Cosmology News
A comprehensive survey of more than 4,000 elliptical and lenticular galaxies in 93 nearby galaxy clusters has found a curious case of galactic “downsizing.”
Contrary to expectations, the largest, brightest galaxies in the census consist almost exclusively of very old stars, with much of thei...
Abell 2667
Cosmology News
A galaxy in the process of being dismembered has been imaged by the Hubble Space Telescope. The unfortunate victim is having its stars and gas stripped away as it plunges at great speed towards the centre of a massive galaxy cluster. The galaxy has been nicknamed the 'Comet galaxy' because o...
Abell 576
Cosmology News
Title: The Merger in Abell 576: A Line of Sight Bullet Cluster? Authors: Renato A. Dupke, Nestor Mirabal, Joel N. Bregman, August E. Evrard Using a combination of Chandra and XMM observations, we confirmed the presence of a significant velocity gradient along the NE/E-W/SW direction in the intrac...
Abell 194
Cosmology News
Title: 3C 40 in Abell 194: can tail radio galaxies exist in a quiescent cluster? Authors: I. Sakelliou, M. J. Hardcastle, N. N. Jetha The nearby cluster Abell 194 hosts two luminous, distorted radio galaxies. Both reside within the cluster's core region, being separated in projection by only 100 kp...
Abell Cluster A586
Cosmology News
Title: Dark Energy-Dark Matter Interaction from the Abell Cluster A586 and violation of the Equivalence Principle Authors: Morgan Le Delliou (CFTC), O. Bertolami, F. Gil Pedro We find that the Abell Cluster A586 exhibits evidence of the interaction between dark matter and dark energy and argue t...
Abell 3128
Cosmology News
Astronomers working with XMM-Newton have discovered a new cluster of galaxies, hidden behind a previously identified cluster of galaxies. The recently exposed cosmic giant is apparently just as bright as the first group, but is six times further away. HI-RES JPG Size: 154 kb X-ray image of th...
Abell 4059
Cosmology News
Title: A deep Chandra observation of Abell 4059: a new face to radio-mode AGN feedback? Authors: Christopher S. Reynolds (Maryland), Elyse A. Casper, Sebastian Heinz (Wisconsin) A deep Chandra observation of the cooling core cluster Abell 4059 (A4059) is presented. Previous studies have found...
Abell 1763
Cosmology News
New observations from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggest that galaxies prefer to raise stars in cosmic suburbia rather than in "big cities." Galaxies across the universe reside in cosmic communities, big and small. Large, densely populated galactic communities are called gala...
Abell 2052
Cosmology News
Title: Suzaku Observations of the cluster of galaxies Abell 2052 Authors: Takayuki Tamura (ISAS/JAXA), Kazuhisa Mitsuda, Yoh Takei, Noriko Y. Yamasaki, Akiharu ITOH, Kiyoshi Hayashida, J. Patrick Henry, Hideyo Kunieda, Kyoko Matsu****a, Takaya Ohashi The results from Suzaku XIS observatio...
Abell 2204
Cosmology News
Title: Suzaku, Chandra, and XMM-Newton Analysis of Abell 2204: The Galaxy Cluster Gas Temperature Profile from 10 kpc to 1800 kpc Authors: T. H. Reiprich, D. S. Hudson, Y.-Y. Zhang, K. Sato, Y. Ishisaki, A. Hoshino, T. Ohashi, N. Ota, Y. Fujita Context: Measurements of intracluster gas temperatur...
Cosmology News
Title: The sizes of galaxy halos in galaxy cluster Abell 1689
Authors: A. Halkola, S. Seitz, M. Pannella
The multiple images observed in galaxy cluster Abell 1689 provide strong constraints not only on the mass distribution of the cluster but also on the ensemble properties...
Galaxy cluster Abell 521
Cosmology News
A team of scientists, including astronomers from the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), have detected long wavelength radio emission from a colliding, massive galaxy cluster which, surprisingly, is not detected at the shorter wavelengths typically seen in these objects. The discovery implies...
Abell 901/902 supercluster.
Cosmology News
Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope to dissect one of the largest structures in the universe as part of a quest to understand the violent lives of galaxies. Hubble is providing indirect evidence of unseen dark matter tugging on galaxies in the crowded, rough-and-tumble environme...
