Asteroid (3103) Eger is an Apollo and Mars-crosser asteroid that was discovered in 1982, by Miklós Lovas. It was named after the city of Eger, Hungary. It makes eight approaches to Earth less than 30 Gm (0.2 AU) in the 20th and 21st centuries. The last close approach was in August 2006 at 19.2 Gm (0.13 AU). The next is in August 2011 at 22.9 Gm (0.15 AU). Read more
The 1500 metre wide asteroid 3103 Eger will make a close pass (59.5 lunar distances, 0.1528 AU), travelling at 16.36 km/second, to the Earth-Moon system on the 4th August, 2011 @ 23:18 UT ±00:01.