Planned to be launched next year, ESA's Proba-V mission will perform daily tracking of global vegetation growth. At the same time, the small satellite will also monitor the space environment with a compact radiation instrument. Proba-V's Energetic Particle Telescope (EPT) will record the charge, energy and angle of incoming charged particles along a wide range of energies across a 50° field-of-view. Space might be a vacuum but it is far from empty: particles of different energies and charges are thrown off by the Sun, arrive from deep space or are captured and accelerated within radiation belts of Earth's magnetic field. Read more
Wide-eyed Proba-V will track global vegetation daily
The small but powerful camera of ESA's Proba-V mission can fit on a single laboratory table for testing. But when it reaches orbit, this compact sensor will deliver a daily overview of virtually all vegetation growth across Earth. Daily global monitoring is an ambitious enough goal for a full-sized mission, but Proba is ESA's smallest satellite platform - smaller than a cubic metre. Read more