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TOPIC: Mars Reconnaissance orbiter


Posts: 131433
RE: Mars Reconnaissance orbiter

New images for 27 February 2008

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Defrosting Polar Sand Dunes
Defrosting Polar Sand Dunes (PSP_007043_2650)
The dunes imaged here are similar to barchan dunes that are commonly found in desert regions on Earth.

Layers in Gordii Dorsum
Layers in Gordii Dorsum (PSP_006984_1840)
The distinctive surface textures may be due to differences in the rock structure and formation process.

Floor of the Labyrinth of the Night
Floor of the Labyrinth of the Night (PSP_006969_1725)
The individual troughs in this image are kilometers across, with some intriguing fine-scale features.

Mound of Layers in East Candor Chasma
Mound of Layers in East Candor Chasma (PSP_006968_1735)
In the center of the image is a light-toned mound that has dozens of layers exposed along its edge.

Alluvial Fan in Crater East of Maja Valles
Alluvial Fan in Crater East of Maja Valles (PSP_006941_1825)
Alluvial fans with a well-defined channel source area are relatively uncommon on Mars.

Diverse Minerals in Nili Fossae Mound
Diverse Minerals in Nili Fossae Mound (PSP_006778_1995)
The colours in the mound likely correspond to minerals of diverse composition, including a variety of igneous rocks and hydrated minerals.

Gullies in Dao Vallis
Gullies in Dao Vallis (PSP_006659_1460)
Gullies are largely thought to be the result of water flow, but the origin of the water is much debated.

Volcanic Vent East of Pavonis Mons
Volcanic Vent East of Pavonis Mons (PSP_006653_1795)
A volcanic vent is an opening in the crust of a planet that emits lava and volcanic gases.

Layers Filling Crater in Schiaparelli
Layers Filling Crater in Schiaparelli (PSP_005897_1790)
The small crater was filled with light, layered sediments that are now exposed as bulls-eye rings within the crater.

Proposed MSL Site in Nili Fossae Trough
Proposed MSL Site in Nili Fossae Trough (PSP_005776_2010)



Posts: 131433

New images for 20 February 2008

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Dunes in West Arabia Terra  Crater
Dunes in West Arabia Terra Crater (PSP_006952_1870)
These dunes are most likely composed of basaltic sand that has collected on the bottom of the crater.

Unravelling Part of Olympus Mons
Unravelling Part of Olympus Mons' Geologic History (PSP_006891_1970)
While it is one of the youngest volcanoes on Mars, Olympus Mons has a complicated history.

A Dilly of a Crater
A Dilly of a Crater (PSP_006841_1935)
Dilly is what is commonly referred to as a butterfly crater, since the asymmetry of the ejecta gives the appearance of wings and hence, that of a butterfly.

Colorful Outcrops in Schiaparelli
Colorful Outcrops in Schiaparelli (PSP_006754_1790)
The colours indicate different rock layers and wind-blown materials, and a varied and complex geologic history.

Clays in Mawrth Vallis
Clays in Mawrth Vallis (PSP_006742_2050)
With enhanced colour, HiRISE can detect colour differences that indicate various minerals on the surface.

Scarps in Deuteronilus Mensae
Scarps in Deuteronilus Mensae (PSP_006648_2255)
Polygonal fractures, possibly formed by thermal cycles in ice-rich ground, are visible throughout this image.

Young Rampart Crater
Young Rampart Crater (PSP_006588_1615)
Within the crater, we see evidence of landslides originating at the upper edges.

Winter Sunrise over Phoenix
Winter Sunrise over Phoenix (PSP_006561_2485)
A portion of the landing ellipse for the Phoenix Lander, touching down on Mars on 25 May 2008.

Proposed MSL Site in Mawrth Vallis
Proposed MSL Site in Mawrth Vallis (PSP_005964_2045)

-- Edited by Blobrana at 05:48, 2008-02-21



Posts: 131433

New images for 14 February 2008

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Inverted Channels North of Juventae Chasma
Inverted Channels North of Juventae Chasma (PSP_006770_1760)
In this location, it is most likely that water, pure or salt water, once flowed through these channels and deposited sediments that eventually filled the channels.

