet C/2008 J4 (McNaught)
Solar System
Rob H. McNaught has announced the discovery of a new comet on May 10, 2008, within the framework of Siding Spring Survey. The cometary nature of l' object was confirmed by N. Teamo and J.C. Shovel (Tiki Observatory, Punaauia). The preliminary orbital elements of comet C/2008 J4 (McNaught) indi...
Comet C/2008 J5 (Garradd)
Solar System
Comet C/2008 J5 (Garradd) was discovered on May 13, 2008 by G.J. Garradd (Siding Spring Survey). The cometary nature of the magnitude 16 object was confirmed by C. Jacques and E. Pimentel (CEAMIG-REA Observatory), by J.C. Pelle and N. Teamo (Tiki Observatory) and by R. Ligustri (RAS Observato...
I was playing around with your 3D orbit and I found that on November 22, 2097 Temple-Tuttle will be only 35,903,520km from earth! :smile:
Periodic Comets
Meteorite News
Researchers have found that comets show a periodic change in brightness linked with the rotation of the sun.
Using 600 observations of brightness outbursts of comets between 1927-2004, a mean period of brightness outburst activity of comets was determined.
The value of this period is T = 6.8d...
Comet-like Asteroids
Solar System
Some asteroids that have comet-like orbits may actually be comets that have lost gases and other easily vaporised substances, according to a NASA research team.
The team will present its findings at the American Astronomical Society's Division for Planetary Sciences annual meeting in Camb...
C/2006A1 (Pojmanski)
1 2
Astronomy News
On January 1, the Polish researcher Dr. Grzegorz Pojmanski from Warsaw University Astronomical Observatory discovered his second comet using the ASAS automatic telescope.
After the observation was confirmed on January 4 , the comet was given the name C/2006 A1 (Pojmanski).
The 12-13 mag...
Comet P/2007 V1 (Larson)
Solar System
Mr. Steve Larson discovered a magnitude 17.5 Comet, P/2007 V1 (Larson), on images taken on November 08, 2007 by the Catalina Sky Survey. The orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on December 08, 2007 at a distance of 2,7 AU from...
Comet C/2007 VO53 (Spacewatch)
Solar System
An object that at first looked like an asteroid when discovered by the Mount Lemmon Survey on January 11, 2008 was identified with an object discovered by Spacewatch on 01 November 2007 and indexed under the designation of 2007 VO53. Observations before the Mount Lemmon discovery, dating fro...
Comet C/2008 E1 (Catalina)
Solar System
A faint new comet was discovered on the 2nd March 2008 by R. E. Hill of the Catalina Sky Survey, which was confirmed by other observers. The preliminary orbital elements of comet C/2008 E1 (Catalina) indicate a perihelion passage on October 29, 2008 with the distance from 4.8 AU from the Sun, and visua...
Comet Catalina 2005 JQ5
Meteorite News
A comet has been added to the list of potentially threatening near-Earth objects maintained by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Comet Catalina 2005 JQ5 is the largest - and therefore most potentially devastating - of the 70 objects now being tracked. However, the chances of a collision are ver...
1 2
Solar System
Comet 46P/Wirtanen is brightening as it travels through Pisces this month. The comet passes close to the spiral galaxy NGC 524 on February 4 - 5. ate TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 2008 02 04 01 19.44 +07 54.3 0.932 1.058 66.9 59.0 9...
STEREO Comets: C/2008 D1, D2, D3, D4
Solar System
Four new comets were discovered on NRL/SECCHI images taken by various remote instruments (HI1-A, COR2-A, HI1-B, COR2-B) on the STEREO-A and STEREO-B satellites. C/2008 D1 (STEREO) - Alan Watson - HI1-A, February 16, 2008 (20:09-23:29 UTC)...
Jupiter Family Comets
Solar System
Title: Optical observations of 23 distant Jupiter Family Comets, including 36P/Whipple at multiple phase angles Authors: Colin Snodgrass (1 and 2), Stephen C. Lowry (2), Alan Fitzsimmons (2) ((1) European Southern Observatory, Chile, (2) Queen's University Belfast, UK) We present photometr...
Comet P/2008 T4 (Hill)
Solar System
Comet P/2008 T4 (Hill) was discovered by R.E. Hill (Catalina Sky Survey) on the 8th October, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 21st September, 2008 at a distance of 2.4 AU from the Sun, and a 9.2 year period. [url=http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/m...
