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TOPIC: Mars Reconnaissance orbiter


Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Reconnaissance orbiter

New images for 9 April 2008

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PSP 480x272

Phobos Imaged by HiRISE
Phobos Imaged by HiRISE (PSP_007769_9010)
HiRISE has acquired two dramatic views of the Martian moon Phobos with its stunning feature, Stickney Crater.

Streamlined Islands in Hrad Vallis
Streamlined Islands in Hrad Vallis (PSP_007738_2145)
The scoured floor of Hrad Vallis shows the effects of erosion, presumably by water.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater (PSP_007704_1765)
Miyamoto Crater is located in southwest Meridiani Planum (and southwest of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landing site).
Crater Floor Fan
Crater Floor Fan (PSP_007696_1720)
Groundwater sapping may have deposited this fan of material when it reached the crater floor.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis - Ellipse 1
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis - Ellipse 1 (PSP_007678_2050)
The surface in this image is scientifically compelling for the Mars Science Laboratory rover, although some of the terrain can be rough.

Eroding Mesas Forming Seif and Barchan Dunes
Eroding Mesas Forming Seif and Barchan Dunes (PSP_007676_1385)
The sand appears to come from the layered mesas and knobs, features that have been eroded by powerful winds.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater (PSP_007124_1765)
The streaks in this image suggest that wind is an active process at this site.

Landslide Deposit Below Small Knob in Deuteronilus Mensae
Landslide Deposit Below Small Knob in Deuteronilus Mensae (PSP_006714_2255)
The deposit may have formed from the mass wasting of ice-rich material.



Posts: 131433

New images for 2 April 2008

Walpaper (ZIP):
800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1440x1080 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536  2560x1600
iPHONE 320x480
PSP 480x272

Bright Slope Streaks on Dark Slopes in Bahram Vallis
Bright Slope Streaks on Dark Slopes in Bahram Vallis (PSP_007653_2010)
This scene is a rare case in which only bright streaks are visible on a dark surface.

Rocks Rolling
Rocks Rolling (PSP_007547_1895)
The boulders here may have been thrown out from low-energy secondary craters, or simply eroded out of the above rocky cliff.

Exposure of Layers and Minerals in Candor Chasma
Exposure of Layers and Minerals in Candor Chasma (PSP_007166_1740)
Scanning across several kilometers of relief, this image shows a cliff along a light-toned layered deposit in Valles Marineris.

Crater Cluster in Chryse Planitia
Crater Cluster in Chryse Planitia (PSP_007059_1975)
These secondary craters are sometimes more irregularly shaped since they are typically less energetic impacts.

Crater East of Mojave Crater
Crater East of Mojave Crater (PSP_006703_1875)
This impact crater, east of Mojave Crater, shows potential evidence of impact-induced rainfall.



Posts: 131433



Posts: 131433

New images for 19 March 2008

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800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1440x1080 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536 2560x1600
iPHONE 320x480
PSP 480x272

North Polar Layered Deposits, Covered by Seasonal Frost
North Polar Layered Deposits, Covered by Seasonal Frost (PSP_007493_2650)
Large Polygons in Deuteronilus Mensae
Large Polygons in Deuteronilus Mensae (PSP_007492_2265)
Northern Hemisphere Ice Cap
Northern Hemisphere Ice Cap (PSP_007392_2650)
Slab of Layered Material in Aureum Chaos
Slab of Layered Material in Aureum Chaos (PSP_007006_1765)
Relict Glacial Landform in Deuteronilus Mensae
Relict Glacial Landform in Deuteronilus Mensae (PSP_006806_2215)
Gullies in Sirenum Fossae
Gullies in Sirenum Fossae (PSP_006695_1415)
Landslide in Xanthe Terra
Landslide in Xanthe Terra (PSP_005701_1920)



Posts: 131433



Posts: 131433

New images for 19 March 2008

Walpaper (ZIP):
800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536
iPHONE 320x480
PSP 480x272

Yardangs in Tithonium Chasma
Yardangs in Tithonium Chasma (PSP_007417_1755)
On Mars, yardangs are a common morphology in eroding sedimentary materials since wind is the major erosive process.