Abell 3571
Cosmology News
Title: A candidate tidal disruption event in the Galaxy cluster Abell 3571 Authors: N. Cappelluti, M. Ajello, P. Rebusco, S. Komossa, A. Bongiorno, C. Clemens, M. Salvato, P. Esquej, T. Aldcroft, J. Greiner, H. Quintana Tidal disruption events are possible sources of temporary nuclear activity...
Abell 1240
Cosmology News
Title: Internal dynamics of Abell 1240: a galaxy cluster with symmetric double radio relics Authors: R. Barrena, M. Girardi, W. Boschin, M. Dasi We aim to obtain new insights into the internal dynamics of the cluster Abell 1240, showing the presence of two roughly symmetric radio relics, separate...
Stars/galaxy News
A team of astronomers have announced that they have discovered a giant Milky Way-sized tunnel filled with high energy particles in a distant galaxy cluster.
These new findings are of special interest to astronomers as they may provide the missing evolutionary link necessary to understand th...
Abell 1882
Cosmology News
Dynamical Analysis of the Abell 1882 Super Group of Galaxies Gemini Astronomer Percy Gomez presented the work of and international research team (Gemini, Chile and Canada) studying the dynamics of the super group of galaxies Abell 1882. His oral presentation on Wednesday, January 6th was part of...
Abell 315 galaxy cluster
Cosmology News
A Cluster and a Sea of Galaxies A new wide-field image released today by ESO displays many thousands of distant galaxies, and more particularly a large group belonging to the massive galaxy cluster known as Abell 315. As crowded as it may appear, this assembly of galaxies is only the proverbial "...
Abell 3827
Cosmology News
Title: Strong Gravitational Lensing by the Super-massive cD Galaxy in Abell 3827 Authors: E. R. Carrasco, P. L. Gomez, T. Verdugo, H. Lee, R. Diaz, M. Bergmann, J. E. H. Turner, B. W. Miller, M. J. West We have discovered strong gravitational lensing features in the core of the nearby cluster Abell 38...
Abell 222
Cosmology News
Title: The clusters Abell~222 and Abell~223: a multi-wavelength view Authors: F. Durret, T. F. Laganá, C. Adami, E. Bertin The Abell 222 and 223 clusters are located at an average redshift z ~ 0.21 and are separated by 0.26 deg. Signatures of mergers have been previously found in these clusters, bot...
Abell 2345
Cosmology News
Title: The complex structure of Abell 2345: a galaxy cluster with non-symmetric radio relics Authors: Walter Boschin, Rafael Barrena, Marisa Girardi We aim to obtain new insights into the internal dynamics of the cluster Abell 2345. This cluster exhibits two non-symmetric radio relics well stu...
Abell 2256
Cosmology News
Title: First LOFAR observations at very low frequencies of cluster-scale non-thermal emission: the case of Abell 2256 Authors: R. J. van Weeren, H. J. A. Rottgering, D. A. Rafferty, R. Pizzo, A. Bonafede, M. Bruggen, G. Brunetti, C. Ferrari, E. Orru, G. Heald, J. P. McKean, C. Tasse, F. de Gasperin,...
Abell 2146
Title: Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observation of the Bullet-like cluster A2146 with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager Authors: Carmen Rodriguez-Gonzalvez, Malak Olamaie, Matthew L. Davies, Andy C. Fabian, Farhan Feroz, Thomas M. O. Franzen, Keith J. B. Grainge, Michael P. Hobson, Natasha Hurley-W...
Abell 1770
Astronomers have caught sight of an unusual galaxy that has illuminated new details about a celestial "sandbar" connecting two massive islands of galaxies. The research was conducted in part with NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope. These "sandbars," or filaments, are known...
Abell 383
Cosmology News
Title: The Dark Matter Distribution in Abell 383: Evidence for a Shallow Density Cusp from Improved Lensing, Stellar Kinematic and X-ray Data Authors: Andrew B. Newman, Tommaso Treu, Richard S. Ellis, David J. Sand We extend our analyses of the dark matter (DM) distribution in relaxed clusters to...