Comet P/2008 U1 (McMillan)
Solar System
Comet P/2008 U1 (McMillan) was discovered by R.S. McMillan (LPL/Spacewatch II, University of Arizona) on the 18th October, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 12th May 12, 2008 at a distance of 2.523942 AU from the Sun, and a 8.13 year period. [...
Comet C/2008 Q1 (Maticic)
Solar System
Stanislav Maticic within the PIKA (Comet and Asteroid Search Program) at the Crni Vrh Observatory (Slovenia) discovered a stellar looking object with an unusual orbit on CCD images taken with the 0.6-m f/3.3 telescope, on August 18, 2008. Hermann M...
Comet C/2008 T2 (Cardinal)
Solar System
A new magnitude 14 comet C/2008 T2 (Cardinal) was discovered by R.D. Cardinal (Rothney Astrophysical Observatory), on the 1st October, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 16th June, 2009, at a distance of 1.2 AU from the Sun. [url=http://cfa-w...
Comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd)
Solar System
Comet C/2008 Q3 (Garradd) was discovered by G. J. Garradd (Siding Spring Survey) on August 27, 2008, and confirmed by A.C. Gilmore (Mount John Observatory). The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on July 1, 2009, at a distance of 2.5 AU from the Sun. [url=http...
177P/2006 M3 (Barnard)
Comets 2013
177P/2006 M3 (Barnard) = P/1889 M1The comet 2006 M3 (Barnard) is currently moving through the constellation Hercules up towards Draco.The re-discovery of the comet, which had not been seen since 1889, was by the LINEAR survey (it was reported as an asteroid, but found to be cometary by other observ...
Short-period comets
Astronomy News
Are comets born in great swarms? The puzzling abundance of comets in short solar orbits has led a pair of astronomers to suggest that they are fragments of larger bodies that crumbled as they entered the inner solar system. Short-period comets take less than 200 years to circle the sun and are thought...
Comets Disguised as Asteroids
Astronomy News
An asteroid cruising through the solar system six years ago seemed just another silent ship sailing in the eternal darkness, until it flared up with the startling brightness of a comet's halo. Just like that, the space rock known as NEO 2001 OG108 was re-classified as C/2001 OG108 in 2002, from aster...
Comet C/2008 S3 (Boattini)
Astronomy News
Comet C/2008 S3 (Boattini) was discovered on he 29th September, 2008, by A. Boattini (Mt Lemmon Survey). The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 4th April, 2011, at a distance of 3.1 AU from the Sun. [url=http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/mpec/K08/K08S96....
Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann
1 2
Astronomy News
Outburst of comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann. The comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann has brightened up again reaching magnitude 11.0 V. on September 21, 2008. The brightening was observed by Juan Antonio. [url=http://...
Comet 51P/Harrington
Solar System
Comet 51P/Harrington Epoch 2008 June 23.0 TT = JDT 2454640.5 T 2008 June 18.39909 TT MPC q 1.6877644 (2000.0) P Q n 0.13830973 Peri. 269.16931 +0.98796971 +0.12276778 a 3.7031180 Node 83.77510 -0.07462469 +0.91108638 e 0.5442315 Incl. 5.42830 -0.13545116 +0.39350944 P 7.13 MPEC 2008-U53
Destructive comets
Meteorite News
Destructive comets, like the one many people say slammed into the Tunguska region of Siberia last century, are much rarer than we think, new research finds.
Australian scientist Dr Paul Francis of the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics at Mount Stromlo, estimates small comets tha...
Comet 169P/NEAT
1 2
Solar System
169/NEAT, also known as NEAT 22, is a periodic comet in our solar system. Source Orbital Elements 169P/NEAT Epoch 2009 June 18.0 TT = JDT 2455000.5 T 2009 Nov. 30.3058 TT MPC q 0.607674 (2000.0) P Q n 0.2343311 Peri. 217.9626 +0.8267053 -0.56...
Comet 88P/Howell
Solar System
Orbital Elements 88P/Howell Epoch 2009 Oct. 16.0 TT = JDT 2455120.5 T 2009 Oct. 12.4693 TT MPC q 1.363486 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1794476 Peri. 235.9623 +0.3841862 +0.9210419 a 3.112989 Node 56.7567 -0.8198930 +0.3721759 e 0.562001 Incl. 4.3817 -0.4244720 +0.1147476 P 5.49 Ephemeris Date TT R. A. (2000)...