Gullies, Arcuate Ridges, and Scalloped Terrain in Acidalia Planitia
Gullies, Arcuate Ridges, and Scalloped Terrain in Acidalia Planitia (PSP_006690_2280)
This image covers the eastern part of an unnamed crater located in the northern lowlands, showing features that may indicate the presence of ice-rich materials.

Layers on Floor of Trough in Noctis Labyrinthis
Layers on Floor of Trough in Noctis Labyrinthis (PSP_006679_1680)
Layering is commonly seen along the upper walls of these troughs but in some cases, like this HiRISE image, layering is also visible along the floors of the trough.

Dunes with Unusual Gully
Dunes with Unusual Gully (PSP_006648_1300)
This dune gully has a very incised alcove, what appears to be streamlined islands on the channel floor, and a large, feathery debris apron.

Light-toned Layers in Eos Chaos
Light-toned Layers in Eos Chaos (PSP_005385_1640)
An outcrop of light-toned rock in Eos Chaos, a knobby region which transitions into the Eos Chasma.

Proposed MSL site in Nili Fossae Trough
Proposed MSL site in Nili Fossae Trough (PSP_004497_2010)
Proposed MSL site



Posts: 131433

New images for 06 February 2008

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Terby Crater
Terby Crater (PSP_006752_1525)
As a possible landing site for the Mars Science Laboratory, Terby Crater was blasted into the northern rim of the gargantuan Hellas Basin by either an asteroid or comet impact.

Textured Surface in the Southern Part of Trumpler Crater
Textured Surface in the Southern Part of Trumpler Crater (PSP_006734_1180)
The surface is mantled by a deposit that is postulated to be largely a mix of dust and ice.

Small Cones North of Olympus Mons
Small Cones North of Olympus Mons (PSP_006667_2150)
Cones similar to these are found atop the freshest lava flows on Mars in Athabasca Valles.

Wrinkle Ridge in Solis Planum
Wrinkle Ridge in Solis Planum (PSP_006573_1560)
This ridge is located in the Thaumasia region of Mars, a high-elevation volcanic plain located south of Valles Marineris.

HiRISE Student Image of the Week: Intersection of Hyblaeus and Elysium Chasmata
HiRISE Student Image of the Week: Intersection of Hyblaeus and Elysium Chasmata (PSP_003545_2025)
Steve Hallas class at Leap Academy Charter High School in Camden, NJ, suggested this image, a region near the intersection of Elysium Chasma and Hyblaeus Chasma.



Posts: 131433

The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter captured this image of a Martian happy face on January 28th. The unnamed crater is about 3 kilometers across.
Credit  NASA



Posts: 131433

New images for 30 January 2008

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Possible Salt Deposits in Noachis Terra
Possible Salt Deposits in Noachis Terra (PSP_006649_1615)
Salt deposits typically form when water evaporates, suggesting that this might have once been an area favorable for life on Mars.

Potential Landing Site in Nili Fossae
Potential Landing Site in Nili Fossae (PSP_006633_2010)
Exposed clay minerals in this area may be the result of chemical reactions between hot water and rocks.

Clay Minerals in the Northwestern Bosporos Montes
Clay Minerals in the Northwestern Bosporos Montes (PSP_006625_1405)
Such minerals contain water and may have formed under conditions favorable for life.
Potential Landing Site Near Mawrth Vallis
Potential Landing Site Near Mawrth Vallis (PSP_006610_2035)
This image shows a wide variety of scientifically interesting terrains as well as some potential hazards for landing.

Layering and Slope Streaks in Henry Crater
Layering and Slope Streaks in Henry Crater (PSP_006569_1915)
The layers represent the eroded remains of sedimentary rocks that formed from sediments deposited within the crater sometime after its formation.
Flooded Terrain in Terra Sabaea
Flooded Terrain in Terra Sabaea (PSP_006567_2220)
Two distinctly different terrain types are visible in this image of the northern lowlands of Mars.
Sources of Basaltic Sand
Sources of Basaltic Sand (PSP_006528_1120)
Sand dunes are among the most prominent wind-formed features found on Mars.