Layered Bedrock with Possible Hydrated Sulfates
Layered Bedrock with Possible Hydrated Sulfates (PSP_007403_1670)
The layers exposed in the ridge are darker toned, and possibly of volcanic origin.

Inverted Fluvial Channels and Craters with Ejecta Rays
Inverted Fluvial Channels and Craters with Ejecta Rays (PSP_007394_1750)
The channels have a winding geometry indicating a shift over time, consistent with the flow of water in rivers.

Layered Bedrock in Walls of Ganges Mensa
Layered Bedrock in Walls of Ganges Mensa (PSP_007376_1725)
These layers are of relatively uniform thickness and can be followed over long distances.

Mysterious Bright and Dark Slope Streaks in Arabia Terra
Mysterious Bright and Dark Slope Streaks in Arabia Terra (PSP_007162_1915)
Of special interest in this scene is a series of dark and brighter discolorations along the channel walls known as slope streaks.

Chasm in Gale Crater
Chasm in Gale Crater's Interior Mound (PSP_006855_1750)
Visible in this image is a deep chasm cutting through these layers, which are spectacularly exposed in the chasm walls.

Fresh Crater
Fresh Crater (PSP_006681_1580)
The crater is called fresh because it is well-preserved with steep walls and obvious small-scale ejecta.



Posts: 131433

New images for 12 March 2008

Walpaper (ZIP):
800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536
iPHONE 320x480
PSP 480x272

Defrosting Northern Dunes
Defrosting Northern Dunes (PSP_007193_2640)
In northern winter, a seasonal polar cap composed of carbon dioxide ice forms in the north polar region.

Scallops and Polygons in the Utopia Planitia
Scallops and Polygons in the Utopia Planitia (PSP_007173_2245)
This image shows a portion of the Utopia Planitia, marked by polygonal features bounded by cracks and depressions in the mantle that possess scalloped edges.

Colorful Layers in the Walls of an Unnamed Crater
Colourful Layers in the Walls of an Unnamed Crater (PSP_007151_1445)
An unnamed, bowl-shaped impact crater located in the Southern Highlands.

Inverted Dendritic Stream Channels in Antoniadi Crater
Inverted Dendritic Stream Channels in Antoniadi Crater (PSP_007095_2020)
This crater, even prior to the MRO mission, was identified as a likely ancient lake (now dry) that was supplied by both surface water and ground water.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Miyamoto Crater (PSP_006913_1765)
Miyamoto Crater is located in southwest Meridiani Planum, and southwest of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity landing site.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis - Ellipse 4
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis - Ellipse 4 (PSP_006887_2050)
Mawrth Vallis has a rich mineral diversity, including clay minerals that formed by the chemical alteration of rocks or loose soil by water.

Proposed MSL Site in Holden Crater - Landing Ellipse
Proposed MSL Site in Holden Crater - Landing Ellipse (PSP_006835_1535)
Alluvial fans are deposits of sand, gravel, and sometimes boulders that were eroded from steep slopes and deposited on plains at the base of the slope.

Sand Patches on Crater Floor
Sand Patches on Crater Floor (PSP_006820_1760)
A notable feature on this crater floor is a region of dark patches up to about 100 meters across.

Streamlined Features
Streamlined Features (PSP_006677_1475)
The streamlined features in this image tend to be smooth, suggesting they are relatively young.

Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis Region
Proposed MSL Landing Site in Mawrth Vallis Region (PSP_006676_2045)
This is one of four candidate landing sites in the Mawrth Vallis region.

Bright Material on Crater Floor
Bright Material on Crater Floor (PSP_006673_1600)
Part of a crater wall and floor, where the floor is covered by dunes and distinct regions of bright material.

Layers and Slope Streaks within Valleys along the Highland-Lowland Boundary
Layers and Slope Streaks within Valleys along the Highland-Lowland Boundary (PSP_005574_1720)
Slope streaks and layering on the walls of a valley along the border between the Martian southern highlands and northern lowlands.
Proposed MSL Site in Holden Crater
Proposed MSL Site in Holden Crater (PSP_005411_1535)
Most Martian impact craters that contain large alluvial fans are clustered between 18 and 29 degrees South.