Comet 10P/Tempel 2
1 2
Solar System
When professional astronomers study a comet carefully enough and they are patient enough to do so every chance they get, the results can be astonishing. This type of result is just what Lowell Observatory astronomers and colleagues have with research on Comet 10P/Tempel 2. Lowell astronomer Davi...
Comet C/2009 T1 (McNaught)
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2009 T1 (McNaught) T 2010 Mar. 25.069 TT MPC q 5.56975 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 300.574 +0.280940 +0.418664 Node 59.778 +0.732213 +0.488212 e 1.0 Incl. 88.081 -0.620432 +0.765748 From 17 observations 2009 Oct. 9-11. [url=http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/mpec/K09/K09T36.html]MPE...
Solar System
Orbital Elements 224P/LINEAR-NEAT Epoch 2010 Feb. 13.0 TT = JDT 2455240.5 T 2010 Jan. 31.8363 TT MPC q 1.989593 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1565872 Peri. 16.0938 +0.5550859 -0.8179734 a 3.409038 Node 40.5285 +0.7352415 +0.3976133 e 0.416377 Incl. 13.4361 +0.3889724 +0.4157202 P 6.29 From 88 observations 2...
Comet P/2008 T1 (Boattini)
Solar System
Comet P/2008 T1 (Boattini) was discovered by Andrea Boattini (Mt Lemmon Survey) on October 1, 2008. The comet was identified on archive Spacewatch images from the 2 and 21 September, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on February 25, 2008 at a dista...
Comet 2009 F3 (LINEAR)
Solar System
Comet P/2001 MD7 = 2009 F3 (LINEAR) Comet P/2001 MD7 was recovered by E. Guido, G. Sostero, and P. Camilleri (Mayhill RAS observatory) on the 17th March, 2009. N. Blythe (Lincoln Laboratory Experimental Test System) had first announced the discovery of the comet on July 11, 2001. The comet had also b...
Comet 118P/Shoemaker-Levy 4
Solar System
Ephemeris Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase mag 2009 10 21 05 57.30 +10 54.4 1.409 2.067 117.5 25.3 15.9 2009 10 26 06 01.23 +10 30.1 1.356 2.056 121.4 24.4 15.8 2009 10 31 06 04.46 +10 05.9 1.306 2.047 125.3 23.3 15.7 2009 11 05 06 06.96 +09 42.3 1.258 2.037 129.4 22.1 15.6 2009 11 10 06 08.68 +09 20...
Comet C/2006 W3 (Christensen)
Solar System
Ephemeris Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase mag 2009 04 09 22 48.52 +33 58.5 3.915 3.242 42.1 12.0 13.1 2009 04 14 22 49.91 +34 02.0 3.875 3.230 44.0 12.5 13.0 2009 04 19 22 51.00 +34 07.3 3.829 3.218 46.3 13.0 13.0 2009 04 24 22 51.78 +34 14.4 3.777 3.207 48.9 13.7 12.9 2009 04 29 22 52.19 +34 22.8 3....
Comet C/2009 U5 (Grauer)
1 2
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2009 U5 (Grauer) T 2010 Aug. 23.034 TT MPC q 0.57126 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 139.324 -0.060019 +0.797257 Node 118.302 -0.996818 -0.079494 e 1.0 Incl. 43.016 +0.052458 -0.598382 From 27 observations 2009 Oct. 23-25. [url=http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/mpec/K09/K09UA0.html]MPE...
Comet 107P (4015) Wilson-Harrington
1 2
Solar System
Comet 107P (4015) Wilson-Harrington Comet Wilson-Harrington is a periodic comet (formally designated 107P/Wilson-Harrington). Little known about it distinguishes it from other comets, but for the fact that it is also designated an asteroid, 4015 Wilson-Harrington (which, incidentally, i...
Long-Period Comets
Solar System
Title: Reassessing the Source of Long-Period Comets Authors: Nathan A. Kaib, Thomas Quinn We present numerical simulations to model the production of observable long-period comets (LPCs) from the Oort Cloud, a vast reservoir of icy bodies surrounding the Sun. We show that inner Oort Cloud objec...
