Zunil Crater is a well-preserved impact crater approximately 10 km across. Because it's so well preserved, scientists think the crater was carved out by a meteor impact less than 10 million years ago - that's young, considering some of the craters on Mars are billions of years old.
Light-Toned Bedrock Along Cracks as Evidence of Fluid Alteration
Credit NASA
This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment Camera on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows two streamlined mesas of layered bedrock. The windward slopes of these mesas appear smooth, consistent with wind erosion. Boulders are common along the northwest slopes of the mesas. The horizontal spacing of joints appears to control the lateral dimensions of many of the largest boulders.
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) Release No. 1 This release contains data and documentation from MRO HiRISE products. The data may be accessed via AtlasII or the online data volumes.
Edge of the Olympus Mons Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System, has a mysterious halo (aureole) of material on its western and northern sides.
Fans of Lava Flows on the Flanks of Olympus Mons In the center of this HiRISE image, you can see the transition from well-confined lava channels into broad fans as the lava flowed down to the north.
Large Lava Fan on the Northwestern Flank of Olympus Mons Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the Solar System is a shield volcano built up by lava flow after lava flow.
Candidate Cavern Entrance Northeast of Arsia Mons A very dark spot on an otherwise bright dusty lava plain to the northeast of Arsia Mons, one of the four giant Tharsis volcanoes.
Dark Slope Streak with Streak-Generated Topography A portion of PSP_003542_2035 showing a dark slope streak north of Olympus Mons, in a region covered by a Mars Orbital Camera image.
Image PSP_001942_2310 shows a crater approximately 11 km (7 miles) in diameter, located in Acidalia Planitia, part of the Northern Plains. Several features in and around this crater are suggestive of fluids and ice at and near the surface.
New Images for Release: 2 May 2007 Proposed MSL Site in Eberswalde Crater PSP_003222_1565 Proposed MSL Site in Nilo Syrtis PSP_003231_2095 Pedestal Crater in the Medusa Fossae Formation PSP_003253_1880 Valleys on the Ejecta Blanket from Cerulli Crater PSP_003312_2145 Proposed MSL Site in Juventae Chasma PSP_003368_1755 Dark-Toned Ridges in Meridiani PSP_003379_1835