Colorado Attorney General John Suthers has joined the fight against a Montrose man accused of selling fake meteorites. Newly released court documents portray a fraud operation that could have duped consumers out of millions of dollars. At the center of the investigation: Montrose man Steve Curry, his company Uncompahgre Meteorites, and his charity Osirus Foundation. Read more
A man in Montrose, Colo. offered phony meteorites for as much as $500,000 apiece, falsely claimed that most of the purchase price is tax deductible through his foundation, and threatened museum curators who told him his rocks are bogus, the Colorado attorney general says. Colorado sued Steven Curry and his companies, The Osirius Foundation and Uncompahgre Meteorites, all of Montrose, in Denver County Court. Read more
Controversy Brews Over Meteorites Sold On Western Slope
There's a battle brewing over meteorites on the Western Slope. Are they real, or are they just space junk? A small Grand Junction store called Main Street Minerals and Beads is where people came for something out of this world. They are Plassitic meteorites collected by Steve Curry. The going rate is about $600. Read more
The police department says Curry could face heavier charges if he continues to sell his meteorites as advertised. Curry says the man who tipped off police is a competitor in the rock and mineral industry, who has tried to frame him as a phony before. Read more
Montrose meteorite aficionado and seller Steve Curry has touted his discoveries to local media, last year telling the Daily Press he donated most of his proceeds to charity because the celestial rocks "don't belong to us." But now, Curry is in hot water over fraud allegations. While the mineral he sold through a Grand Junction store to another collector did belong to him, it might not be a meteorite. Read more
According to a police report they tested the meteorite and found it to be just a piece of terrestrial iron, not a meteorite. Police say they gathered enough information from their investigation to issue a summons to curry for theft, criminal simulation and fraud effecting sales. All of the charges curry is facing are misdemeanours but he says he takes his work seriously and would not put his name on a fake meteorite. Read more
Man Wants Montrose Recognised as the Meteorite Capitol of the World
Take a walk on Sunset Mesa in Montrose and you're likely to find someone playing Frisbee golf. You might also spot Steve Curry staring at the ground. He says the area is one enormous strewn field. Read more