Comet C/2009 U6 (LINEAR)
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2009 U6 (LINEAR) T 2009 Aug. 26.433 TT MPC q 1.61891 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 319.286 +0.252191 -0.941312 Node 115.014 +0.939612 +0.182774 e 1.0 Incl. 14.334 +0.231364 +0.283769 From 15 observations 2009 Oct. 27-29. [url=http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/mpec/K09/K09UC6.html]MPE...
Comet C/2008 H1 (LINEAR)
Solar System
An magnitude 17 object, having at first the appearance of an asteroid, was discovered on April 18, 2008 by the LINEAR monitoring telescope. The cometary nature was revealed by confirmation observations made by E Reina (Masquefa Observatory), E Guido and G Sostero (Mayhill Observatory, ), J...
Comet C/1490 Y1
Solar System
Title: Orbital Elements of Comet C/1490 Y1 and the Quadrantid shower Authors: Ki-Won Lee, Hong-Jin Yang, Myeong-Gu Park The Quadrantid shower, one of the most intense showers, has been observed at the beginning of January each year. However, the origin of the meteors is still unknown. It was Haseg...
Comet C/2009 Y2 (Kowalski)
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2009 Y2 (Kowalski) T 2010 Apr. 2.849 TT MPC q 2.29149 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 177.247 +0.201737 -0.840292 Node 260.726 +0.888598 +0.373108 e 1.0 Incl. 30.655 +0.411942 -0.393319 From 45 observations 2009 Dec. 20-21. [url=http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/mpec/K09/K09Y40.html]MP...
Comet 81P/Wild
1 2
Solar System
The 10th magnitude comet 81/P Wild is 1 degree from the planet Saturn in the constellation Virgo. Expand (11kb, 913 x 634) Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase mag mag 2009 12 30 12 06.04 +00...
Sungrazing comet
1 2
Astronomy News
A sungrazing comet discovered by comet hunter A. Watson, is making a close approach to the Sun. Expand (99kb, 560 x 560) Credit SOHO
Great January Comet
Solar System
100 years ago the Great January Comet was accidentally discovered just before dawn on January 12th, 1910, by South African diamond miners. The long period comet passed perihelion on 17 January, 1910. The Great January Comet of 1910, formally designated C/1910 A1 and often referred to as the Daylig...
Comet 2008 R1 (Garradd)
1 2
Solar System
Gordon J. Garradd (at Siding Spring Survey) has announced the discovery of a new comet on September 2, 2008. The new come increases Gordon Garradd tally of discoveries to 12 comets. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on November 8, 2008, at a distance of 1....
Comet 205P/Giacobini A
Solar System
MPEC 2008-S47
Comet 19P/Borrelly
Solar System
Comet 19P/Borrelly is at perihelion, (1.355 AU), Magnitude 8.2, on 22nd July 2008. See more Comet Borrelly (formally designated 19P/Borrelly) is a periodic comet, which...
Comet 82P/Gehrels
Solar System
Comet 82P/Gehrels 3 is at perihelion on the 12th January, 2010. (3.633 AU) Ephemeris Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase mag 2010 01 09 07 00.89 +21 35.4 2.652 3.633 175.5 1.2 18.3 2010 01 14 06 57.29 +21 39.9 2.661 3.633 169.7 2.8 18.3 2010 01 19 06 53.84 +21 44.1 2.678 3.633 163.8 4.3 18.3 2010 01...
Comet C/2008 J6 (Hill)
Solar System
Comet C/2008 J6 (Hill) was discovered on May 14, 2008 by R.E. Hill (Catalina Sky Survey). The comet was confirmed by J.C. Pelle et N. Teamo (Tiki Observatory), by Y. Ikari (Moriyama), E. Guido and G. Sostero (RAS Observatory, Mayhill), and by J.E. McGaha (Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson). The pre...
Comet P/1997 V1 (Larsen)
Solar System
Comet P/1997 V1 (Larsen) was recovered by Jim V. Scotti using the Spacewatch telescope at Kitt Peak on June...