Varied Aeolian Features in Arabia Terra
Varied Aeolian Features in Arabia Terra (PSP_006504_1910)
A particularly interesting aspect of this site is that there appears to have been multiple styles of wind activity.

Aurorae Chaos
Aurorae Chaos (PSP_005424_1700)
Chaotic terrain is thought to form from subsurface collapse following volatile release.



Posts: 131433

New images for 24 January 2008

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Outcrops in the Hellas Montes
Outcrops in the Hellas Montes (PSP_006672_1420)
The Hellas Montes are a group of mountains along the western rim of the giant Hellas Basin on Mars.

Southern Dunes and Spiders
Southern Dunes and Spiders (PSP_006538_1035)
A rare glimpse of an area frequently obscured by clouds or covered by surface frosts.

Layered Sediments in Terby Crater
Layered Sediments in Terby Crater (PSP_006475_1525)
Part of a large region of layered rocks in Terby Crater, in the southern highlands of Mars, suggesting a diverse geologic history.

Splotches and Channels Near Sisyphi Montes
Splotches and Channels Near Sisyphi Montes (PSP_005424_1075)
High latitude terrain near the Sisyphi Montes, with patterned ground everywhere throughout the scene.

Polar Pit Gullies
Polar Pit Gullies (PSP_005410_1115)
The gullies do not appear to have been active recently, as their channels and alcoves are covered with polygonal fractures and ripples that have formed over time.



Posts: 131433

Martian winds are more complex than previously thought.
Mars has an ethereal, tenuous atmosphere at less than 1 percent the surface pressure of Earth, so scientists working on The University of Arizona's High Resolution Imaging Experiment, or HiRISE, are challenged to explain the complex, wind-sculpted landforms they're now seeing in unprecedented detail.
The HiRISE camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the most powerful camera to orbit another planet, can see 20-inch-diameter features while flying at about 7,500 mph between 155 and 196 miles above the Martian surface. HiRISE is giving researchers eye-opening new views of wind-driven Mars geology.

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Posts: 131433

New images for 16 January 2008

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Intersecting Graben in Utopia Planitia
Intersecting Graben in Utopia Planitia (PSP_006500_2200)
Dust-Devil Tracks in Southern Schiaparelli Basin
Dust-Devil Tracks in Southern Schiaparelli Basin (PSP_006477_1745)
Colliding Dunes in Meridiani Planum
Colliding Dunes in Meridiani Planum (PSP_006254_1885)
Intra-Crater Deposits in Nilosyrtis
Intra-Crater Deposits in Nilosyrtis (PSP_006250_2200)
Sand Dunes in Nili Patera Caldera
Sand Dunes in Nili Patera Caldera (PSP_005684_1890)



Posts: 131433

New images for 9 January 2008

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Wrinkle Ridge in Solis Planum
Wrinkle Ridge in Solis Planum (PSP_006494_1535)
A wrinkle ridge in the Solis Planum, a high-elevation volcanic plain located south of the Valles Marineris canyon system.

Central Pit Crater
Central Pit Crater (PSP_005409_1530)
Impact craters have different morphologies depending on the size of the impactor and the properties of the target material.

Winslow Crater: A Not-So-Fresh, Fresh Crater
Winslow Crater: A Not-So-Fresh, Fresh Crater (PSP_004313_1760)
This fresh impact crater was targeted after examinations of temperature images derived from THEMIS.

Hills and Cones in Utopia
Hills and Cones in Utopia (PSP_003573_2110)
While the terrain in Utopia Planitia is generally smooth and flat, this image shows several hills.

Gullies with Sharp Color Contrasts
Gullies with Sharp Color Contrasts (PSP_003492_1405)
A southern mid-latitude crater, with bright landslides and noticeable boulder tracks.

Scalloped Terrain with Layers
Scalloped Terrain with Layers (PSP_002162_2260)
An area in the northern mid-latitudes of Mars that is marked by large depressions in the mantle.

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