Posts: 131433
Mars Avalanches

Caught in Action: This image shows avalanches on North Polar Scarps.
Full Res JPG (784 kB) Full-Res (NASA's Planetary Photojournal)

Amazingly, this image has captured at least four Martian avalanches, or debris falls, in action. It was taken on February 19, 2008, by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.

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Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Reconnaissance orbiter

A NASA spacecraft in orbit around Mars has taken the first ever image of active avalanches near the Red Planet's north pole. The image shows tan clouds billowing away from the foot of a towering slope, where ice and dust have just cascaded down.
The High Resolution Imaging Experiment (HiRISE) on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took the photograph Feb. 19. It is one of approximately 2,400 HiRISE images being released today.

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Posts: 131433

New images for 03 March 2008

Walpaper (ZIP):
800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1600x1200 1920x1440 2048x1536
iPHONE 320x480
PSP 480x272

Colorful Knobs in Ariadnes Colles
Colourful Knobs in Ariadnes Colles (PSP_007368_1445)
The older bright rock that is now exposed from underneath exhibits raised ridges that are likely fractures that have been filled in with material.

Clay Minerals in Nili Fossae
Clay Minerals in Nili Fossae (PSP_007358_2015)
The many varieties in colour are attributed to variations in the minerals and rock types in this location.

Complex Folds in Hellas Basin
Complex Folds in Hellas Basin (PSP_007346_1405)
In some places, these layers appear to have been soft and deformed like taffy, experiencing what is know as ductile deformation.

Caught in Action: Avalanches on North Polar Scarps
Caught in Action: Avalanches on North Polar Scarps (PSP_007338_2640)
A rare treat: HiRISE captures at least four avalanches in action on the Red Planet.

Finely-Layered Rocks in Ius Chasma
Finely-Layered Rocks in Ius Chasma (PSP_007219_1720)
Much of this region has been covered by dust and sand, that is eroded by wind over time and exposes the light-toned rock underneath the surface.

Colorful Sulfates in Aureum Chaos
Colourful Sulfates in Aureum Chaos (PSP_007217_1755)
The colour differences in this image are a result of variations in the types of sulfates and other minerals present in these rocks.

Northern Plains Seasonal Frost at Phoenix Landing Site
Northern Plains Seasonal Frost at Phoenix Landing Site (PSP_007207_2485)
The polygonal patterns on the surface are commonly referred to as patterned ground and are often found in high latitude and high alpine environments on Earth.

North Polar Site to Monitor Defrosting on Dunes
North Polar Site to Monitor Defrosting on Dunes (PSP_007140_2640)
Slope Streaks on the Rim of Henry Crater
Slope Streaks on the Rim of Henry Crater (PSP_006991_1905 )
Slope streak formation is among the few known processes currently active on Mars making slope streaks some of the youngest features on the Martian surface.

Light-Toned Rock in Southern Highlands
Light-Toned Rock in Southern Highlands (PSP_006962_1520)
The outcrop in this image is located on the floor of a large, old impact crater, and shows the nature of some of the infilling material.

Layered Rocks in Meridiani
Layered Rocks in Meridiani (PSP_006873_1800)
A broad expanse of light-toned sediments in Terra Meridiani, near the Martian equator.

Fretted Terrain and Fresh Crater
Fretted Terrain and Fresh Crater (PSP_006661_2185)
Much of the material filling the trough in this image has a pitted texture, likely formed when ice goes directly to a gas.

Complex Dunes in Kaiser Crater
Complex Dunes in Kaiser Crater (PSP_006609_1330)
The colour subimage of this observation shows a group of north-south trending longitudinal dunes that become sinuous towards the east.

Bedrock in an Unnamed Crater Near Hellas Planitia
Bedrock in an Unnamed Crater Near Hellas Planitia (PSP_005817_1515)
The bedrock visible in this image is crisscrossed by a dense network of rectilinear lines, some of which can be followed for hundreds of meters.

The Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars
The Earth and Moon as Seen from Mars (PSP_005558_9040)
A special HiRISE treat: our world and our Moon as pictured from orbit around the Red Planet.

Valleys in Melas Chasma
Valleys in Melas Chasma (PSP_005452_1700)
This location is interesting to scientists because it shows water activity that resulted from rain in a relatively young region near the equator of Mars.

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