Comet C/2008 L3 (Hill)
Solar System
Rik E. Hill (Catalina Sky Survey) has announced the discovery of a new magnitude 17.5 comet on June 13, 2008. The orbital elements of the comet C/2008 L3 (Hill) indicate a perihelion passage on April 20, 2008 at a distance of 2 AU from the Sun. MPEC 2008-L56 Ephemerides
Comet C/2008 L2 (Hill)
Solar System
Rik E. Hill (Catalina Sky Survey) has announced the discovery of a new magnitude 18.5 comet on June 12, 2008. The preliminary orbital elements of comet C/2008 L2 (Hill) indicate a perihelion passage on July 27, 2008 at a distance of 2.5 AU from the Sun. MPEC 2008-L55 Ephemerides
Comet 2008 N1 (Holmes)
Solar System
Comet 2008 FK75 (Lemmon-Siding Spring)
Solar System
Comet 2008 FK75 (Lemmon-Siding Spring) was discovered on July 1, 2008 by the Mount Lemmon Survey, and catalogued as an asteroid under the designation of 2008 FK75. The object was also independently discovered on July 1, 2007 and identified as a comet by J. Young and Mr. Hicks (Table Mountain Observa...
Comet P/2008 Q2 (Ory)
Solar System
Comet P/2008 Q2 (Ory) was discovered by Michel Ory (Switzerland) on CCD images obtained with the Bernard Comte 0.61m f/3.9 telescope in Vicques. The preliminary orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 23rd October, 2008, at a distance of 1.3 AU from the Sun, and a 5.96...
COMET C/2008 O1 (SOHO)
Solar System
IAUC 8962 (2008 Aug. 1)
Comet P/2008 R5 (LINEAR-NEAT)
Solar System
Comet P/2001 TU80 = Comet 2008 R5 (LINEAR-NEAT) The comet P/2001 TU80 was discovered by the NEAT program on November 16, 2001. The comet was recovered on the 8th September, 2008 by J.V. Scotti (Spacewatch II). The comet had an encounter (0.0815 AU) with the planet Jupiter in April 1985 which changed t...
Comet P/2008 R4 (Korlevic)
Solar System
Comet P/1999 WJ7 = Comet P/2008 R4 (Korlevic) The magnitude 17.9 comet P/1999 WJ7 was discovered on the 28th November, 1999 by Korado Korlevic (Visnjan). Comet P/1999 WJ7 was recovered by H.T. Bressi and J.V. Scotti on September 9, 2008 with the 0.9-m f/3 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak, telesco...
Comet P/2008 R2 (Scotti)
Solar System
The comet was first discovered by J.V. Scotti (Lunar and Planetary Laboratory) in December 14, 2001 and named comet P/2001 X1 (Scotti). The comet was identified on images taken by the MT. Lemmon survey dating from September 13, 2007 and October 8, 2007. J.V. Scotti (Spacewatch, Kitt Peak) recovere...
Comet 2P Encke
Solar System
Comet 2P Encke was first discovered on the 17th January, 1786, by Pierre Méchain (Paris, France). The comet has one of the shortest periods (3.3 years) of any known comet. The comet will make a close pass (0.48 AU) of the Earth on the 17th October 2013. The Taurid meteor showers are associated with the c...
Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9
1 2
Cosmic Impact: Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 crashes into Jupiter Click to Play | View Details
Comet 94P/Russell
Solar System
Comet 94P/Russell makes its closest approach to the Earth (1.275 AU) on the 23rd February, 2010. Ephemeris Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase mag 2010 02 03 10 37.12 +19 44.1 1.328 2.272 158.0 9.3 15.0 2010 02 08 10 34.60 +20 13.8 1.305 2.266 162.8 7.4 14.9 2010 02 13 10 31.60 +20 42.8 1.289 2.26...
A Comet's Tale
Audio Visual
Documentary about comets. Although believed to be gods by many ancient civilisations, who saw them as bringers of life or harbingers of doom, to Isaac Newton they were the key to unlocking the secrets of gravity. Hundreds of years later, a new breed of space mission can show what comets are really mad...
Comet 195P/Hill
Solar System
Comet 195P/Hill makes its closest approach to the Earth (4.018 AU) on the 24th March, 2010. See more
Astronomy News
Ephemeris Date UT R.A. (J2000) Decl. Elong. V Motion h "/min P.A. 2010 03 26 15 23 24 43.7 +32 15 03 32.8 11.6 5.94 086.3 2010 03 26 16 23 25 11.8 +32 15 26 32.7 11.6 5.96 086.4 2010 03 26 17 23 25 40.0 +32 15 48 32.7 11.6 5.98 086.5 2010 03 26 18 23 26 08.3 +32 16 10 32.7 11.6 6.00 086.6 2010 03 26 19 23 26 36.6 +32 16...
