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Posts: 131433
RE: Electroweak star

Physicists Identify New Kind of Star

Stars don't exactly ease into retirement, and for some stellar objects, the twilight years just got more complicated.
burst of star light
How a star spends its final days depends on its mass. After burning through their supply of nuclear fuel, smaller stars collapse into extremely dense neutron stars. Scientists believe more massive stars implode into black holes - regions of space where the force of gravity created by the collapsing star is so strong that not even light can escape its pull.
But a group of physicists say there may be another stage in the life of massive stars before being snuffed out by total collapse into black hole.

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Posts: 131433

A new class of star may recreate the conditions of the big bang in its incredibly dense core.
Pack matter tightly enough and gravity will cause it to implode into a black hole. Neutron stars were once thought to be the densest form of matter that could resist such a collapse. More recently, physicists have argued that some supernovae may leave behind even denser quark stars, in which neutrons dissolve into their constituent quarks.

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Posts: 131433
Electroweak stars

Title: Electroweak stars: how nature may capitalize on the standard model's ultimate fuel
Authors: De-Chang Dai, Arthur Lue, Glenn Starkman, Dejan Stojkovic

We study the possible existence of an electroweak star -- a compact stellar-mass object whose central core temperature is higher than the electroweak symmetry restoration temperature. The source of energy of the electroweak star is standard-model non-perturbative baryon number (B) and lepton number (L) violating processes that allow the chemical potential of B+L to relax to zero. The energy released at the core is enormous, but gravitational redshift and the enhanced neutrino interaction cross section at these energies make the energy release rate moderate at the surface of the star. The lifetime of this new quasi-equilibrium can be more than ten million years. This is long enough to represent a new stage in the evolution of a star if stellar evolution can take it there.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Electroweak star

Theorists propose a new way to shine- and a new kind of star

Dying, for stars, has just gotten more complicated.
For some stellar objects, the final phase before or instead of collapsing into a black hole may be what a group of physicists is calling an electroweak star.

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Posts: 131433
Electroweak stars

Title: Electroweak stars: how nature may capitalise on the standard model's ultimate fuel
Authors: De-Chang Dai, Arthur Lue, Glenn Starkman, Dejan Stojkovic

We study the possible existence of an electroweak star -- a compact stellar-mass object whose central core temperature is higher than the electroweak symmetry restoration temperature. The source of energy of the electroweak star is standard-model non-perturbative baryon number (B) and lepton number (L) violating processes that allow the chemical potential of B+L to relax to zero. The energy released at the core is enormous, but gravitational redshift and the enhanced neutrino interaction cross section at these energies make the energy release rate moderate at the surface of the star. The lifetime of this new quasi-equilibrium can be more than ten million years. This is long enough to represent a new stage in the evolution of a star if stellar evolution can take it there.

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Posts: 131433
Electroweak star

Dying, for stars, has just gotten more complicated.
For some stellar objects, the final phase before or instead of collapsing into a black hole may be what a group of physicists is calling an electroweak star.

Glenn Starkman, a professor of physics at Case Western Reserve University, together with former graduate students and post-docs De-Chang Dai and Dejan Stojkovic, now at the State University of New York in Buffalo, and Arthur Lue, at MIT's Lincoln Lab, offer a description of the structure of an electroweak star in a paper submitted to Physical Review Letters.
Ordinary stars are powered by the fusion of light nuclei into heavier ones -- such as hydrogen into helium in the center of our sun. Electroweak stars, they theorize, would be powered by the total conversion of quarks -- the particles that make up the proton and neutron building blocks of those nuclei -- into much lighter particles called leptons. These leptons include electrons, but especially elusive -- and nearly massless -- neutrinos.

Source: Case Western Reserve University

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