This meteoric stone was kindly placed at the disposal of the writer for examination by Dr. A. W. Rogers, Director of the Geological Survey of the Union of South Africa, and a piece (Reg. No. 1922,769) weighing 144 grams was obtained for the British Museum Collection. It was seen to fall on June 21, 1912, at about 2 pm. at Leeuwfontcin, Engelbrecht Drift, Pretoria, Transvaal. Mr. Martlnuus Swart, the owner of the farm on which the meteorite fell, stated, in reply to inquiries made by Dr. E. C. Van Hoepen, that he was busy with irrigation in his corn lands when there was 'thunder and lightning in the air and a noise', and he saw the stone fall about thirteen paces from him in the presence of Mr. F. J. Halscher and two natives. The stone when picked up was lukewarm. Source (PDF)