Comet C/2010 G1 (BOATTINI)
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2010 G1 (Boattini) T 2010 Apr. 6.688 TT MPC q 1.20110 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 172.955 -0.277620 -0.253634 Node 287.856 +0.827089 +0.427570 e 1.0 Incl. 76.780 +0.488724 -0.867671 From 50 observations 2010 Apr. 5-6.[url=http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/mpec/K10/K10G27.htm...
Comet P/2010 H2
1 2
Solar System
Orbital elements: P/2010 H2 T 2010 May 21.605 TT MPC q 3.07064 (2000.0) P Q n 0.129277 Peri. 144.469 -0.858634 +0.462881 a 3.87366 Node 64.548 -0.508333 -0.713687 e 0.20730 Incl. 14.115 -0.065919 -0.525730 P 7.62 From 226 observations 2010 Apr. 16-17. [url=http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/m...
Halley's Comet
1 2 3
Solar System
On Christmas Day, 1758, a German amateur astronomer and farmer named Johann Georg Palitzsch did something that would have made a great Christmas gift for English astronomer Edmond Halley. Johann "recovered" Halley's Comet, meaning he was the first to observe this previously observe...
Comet C/2010 J1 (BOATTINI)
1 2
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2010 J1 (Boattini) T 2010 Jan. 31.598 TT MPC q 1.60295 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 327.002 +0.123216 -0.700108 Node 253.863 -0.675147 -0.578568 e 1.0 Incl. 132.931 -0.727320 +0.418459 From 89 observations 2010 May 6-7.[url=http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/mpec/K10/K10J32.ht...
Comet P/2009 T2 (La Sagra)
1 2
Solar System
Orbital elements: P/2009 T2 (La Sagra) T 2010 Jan. 12.815 TT MPC q 1.75499 (2000.0) P Q n 0.047144 Peri. 215.448 +0.358550 -0.891533 a 7.58906 Node 215.987 +0.927652 +0.373444 e 0.76875 Incl. 28.102 +0.104422 -0.256338 P 20.9 From 30 observations 2009 Sept. 18-Oct. 13. [url=http://www.cfa.harv...
Comet 103P/Hartley 2
1 2 3 4 5 … 6
Solar System
Jupiter-family comet Hartley 2, officially designated 103P/Hartley is a small periodic comet with an orbital period of 6.46 years. It was discovered by Malcolm Hartley in 1986 at the Schmidt Telescope Unit in Siding Spring, Australia. Its diameter is estimated to be 1.2 to 1.6 km. [url=http:/...
The Great Comet of 1861
Solar System
The Great Comet of 1861 formally designated C/1861 J1 and 1861 II, was a comet that was visible to the naked eye for approximately 3 months. It was categorized as a Great Comet, one of eight in the 19th century. It was discovered by John Tebbutt of Windsor, New South Wales, Australia, on May 13, 1861, wit...
Comet C/2010 FB87 (WISE-GARRADD)
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2010 FB87 (WISE-Garradd) T 2010 Nov. 6.444 TT MPC q 2.84781 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 264.805 -0.301775 -0.026029 Node 89.920 +0.294852 +0.948072 e 1.0 Incl. 107.631 -0.906639 +0.316990 From 30 observations 2010 Mar. 28-Apr. 24. [url=http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/mpec/K1...
Comet 144P Kushida
Solar System
The magnitude 10.7 comet 144P Kushida is moving through the constellation Taurus. Distance from Earth 0.641 AU Orbital Elements 144P/Kushida Epoch 2009 Jan. 9.0 TT = JDT 2454840.5 T 2009 Jan. 26.8601 TT MPC q 1.439021 (2000.0) P Q n 0.1296555 Peri. 216.0966 -0.2006767 -0.9774830 a 3.866122 Nod...
Great Comet of 1860
Solar System
The magnitude 1.0 Great Comet of 1860, (C/1860 M1, 1860 III), was discovered in the evening twilight of the 18th June, 1860, in the constellation Auriga. Orbit of comet C/1860 M1 (Great Comet of 1860) Comet C/1860 M1 (Great Comet of 1860) is one of a large number of comets with parabolic orbits. [url=h...
