An extremely bright fireball announced both the coming of the day and of the entry of the Grossliebenthal meteoroid into the Odessa region of the Ukraine. Its moderately large mass allowed analysis by several observers during the 19th Century so that its status as an ordinary chondrite has been known for over a century with a few labeling changes along the way as terminology for both meteorites and minerals have evolved. Read more
An interesting report upon a meteorite which fell at Grossliebenthall, near Odessa, in November, 1881, has just been furnished to the French Academy of Sciences by M. Daubree. About 7 o'clock one morning a bright and serpentine tail of fire was seen passing over the town by the inhabitants of Odessa, and M. Prendel, editor of one of the Odessa papers, surmising that the phenomenon betokened a fall of meteorites, offered a reward to any person who would bring him one. There days afterward a gentlemen of Grossliebenthall brought him one which had been found by a peasant who was nearly frightened out of his senses at its fall. It fell beside him while at work in his field and buried itself .55 meters into the ground. Read more