Orbital elements:
2011 KQ12 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0410 AU
Epoch 2014 Dec. 9.0 TT = JDT 2457000.5 MPC
M 157.47986 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.40462933 Peri. 142.84451 -0.65432177 +0.68128376
a 1.8103580 Node 83.68399 -0.74858287 -0.52202561
e 0.5031777 Incl. 19.28119 -0.10717608 -0.51316830
P 2.44 H 19.4 G 0.15 U 1
Orbital elements:
2011 KQ12 PHA, Earth MOID = 0.0437 AU
Epoch 2011 Aug. 27.0 TT = JDT 2455800.5 MPC
M 32.05718 (2000.0) P Q
n 0.40336754 Peri. 142.77237 -0.65511089 +0.68022147
a 1.8141314 Node 83.67882 -0.74803737 -0.52280477
e 0.5051225 Incl. 19.31979 -0.10615938 -0.51378393
P 2.44 H 19.3 G 0.15 U 8
The 390 - 800 metre wide asteroid 2011 KQ12 will make a close pass (128 lunar distances, 0.328 AU), travelling at 22.14 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 14th July, 2011 @ 23:55 UT ±05:30.