Comet P/2002 FA9 = 2010 F2 (LINEAR)
Solar System
Orbital elements: P/2002 FA9 = 2010 F2 (LINEAR) Epoch 2002 Mar. 27.0 TT = JDT 2452360.5 T 2002 Mar. 19.11709 TT MPC q 2.7361199 (2000.0) P Q n 0.12347802 Peri. 333.51637 -0.99720644 -0.03806503 a 3.9940143 Node 204.55866 +0.05377213 -0.96303442 e 0.3149449 Incl. 8.89533 -0.05184472 -0.26667538...
Comet C/2009 R1 (McNaught)
1 2 3
Solar System
Orbital elements: C/2009 R1 (McNaught) T 2010 July 2.1701 TT MPC q 0.401431 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 130.8635 -0.4152567 -0.6929477 Node 322.7253 +0.1978019 +0.5636176 e 1.0 Incl. 76.7005 +0.8879394 -0.4496205 From 35 observations 2009 July 20-Sept. 10. [url=http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/mpec/K0...
SOHO 1932 Sungrazer comet
A Kreutz orbital group sungrazer comet, SOHO 1932, has been discovered by Bo Zhou (China) in SOHO C3 chronagraph images. Credit SOHO
Comet C/2010 V1 (IKEYA-MURAKAMI)
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Orbital elements: C/2010 V1 (Ikeya-Murakami) T 2010 Oct. 18.817 TT MPC q 1.71541 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 155.076 -0.944539 -0.328019 Node 5.844 +0.269313 -0.801191 e 1.0 Incl. 8.913 +0.187925 -0.500497 From 50 observations 2010 Nov. 3-4. [url=http://www.minorplanetcenter.org/mpec/K10/K10V46...
Exosolar comets
Meteorite News
If comets exist around other stars, astronomers should be able to see them directly, says Michael Jura, astronomer at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA). All they need to do is use the same observatories that promise to reveal Earth-size extrasolar planets.
Astronomers have dis...
Comet C/2010 KW7 (WISE)
Comet C/2010 KW7 (WISE) was discovered by the WISE satellite on the 16th May, 2010. The orbital elements of the comet indicate a perihelion passage on the 11th October, 2010, at a distance of 2.5 AU from the Sun. Orbital elements: C/2010 KW7 Epoch 2010 Oct. 11.0 TT = JDT 2455480.5 T 2010 Oct. 11.34791 TT...
Comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher)
Comet C/1861 G1 (Thatcher) is a long-period comet discovered by A. E. Thatcher. It is responsible for the Lyrids meteor shower. Carl Wilhelm Baeker also independently found this comet. Read more
Sungrazer comet, 09.05.11
A Kreutz group Sungrazer comet was discovered by Sergey Shurpakov on the 9th May, 2011. Expand (463kb, 1024 x 1024) Credit NASA/SOHO
Sungrazer comet, 21.05.11
CME with a Bonus O Sol desencadeou uma ejeção de massa coronal (CME) de bom tamanho, que ejetou-se para o espaço (20-21 maio de 2011), como a espaçonave STEREO (adiante) observou. Logo depois, como um bônus visual, um cometa surgiu (da direi...
Sungrazer comet, 29.09.11
A bright sungrazer comet has entered the field of view of the C3 instrument of the SOHO satellite. The comet belongs to the Kreutz orbital group. Expand (137kb, 560 x 560) Credit: SOHO/MDI Real time image (794kb, 1024 x 1024) Ed ~ Correct image uploaded
Sungrazer comet 08.03.12
A (probable) Kreutz group Sungrazer comet was discovered on images taken by the SOHO satellite by Vladimir Bezugly on the 8th March, 2012.
Great Comet of 1881 (C/1881 K1)
Comets 2013
Title: C/1881 K1: A Forgotten "Great Comet'' of the Nineteenth Century Authors: W. Orchiston The Great Comet of 1881 (C/1881 K1) was discovered by the Australian amateur astronomer, John Tebbutt, and was destined to make a major contribution to cometary astronomy. Because it appeared at a c...
Asteroid 2012 OP
Asteroids 2012
Orbital elements:
2012 OP
Epoch 2012 Sept. 30.0 TT = JDT 2456200.5 MPC
M 359.56033 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.00490147 Peri. 356.96404 -0.00726295 -0.40379836
a 34.3229884 Node 268.35888 -0.89709870 -0.40153033
e 0.8982708 Incl. 113.76663 -0.44177051 +0.82202206
P 201 H 14.0 G 0.15 U 7 MPEC 2012 - O...