Numerous instances are on record in which meteoric masses or aerolites have been seen to reach the earth, and been subsequently found In such cases either a single mass or a number of fragments are discovered embedded in the ground, at depths varying from a few inches to several feet, and when handled immediately after their arrival they are often found to be more or less hot-some times intensely so. One instance, however is recorded of the meteoric stone being intensely cold. This occurred at Dhurmsala in India, on the 14th July, 1860 about 2 0'clock in the afternoon. The aerolite fell with a most fearful noise, terrifying the inhabitants of the district. Several fragments were picked up by the natives and carried religiously away, with the impression that they had been thrown from the summit of the Himalayas by an invisible Divinity. Some of these stones were forwarded by the Vice-roy of India to the British Museum, and some to the Vienna Museum, They are ordinary earthy aerolites, with a specific gravity of 3 15, and containing fragments of iron and iron pyrites. Read more