Abell 2744
1 2
Cosmology News
Title: Creation of cosmic structure in the complex galaxy cluster merger Abell 2744 Authors: J. Merten, D. Coe, R. Dupke, R. Massey, A. Zitrin, E.S. Cypriano, N. Okabe, B. Frye, F. Braglia, Y. Jimenez-Teja, N. Benitez, T. Broadhurst, J. Rhodes, M. Meneghetti, L.A. Moustakas, L. Sodre Jr., J. Krick...
Abell 70
Title: A barium central star binary in the Type-I diamond ring planetary nebula Abell 70 Authors: B. Miszalski, H. M. J. Boffin, D. J. Frew, A. Acker, J. Köppen, A. F. J. Moffat, Q. A. Parker Abell 70 (PN G038.1-25.4, hereafter A 70) is a planetary nebula (PN) known for its diamond ring appearance due a s...
Abell 70
Cosmology News
Title: A barium-rich binary central star in Abell 70 Authors: Henri M. J. Boffin, B. Miszalski, D. J. Frew, A. Acker, J. Köppen, A. F. J. Moffat, Q. A. Parker We have found the central star of Abell 70 (PN G038.1-25.4, hereafter A 70) to be a binary consisting of a G8 IV-V secondary and a hot white dwarf. Th...
Abell 0671
Title: Photometric and Spectroscopic Study of Abell 0671 Authors: Zhizheng Pan, Qirong Yuan, Xu Kong, Dongxin Fan, Xu Zhou, Xuanbin Lin In this paper we present a photometric and spectroscopic study of the nearby galaxy cluster Abell 0671 (A671) with 15 intermediate-band filters in the Beijing-...
Abell 1300
Cosmology News
Title: In the Whirlpool's coils: tracing substructure from combined optical/X-ray data in the galaxy cluster A1300 Authors: F. Ziparo, F.G. Braglia, D. Pierini, A. Finoguenov, H. Boehringer, A. Bongiorno Structure formation is thought to act via hierarchical mergers and accretion of smaller...
Abell 3667
Cosmology News
Title: Properties of the intracluster medium of Abell 3667 observed with Suzaku XIS Authors: H. Akamatsu, J. de Plaa, J. Kaastra, Y. Ishisaki, T. Ohashi, M. Kawaharada, K. Nakazawa We observed the northwest region of the cluster of galaxies A3667 with the Suzaku XIS instrument. The temperature an...
Abell 2261
Cosmology News
Title: CLASH: Precise New Constraints on the Mass Profile of Abell 2261 Authors: Dan Coe, Keiichi Umetsu, Adi Zitrin, Megan Donahue, Elinor Medezinski, Marc Postman, Mauricio Carrasco, Timo Anguita, Margaret J. Geller, Kenneth J. Rines, Antonaldo Diaferio, Michael J. Kurtz, Larry Bradley, An...
Abell 30
Stars/galaxy News
Title: Rebirth of X-ray Emission from the Born-Again Planetary Nebula A 30 Authors: M. A. Guerrero, N. Ruiz, W.-R. Hamann, Y.-H. Chu, H. Todt, D. Schoenberner, L. Oskinova, R. A. Gruendl, M. Steffen, W. P. Blair, J. A. Toala The planetary nebula (PN) A 30 is believed to have undergone a very late therm...
Abell 520
Cosmology News
Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation in Hubble Image Astronomers observed what appeared to be a clump of dark matter left behind during a bizarre wreck between massive clusters of galaxies. The dark matter collected into a "dark core" containing far fewer galaxies than would be expecte...
Abell 2029
Cosmology News
Title: X-ray observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029 to the virial radius Authors: S. A. Walker, A. C. Fabian, J. S. Sanders, M. R. George, Y. Tawara We present Suzaku observations of the galaxy cluster Abell 2029, which exploit Suzaku's low particle background to probe the ICM to radii beyond...
Abell 1758N
Cosmology News
Title: Abell 1758N from an optical point of view: new insights on a merging cluster with diffuse radio emission Authors: W. Boschin, M. Girardi, R. Barrena, M. Nonino We seek to explore the internal dynamics of the cluster Abell 1758N, which has been shown to host a radio halo and two relics, and is kno...
