Orbital elements:
2010 PK9 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0160 AU
Epoch 2014 May 23.0 TT = JDT 2456800.5 MPC
M 47.20562 (2000.0) P Q
n 1.74878310 Peri. 195.59778 -0.78492018 -0.59445207
a 0.6823053 Node 306.59652 +0.58920425 -0.62889258
e 0.6757502 Incl. 12.56949 +0.19167331 -0.50111960
P 0.56 H 21.8 G 0.15 U 4
The 110 - 240 metre wide asteroid 2010 PK9 will make a close pass (56.3 lunar distances, 0.1446 AU), travelling at 14.48 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 23rd August 2014 @ 08:41 UT ±00:01.
Orbital elements: 2010 PK9 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0160 AU Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5 MPC M 119.14699 (2000.0) P Q n 1.74617588 Peri. 195.63931 -0.78538970 -0.59439763 a 0.6829843 Node 306.58929 +0.58849910 -0.63046560 e 0.6725522 Incl. 12.42684 +0.19191623 -0.49920395 P 0.56 H 21.9 G 0.15 U 9