Maxima of the long period variable V Bootis on the 23rd March 2018.
Magnitude: 7.0 - 12Period: 258.0 daysType: MiraPosition (2000): RA 14 29 45.2669, Dec +38 51 40.648
Maxima of the long period variable V Bootis on the 22nd October 2016
Maxima of long period variable V Bootis on the 8th February 2016
Maxima of long period variable V Bootis on the 9th September 2014.
Maxima of long period variable V Bootis on the 25th December, 2013.
Maxima of the variable star V Bootis on the 12th April, 2013.
Maxima of the variable star V Bootis on the 12th November, 2011.
Magnitude range: 7.0 - 12.0
Period: 258.0 days
Type: SRA
Position (J2000): R.A. 14 29 45.26599 | Dec. +38° 51' 40.6600''Google earth file: V Bootis.kmz (1kb, kmz)