Abell 2199
Cosmology News
Title: A WISE View of a Nearby Supercluster A2199 Authors: Ho Seong Hwang (1), Margaret J. Geller (1), Antonaldo Diaferio (2,3), Kenneth J. Rines (4) ((1) SAO, (2) Universita' di Torino, (3) INFN Torino, (4) WWU) We use Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data covering the entire region (~1...
Abell 1555
Cosmology News
Title: Suzaku Observation of Abell 1555 and Abell 1558: Searching for Non-thermal Emission from Large Scale Structure Formation Authors: Ryu Makiya, Tomonori Totani, Kazuhiro Nakazawa We report X-ray observations of two galaxy clusters Abell 1555 and Abell 1558 with Suzaku, which are include...
Abell 1185
Cosmology News
Hubble Sees the Eye of the Storm in Galaxy Cluster Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA Expand This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope could seem like a quiet patch of sky at first glance. But zooming into the central part of a galaxy cluster - one of the largest structures of the Universe - is ra...
Abell 1060
Title: Threshing in Action - The tidal disruption of a dwarf galaxy by the Hydra I Cluster Authors: Andreas Koch, Andreas Burkert, R. Michael Rich, Michelle L. M. Collins, Christine S. Black, Michael Hilker, Andrew J. Benson We report on the discovery of strong tidal features around a dwarf spheroi...
Abell 1795
Cosmology News
Title: Cold Molecular Gas Along the Cooling X-ray Filament in Abell 1795 Authors: Michael McDonald, Lisa H. Wei, Sylvain Veilleux We present the results of interferometric observations of the cool core of Abell 1795 at CO(1-0) using the Combined Array for Research in Millimetre-Wave Astronomy....
Abell 1995
Cosmology News
Title: Structure of Abell 1995 from optical and X-ray data: a galaxy cluster with an elongated radio halo Authors: W. Boschin, M. Girardi, R. Barrena Abell 1995 is a puzzling galaxy cluster hosting a powerful radio halo, but it has not yet been recognised as a obvious cluster merger, as usually expec...
Abell 35
Stars/galaxy News
Title: BD-22 3467, a DAO-type star exciting the nebula Abell 35 Authors: M. Ziegler (1), T. Rauch (1), K. Werner (1), J. Koeppen (2), J. W. Kruk (3) ((1) Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Eberhard Karls University, Tuebingen, Germany, (2) Obse...
Abell 401
Cosmology News
Planck spots hot gas bridging galaxy cluster pair ESA's Planck space telescope has made the first conclusive detection of a bridge of hot gas connecting a pair of galaxy clusters across 10 million light-years of intergalactic space. In the early Universe, filaments of gaseous matter pervaded the...
Abell 1991
Cosmology News
Title: Investigation of X-ray cavities in the cooling flow system Abell 1991 Authors: M.B.Pandge, N.D.Vagshette, S.S.Sonkamble, M.K.Patil We present results based on the systematic analysis of Chandra archive data on the X-ray bright Abell Richness class-I type cluster Abell 1991 with an obj...
Abell 267
Cosmology News
Title: X-ray emission from RX J1720.1+2638 and Abell 267: a comparison between a fossil and a non-fossil system Authors: Elena Jiménez-Bailón, Mónica Lozada-Muñoz, J. Alfonso L. Aguerri We present the XMM-Newton X-ray analysis of RXJ1720.1+2638 and Abell267, a non-fossil and a fossil system,...
Abell 68
Cosmology News
Gravitational Lens Creates Cartoon of Space Invader The universe is eerie enough without giving us an apparition of a 1980s video game alien attacker. This oddball-looking object is really a mirage created by the gravitational field of a foreground cluster of galaxies warping space and distorti...
Abell 2443
Cosmology News
Title: Chandra View of the Ultra-Steep Spectrum Radio Source in Abell 2443: Merger Shock-Induced Compression of Fossil Radio Plasma? Authors: T. E. Clarke, S. W. Randall, C. L. Sarazin, E. L. Blanton, S. Giacintucci We present a new Chandra X-ray observation of the intracluster medium in the gala...
Abell 21
Stars/galaxy News
Abell 21 (also known as The Medusa Nebula, Sharpless 274, YM 29 and PK 205+14 1) is a magnitude +7.68 planetary nebula located 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Gemini. The planetary nebula was independently discovered by UCLA astronomer George O. Abell at the Palomar Observatory, and...