Meteorite explodes over north Groningen Hundreds of people report seeing a spectacular fireball or meteorite over the Netherlands in Tuesday's clear evening skies.
Aufregung um Lichtkugel - Experten vermuten Meteoriten Eine Lichtkugel am Himmel - wahrscheinlich eine verglühende Sternschnuppe - hat am Dienstagabend zahlreiche Menschen in Norddeutschland in Aufregung versetzt. Augenzeugen meldeten sich bei Polizeistationen und Feuerwehren in Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Bremen und berichteten von einer "brennenden Kugel" oder einem "leuchtenden Gegenstand" am Himmel.
A massive meteor has been seen streaking across the clear skies of northern Europe, with many thinking the planet was about to be invaded by aliens, others thought that an impromptu fireworks display had begin. Tens of thousands of people across northern Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium are said to have witnessed the meteor event around 7pm in the evening local time. The massive event even sent out a super sonic sound boom that rattled the entire region. Source
Astronomer Theo Jurriens from Groningen University has confirmed that it was an extremely bright meteor which broke into three pieces after hitting the atmosphere.
Yesterday, at approximately 18: 57 a huge fireball fell down towards the West. The brightness roughly exceeded that of Jupiter although it was still quite bright.